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Jan. 8, 2016: Perhaps wherever I noted "the estimated standard error of the random factors of the estimated residuals," I should have said "the estimated standard deviation of the random factors of the estimated residuals." I saw some... more
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      Applied StatisticsSurvey MethodologySurvey ResearchSurvey Research (Research Methodology)
This paper proposed the combination of two statistical techniques for the detection and imputation of outliers in time series data. An autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous inputs (ARIMAX) model is used to extract the... more
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      Time series analysisOutlier detectionHypothesis testingMissing Data Imputation
Intensive agricultural practices represent a major threat to aquatic ecosystems because they impair water quality. However, this can be ameliorated by farmers improving crop management provided they are aware of their contribution to... more
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      Water qualityEnvironmental MonitoringMissing Data Imputation
The principles of the iterative approach to deal with missing data are presented and the performance of this approach in multivariate methods such as PCA, PCR, PLS and N-way is studied. Matlab codes for these analyses are appended.
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      PsychologyAnalytical ChemistryStatisticsBehavioral Sciences
This article urges counseling psychology researchers to recognize and report how missing data are handled, because consumers of research cannot accurately interpret findings without knowing the amount and pattern of missing data or the... more
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      PsychologyResearch MethodologyResearch DesignCounseling Psychology
Sales forecasting became crucial for industries in past decades with rapid globalization, widespread adoption of information technology towards e-business, understanding market fluctuations, meeting business plans, and avoiding loss of... more
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      Automotive Systems EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningTime Series
Given the paucity of specimens available, it is necessary to extract as much information as possible for each specimen, even when only partial remains are present due to taphonomic or other destructive processes. While different methods... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyBioarchaeologyMissing Data ImputationAncestry Estimation
This paper introduces a new algorithm for gap filling in univariate time series by using SSA. In this algorithm, the data before the missing values and the data after the missing values (in reverse order) are treated as two separate time... more
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      StatisticsTime series analysisSingular Spectrum AnalysisMissing Data Imputation
The present article discusses various preprocessing techniques suitable for dealing with time series data for environmental science-related studies. The errors or noises due to electronic sensor fault, fault in the communication channel,... more
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      Environmental ScienceData ScienceMissing DataOutlier detection
The book (in Bulgarian) analyses relative advantages and disadvantages, challenges and approaches in sample optimisation in case of missing data. През последните 10–12 години в емпиричната социология в България извадковите изследвания... more
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      Survey MethodologySurvey ResearchSamplingMissing Data
Raw data collected through surveys, experiments, coding of textual artifacts or other quantitative means may not meet the assumptions upon which statistical analyses rely. The presence of univariate or multivariate outliers, skewness or... more
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      StatisticsMultivariate StatisticsResearch MethodologyApplied Statistics
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      PsychologyStatisticsBehavioral SciencesSocial Research Methods and Methodology
This paper examines the effectiveness of different methods in imputing mileage incurred by commercial motor carriers (used as exposure measures in deriving safety indices of carriers), by using an administrative dataset on motor carriers.... more
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      Safety EngineeringData MiningData AnalysisMissing Data
Branding is a strategy designed by companies to help patrons or consumers quickly identify their products or organisations and give them a reason to choose their products or organisations over other competitors. In the Old Testament, God... more
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      PentecostalismMissional Church TheologyMissing Data ImputationAfrican pentecostalism
The purpose of this study is to impute missing monthly maximum temperature data from the department of Valle del Cauca, located in Colombia, over a period of two years (2013 y 2014). For this, a geostatistical technique will be used,... more
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      Spatial AnalysisColombiaGeostatisticsSpatial Databases
This practical introduction is geared towards scientists who wish to employ Bayesian networks for applied research using the BayesiaLab software platform. Through numerous examples, this book illustrates how implementing Bayesian networks... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningCausalityBayesian Networks
