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This article compares the concepts of “text-within-a-text” and “mise en abyme”. Until now, there have been no attempts to analyze and differentiate them in Russian literary studies. This paper tries to identify these phenomena by... more
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      NarrativeMise en abyme - TheorySemiotic Analysis
The maturity of the dramatic genre is marked by the form as it was re-defined in each time and along the history of the theater. The exercise of writing stimulated by the stage, and there returning, demonstrates the interconnection... more
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      Mise en abyme - TheoryDrama and theatre studies
L’usage de la mise en abyme abonde dans l’art du XVIIe siècle, qui voit une profusion de tableaux figurés dans des toiles. Elle se manifeste notamment sous forme de prolongement ou d'explicitation de la représentation, à l’aide de miroirs... more
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      IconographyPrint CultureMise en abyme - TheoryEarly Modern print culture
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      Martin HeideggerMise en abyme - TheoryGerard GenetteModalities
O termo "mise en abyme" é geralmente definido como "alguma coisa dentro de uma outra igual a si", mas o conceito revela-se bem mais complexo... O seguinte ensaio corresponde a uma breve leitura à primeira parte do texto de Dallenbach de... more
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      Mise en abyme - TheoryAndré GideAndré Gide (1869-1951)Mise-En-Abîme
In the twentieth century, few people have influenced perceptions of Zen in the West as much as Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki. Thus far, studies of Suzuki have not addressed the literary forms he used to convey his construction of Zen, thereby... more
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      Zen BuddhismModernityMise en abyme - TheoryD.T. Suzuki
본고는 프로이트의 「언캐니」를 다시 읽으면서 “언캐니”의 의미를 다시 고찰하고, 국문 번역에 나타나는 몇 가지 중요한 오역을 수정하고 있다. “두려운 낯설음”이라는 국내 번역은 옌치의 정의만을 고려하고 있지만, 프로이트가 말하는 언캐니는 오래전부터 알고 있던 친숙한 감정인 모태 회귀 욕망이 초자아의 등장으로 자아에게 두려움으로 변형되어 느껴지는 감정을 말한다. 이를 증명하기 위해서 본고는 독일어 unheimlich의... more
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      Sigmund FreudThe uncannyMise en abyme - Theory
In his last novel, El arpa y la sombra (1979), Alejo Carpentier provides the reader with his literary testament through an apocryphal reconstruction of Christopher Columbus´ life and myth. Stemming from this historiographic excuse, the... more
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      Latin American StudiesCuban StudiesLatin American literatureMetafiction
Lorsque l'on pense à la modernité littéraire, il nous vient généralement à l'esprit l'importance de la révolution baudelairienne, qui a modifié en profondeur la posture lyrique du poème ainsi que son rapport au réel. Dès lors, dans la... more
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      Comparative LiteratureNarratologyModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Self-Reference, Reflexivity, Reflection
Özet Bu çalışmada, Fransızca anlamı “sonsuzluğa düşüş” olan ve dilimize “erken anlatı” olarak çevrilen üstkurmaca tekniği “mise en abyme”in Orhan Pamuk’un “Kara Kitap” adlı romanındaki kullanımı incelenecektir. Mise en abyme, Balzac... more
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      PostmodernismMetafictionPostmodernism (Literature)Mise en abyme - Theory
ESCALAS ALTERADAS La manipulación de la escala como detonante del proceso de diseño Escalas alteradas está centrada en la reflexión en torno a uno de los atributos fundamentales de la forma y el espacio como lo es la escala, y en... more
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      DesignArchitectureSurrealismDesign Theory
Masters Thesis for the University of Georgia: This study examines the bizarre account of the mutiny of the Usipi in Tacitus’ Agricola. It argues that this centrally placed, ostensible digression actually functions as a mise en abyme... more
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      Roman HistoriographyLiterary TheoryAncient HistoriographyTacitus
Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук, Москва, 2017.
