Mining and Local Autonomy
Recent papers in Mining and Local Autonomy
World Magazine ©2000 Advanstar Communications Inc October 2000 Authors: Andy Obregon, Scott Shields, Janet Flinn Differential GPS Applications at the Morenci Copper Mine In the past six years, Phelps Dodge has integrated GPS position and... more
The present study covers three (3) significant cases on access to justice: (i) criminal case filed against the Marcopper executives pending the Municipal trial Court of Boac, Marinduque; (ii) Civil Case filed against Marcopper by the... more
This article examines the possibility of overcoming the resource curse through case studies of the appropriation and use ofmining rents derived from public–private joint ventures in Argentina and Chile in the period 1973–2000. In... more
Resumo: Neste artigo, abordo o debate sobre a dependência em economias locais de base mineradora, centralizando minha análise em Brumadinho e Mariana (MG). Para tanto, defino os termos do fenômeno conhecido como minério-dependência.... more
Continuing opposition to large scale mining should not be viewed as a manifestation of local governments’ indifference towards the country’s economic problems. k should be understood as a legitimate concern about the consequences of... more
The Government issued documents that order local officials to abandon their resistance to large-scale mining and suggest administrative sanctions against those who fail to do so. These documents have understandably engendered concern on... more
President Aquino’s recent policy statements seemed well received by the public. Unfortunately, a closer reading of his Executive Order on Mining suggests that the President has overstepped the boundaries of his office. There is an... more