Nowadays applications and technological evolution have caused the production and storage of huge volumes of data. This scenario facilitated the increased occurrence of missing values in data sets. Missing data is harmful for statistical... more
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      Machine LearningMissing Data Imputation
Missing data are often encountered in many areas of research. Complete case analysis and indicator method can lead to serious bias. One of the comforting methods is implementation of imputation methods. The main purpose of this paper is... more
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      Missing DataMissing Data ImputationSingle Imputation Methods
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      Missing DataMissing data analysisMissing Data ImputationMultiple Imputation
"An important step in building a wind farm is to choose the most suitable turbine. The selection of the turbine involves a careful analysis of costs and technical parameters, among which stands out the capacity factor, whose calculation... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMathematical StatisticsStatisticsData Analysis (Engineering)
La presencia en las bases de datos de registros sin información (missing values) y de valores extremos (outliers) es muy frecuente (ciencias sociales y otras) y no tomar en cuenta estos valores puede generar situaciones no deseadas en la... more
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      Missing DataMissing Data ImputationImputation
This article urges counseling psychology researchers to recognize and report how missing data are handled, because consumers of research cannot accurately interpret findings without knowing the amount and pattern of missing data or the... more
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      Counseling PsychologyMissing Data Imputation
Missing data are unavoidable in wireless sensor networks, due to issues such as network communication outage, sensor maintenance or failure, etc. Although a plethora of methods have been proposed for imputing sensor data, limitations... more
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      Machine LearningTime SeriesMissing Data ImputationInternet of Things (IoT)
In developing regions missing data are prevalent in historical hydrological datasets, owing to financial, institutional, operational and technical challenges. If not tackled, these data shortfalls result in uncertainty in flood frequency... more
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      Satellite remote sensingFlood modellingRiver Basin ManagementSatellite Altimetry
This study examines the prevalence and correlates of psychiatric disorders and mental health problems among undocumented Mexican immigrants using the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS). Two approaches were used to obtain... more
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      Social WorkMental HealthPsychiatric EpidemiologyUndocumented Immigration
Researchers are often interested in the relationship between two variables, with no single data set containing both. A common strategy is to use proxies for the dependent variable that are common to two surveys to impute the dependent... more
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      ConsumptionSurvey ResearchMeasurement ErrorMissing Data Imputation
The imputation of missing data is often a crucial step in the analysis of survey data.This study reviews typical problems with missing data and discusses a method for the imputation of missing survey data with a large number of... more
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      Research MethodologyMissing Data ImputationSocial Science Research
The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychometric properties of scales with different missing data techniques. For this purpose 100 data sets were generated under different conditions for sample sizes (250, 500 and 1000) and... more
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      PsychometricsApplied PsychometricsMissing Data ImputationImputation of Missing Values In Statistical Data
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      Missing DataMissing Data ImputationCrime Data, Imputation
Özet: Bu araştırmada, farklı oranlarda (%15 ve %25) ve yapılarda (TROK ve ROK) oluşturulan kayıp veriler yerine farklı yöntemlerle yaklaşık değer atanması sonucu elde edilen veri setlerinin tam veri setleriyle karşılaştırılarak... more
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      Bayesian statisticsMissing DataMissing Data ImputationMissing Value
Data collection is a fundamental component in the study of energy and buildings. Errors and inconsistencies in the data collected from test environment can negatively influence the energy consumption modelling of a building and other... more
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      Energy Efficiency BuildingsEnergy and EnvironmentEnergy Efficiency in buildings and citiesEnergy efficiency
Imputation is a common method for replacing a missing value with one or more fabricated values. The terminology and methodology of imputation is often confusing because no general framework exists. This paper is an attempt to develop such... more
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    • Missing Data Imputation
ourly measured PM10 concentration at eight monitoring stations within peninsular Malaysia in 2006 was used to conduct the simulated missing data. The gap lengths of the simulated missing values are limited to ≤12 hours since the actual... more
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      Performance indicatorsMissing Data ImputationPM10 Particulate MatterMultiple Imputation