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      NarratologyMise en abyme - TheorySelf-Reflexivity
"Serious games for learning, used in the professional world, link both game and work practices. This issue concerns designers as well as training managers and human resources managers, all interested in transferring and evaluating... more
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      E-learningSerious GamesDocumentary (Communication)Computer-Based Learning
This chapter casts a critical eye on various classifications of reflexivity that have been proposed by film and media scholars over a number of decades. These center on the reflexive content of films, their self-referential communicative... more
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      Film TheoryIntermedialityFilm SemioticsIntermediality In Cinema
David Lynch is known for its surrealistic and bizarre spectacles in his films in and out of America which puzzle and disturb the viewers and yet force them to ponder on the underlying mystery and meaning of them. Multilayered and... more
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      Film StudiesLiterature and cinemaFilm AnalysisNarratology
Il mio studio si propone di mettere in luce l'importanza dei modelli rappresentativi - a scopo euristico, cioè a scopo di conoscenza della realtà, - e a scopo epistemologico di categorizzazione e costruzione del pensiero e di... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationMise en abyme - TheoryTraducción
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      Comics StudiesAutobiographyGraphic NovelsNarrative and Identity
La raccolta poetica di Juan Gelman costruita sulla mistica dei poeti andalusi ebrei sefarditi (Rayuela Edizioni, Milano, 2011 - trad. di Laura Branchini - segnalata sia al premio Monselice sia all'Achille Marazza per l'alta qualità del... more
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      Translation StudiesMise en abyme - Theorypoesía española del Siglo de OroLiteratura Sefardí
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      NarratologyMetafictionMise en abyme - TheoryMetalepsis
In che modo un narratore ricorre a quel genere di materiale di scena, articolato e composito, che chiamiamo ‘città’? Per fare un caso specifico, in che modo e con quali obiettivi la pagina dello scrittore Carlo Emilio Gadda –... more
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      NarratologyCarlo Emilio GaddaMise en abyme - TheoryNarrativa Breve
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtOrnament (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman Art
This study contributes to the arguments of mise-en-abyme and meta-narratives in literature on the issue of production of a text, story, novel and the act of writing itself. The research question is how the characters in Orhan Pamuk’s... more
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      Meta-OntologyAuthorshipMise en abyme - TheoryOrhan Pamuk
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      Mise en abyme - TheoryContemporary PhotographyDouglas CrimpMetapictures
Toute la difficulté du mode production scripturale du procédé primitif de Raymond Roussel pourrait se résumer à la quête de solutions narratives et matérielles assez économes de moyens qui réussissent la compatibilité, sur une même chaîne... more
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      20th Century French LiteratureMise en abyme - TheoryMetarepresentationMetatextuality
4e de couverture: Qu'est-ce qu'une « mise en abyme » et en quoi consiste sa puissance de jeu et de réflexion ? Dans une image ou un texte, sait-on toujours déterminer où commence et où s'achève cet enchâssement étonnant, voire... more
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      SemioticsComparative LiteratureVisual StudiesMedia Studies
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
Modern and postmodern narrative practices offer a wide range of devices providing the intertextual interaction within narrative. A special case of this interaction is the discursive literary practice which creates an effect of interior... more
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      SemioticsNarratologyMise en abyme - Theory
The article refers to the problem of representing traumatic experience by means of mise en abyme narrative figure. A methodology for this study was formed at the intersection of rhetorical narratology, cognitive narratology, trauma... more
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      NarratologyTrauma StudiesMise en abyme - Theory
Tesi magistrale di teoria del cinema. Un approfondimento del concetto di riflessività e di meta-linguaggio nel cinema, prendendo come casi di studio la figura di Don Chisciotte nella letteratura e nelle sue due più emblematiche... more
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      ReflexivityCinemaOrson WellesMise en abyme - Theory
INDICE  Premessa Pag. 2  Introduzione: La mise en abyme Pag. 4  Filosofia: I paradossi del regressum in infinitum Pag. 6  Arte: La mise en abyme nella rappresentazione Pag. 12  Italiano: La metapoesia Pag. 21  Inglese: Hamlet and... more