The integration of XML data sources which have different schemas/DTD can originate structural and vocabular heterogeneity. In this context, it is difficult to write satisfiable queries. As a solution, many Information Systems focus on... more
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      Data MiningDatabase SystemsData WarehousingData mining (Data Analysis)
With large amounts of unstructured data being produced every day, organizations are trying to extract as much relevant information as possible. This massive quantity of data is collected from a variety of sources, and data analysts and... more
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      Data MiningDatabase SystemsData AnalysisKnowledge Discovery in Databases
ABSTRAK Curah hujan adalah informasi penting di bidang transportasi, pertanian, industri dll. Dengan mengetahui informasi curah hujan, tindakan dapat diambil secara tepat di beberapa bidang tersebut. sehingga tidak ada kerugian karena... more
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      Outlier detectionMissing Data ImputationK- nearest neighbour (KNN)Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychometric properties of scales with different missing data techniques. For this purpose 100 data sets were generated under different conditions for sample sizes (250, 500 and 1000) and... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisConfirmatory factor analysisMissing Data ImputationMultiple Imputation
We evaluated alternative approaches to imputation for univariate estimates and multivariate regression analyses of physiological health measures collected in the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). From... more
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      Survey MethodologySurvey Research (Research Methodology)Physiological MeasurementsMissing Data Imputation
I analyze a series of techniques designed for replacing missing data. From the extensive literature on political values in postcommunist countries, I selected one of the most discussed models – the one proposed by Reisinger et al. (1994).... more
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      Missing DataMissing data analysisMissing Data ImputationMultiple Imputation
Unlike many other places around the globe, Hong Kong is a small city with a high population density. Some housing units are built near the sources of an externality, such as a landfill site. As the blocks of buildings are particularly... more
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      Environmental ScienceEconomicsData MiningHousing & Residential Design
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of different missing data techniques on the item parameters estimated for Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT) comparatively through simulated and real data sets.... more
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      Item Response TheoryMissing DataClassical test theoryMissing Data Imputation
Statistics Netherlands participated in the EUREDIT project, a large international research and development project on statistical data editing and imputation that lasted from March 2000 till February 2003. The main goals of this project... more
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      Missing Data ImputationBusiness SurveysStatistical Data Editing
Most of hydrological studies are based on statistical science. The first step in water project engineering studies, agricultural development plans and such like is to use of correct data and information. However, because of various... more
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      Data Miningstatistics with SPSS and ExcelMissing DataMissing Data Imputation
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      Forensic AnthropologyBioarchaeologySkeletal BiologyBiodistance
This is a letter to the editor of the Journal of Official Statistics (JOS). It addresses an article in the previous issue of JOS on cutoff sampling, which referenced this author, and attempts to clarify some positions, including that with... more
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      Survey SamplingApplied StatisticsSurvey MethodologySurvey Research
EIA Seminar slides to explain ‘prediction’ to other statisticians and data analysts. Graphics are illustrative. The 3-D scatterplots (Joel Douglas) would be rotated to 2-D views for analyses, but are shown in partially rotated form here,... more
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      StatisticsSurvey SamplingApplied StatisticsData Analysis
Huntington’s disease HD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of CAG repeats in the IT15 gene. The age-at-onset AAO of HD is inversely related to the CAG repeat length and the minimum length thought to... more
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      Neurodegenerative DiseasesDisease PredictionMissing Data Imputation
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      CriminologyPoliceMissing Data Imputation
Rainfall amounts and water surface elevation are considered as one of the most important climatic parameters. Because these two parameters will have a direct impact on water resources management decisions such as meet the water needs and... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceTechnologyData Mining
Effective control of energy storage system (ESS), supplying an ancillary service to a grid, requires effective and critical calculation of state-of-charge (SoC). Charging and discharging values from battery operations are essential in... more
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      Data AnalysisEnergyEnergy Storage (in Engineering)Home Energy Management Systems