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    • Mise en abyme - Theory
The paper is an attempt at drawing the relationships between realism and mise en abyme. Starting with Artur Sandauer’s concept, who understood the development of mise en abyme poetics as a result of the demise of realist... more
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      ReferencePoetryContemporary Polish LiteratureTheories Of Reference
O mise en abyme em "O espelho", de Machado de Assis Cássia Macieira UEMG Universidade do Estado de MG É inelutável criar analogias entre obras de arte, e, particularmente provocativo, quando se tem o mesmo objeto privilegiado em... more
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      Mise en abyme - TheoryGuimarães RosaMise En AbymeMachado de Assis Studies
La « réflexivité » est au centre de toutes les disciplines des sciences humaines, bien que traitée à travers une myriade d’approches et même de dénominations. Cette étude en deux parties se propose la double tâche de montrer,... more
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      SemioticsSociologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
Jorge Luis Borges had a habit for rewriting facts, or reading them arbitrarily in his own writings. This is an element of his style that is now known as the “Borgesian hoax.” One of the best-known examples of this is Borges’ idea of the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJorge Luis BorgesMise en abyme - TheoryHamlet
Mise en abyme, according to Gregory Minissale's definition, is "a process of representation within representation". It is a narrative technique characterised by eternal extension of repetitive images. Under Paul Ricoeur's framework of... more
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      Critical TheoryComparative LiteratureRhetoricAllegory
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      Film AnalysisSelf-Reference, Reflexivity, ReflectionCinemaDavid Lynch
El espíritu de mis padres sigue subiendo en la lluvia es la respuesta a sus propias preguntas Al final de El espíritu de mis padres sigue subiendo en la lluvia, la voz narrativa se pregunta "¿cómo narrar la historia de mis padres?",... more
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      LiteratureCultural MemoryCollective MemoryMise en abyme - Theory
Guy Maddin is recognized as one of the most enigmatic filmmakers working today and is often compared (ironically, in reductive terms) to Luis Bunuel and David Lynch. Maddin’s films are complex and expound the affective... more
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      Film StudiesSurrealismEarly CinemaCanadian theatre and film
Biblical narrative employs various kinds of repetition and analogy, and this work concerns the specific device called the mise-en-abyme. A mise-en-abyme is a device in which the part duplicates the whole, as in the play within the play in... more
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      NarrativeNarratologyBooks of SamuelNarrative Theory
"El discurso cinematográfico no ha dejado de luchar por adaptarse y competir con las pantallas rivales que le han surgido con la revolución digital, lo cual ha transformado su propia textura. Podemos clasificar estas transformaciones en... more
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      Film StudiesNarrativeIntermedialityFilm Analysis
Cette étude consiste à analyser l'intertexte des Mille et une nuits dans les trois romans de Ben Jelloun : La prière de l'absent, L'enfant de sable et La nuit sacrée et d'en relever les enjeux. L'intertexte explicite consiste dans... more
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      SubversionMise en abyme - TheoryInterculturalitéOnomastique
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      Mise en abyme - TheoryAndré Gide
How is a “just war” defined? Don Quijote appeals to reason, saying that none of the five reasons for taking up arms apply in this case. He goes even further, appealing to Christian morality, in particular, Matthew 5.44, which Cervantes... more
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      Fiction WritingCultural HistoryCultural StudiesHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)
Este estudo propõe investigar aspectos autorreferenciais presentes na produção cinematográfica e televisual de David Lynch, realizador frequentemente associado à noção de complexidade narrativa. Para tanto, foram destacados para... more
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      MetafictionDavid LynchMise en abyme - TheoryComplexidade
Dans le domaine cinématographique, la métaphore du miroir trouve dans les mots de Maurice Merleau-Ponty l’un des plus précieux soutiens herméneutiques, surtout en ce qui concerne l’explicitation de la relation « chiasmatique » des... more
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      Portuguese StudiesFilm AnalysisIntertextualityFilm Semiotics
Book Chapter
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      French LiteratureNarrativeNarratologyTheory of the Novel