Minimum variance

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Minimum variance refers to a statistical principle aimed at minimizing the variance of an estimator or a portfolio, ensuring that the estimates or returns are as stable and predictable as possible. It is commonly applied in finance and econometrics to optimize risk-adjusted returns.
The feasibility of linear and nonlinear geostatistical estimation techniques for optimal merging of rainfall data from raingage and radar observations is investigated in this study by use of controlled numerical experiments. Synthetic... more
Abstract— This paper presents an adaptive control scheme for suppressing jitter in laser beams. The variable-order adaptive controller is based on an adaptive lattice filter that implicitly identifies the disturbance statistics from... more
The minimum variance (MV) beamformer, also known as the Capon or minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer, uses the recorded wavefield to compute a set of optimal weights to be applied to each sensor, before coherently... more
In many applications, there are multiple time series that are hierarchically organized and can be aggregated at several different levels in groups based on products, geography or some other features. We call these "hierarchical time... more
... 27-51, 1970. 23. Jagannathan, R. and Ma, T., "Risk reduction in large portfolios: Why imposing the wrong constraints helps," J. Finance, v58, pp. 1651-1684, 2003. ... Lorenzo... more
In this paper, several instrumental variable (IV) and instrumental variable-related methods for closed-loop system identification are considered and set in an extended IV framework. Extended IV methods require the appropriate choice of... more
Multiconjugate adaptive optics ͑MCAO͒ systems with 10 4-10 5 degrees of freedom have been proposed for future giant telescopes. Using standard matrix methods to compute, optimize, and implement wavefront control algorithms for these... more
A simple trading model is presented in which Bayes' rule is used to aggregate traders' forecasts about risky assets' future returns. In this financial market, Bayes' rule operates like an omnipotent market-maker performing functions that... more
Region growing is a very useful technique for image segmentation. Its efficiency mainly depends on its aggregation criterion. In the present paper, a new algorithm is proposed with a homogeneity criterion based on an adequate tuning... more
A generalized minimum variance control law is derived for the control of nonlinear, possibly time-varying, multi-variable systems. The solution for the tracking and feedback/feedforward control law was obtained in the time-domain using a... more
Variance-based thresholding methods could be biased from the threshold found by expert and the underlying mechanism responsible for this bias is explored in this paper. An analysis on the minimum class variance thresholding (MCVT) and the... more
A price process is scale-invariant if and only if the returns distribution is independent of the price measurement scale. We show that most stochastic processes used for pricing options on financial assets have this property and that many... more
This paper presents an empirical comparison of the out of sample hedging performance from naïve and minimum variance hedge ratios for the four largest US index exchange traded funds (ETFs). Efficient hedging is important to offset long... more
The adsorption characteristics of polyacrylamide polymer on iron ore tailings have been studied to understand the mechanism of adsorption. Adsorptions of both the anionic and non-ionic flocculants were analyzed using Langmuir isotherm and... more
Stratified sampling is a methodology in which a heterogeneous population is partitioned into homogeneous subgroups called strata. The focus is on solving the combined problem of sample allocation and stratum boundary determination with... more
The use of futures contracts as a hedging instrument has been the focus of much research. At the theoretical level, an optimal hedge strategy is traditionally based on the expected-utility maximization paradigm. A simplification of this... more
Abstract A distributed estimation algorithm for sensor networks is proposed. A noisy time-varying signal is jointly tracked by a network of sensor nodes, in which each node computes its estimate as a weighted sum of its own and its... more
This paper investigates the optimal short-term hedging of Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) portfolios with index futures. Using daily data from May 2000 to December 2004 on the four largest passive ETFs (the Spider, the Diamond, the Cubes and... more
This paper provides an empirical study of the effectiveness of hedging the spider, a passive exchange traded fund (ETF) that replicates the S&P500 index. The spider is by far the largest ETF in the world: trading on the spider has grown... more
This empirical study examines the impact of both advanced electronic trading platforms and index exchange traded funds (ETFs) on the minimum variance hedging of stock indices with futures. Our findings show that minimum variance hedging... more
Las comunidades vegetales del desierto, se caracterizan por su fragilidad y condiciones muy específicas debido a los factores medioambientales. El ecosistema desierto, tiene gran importancia no sólo por la gran superficie que ocupa sino... more
We present a portfolio model of financial intermediation in which currency choice is determined by hedging decisions on both sides of a bank's balance sheet. We show that minimum variance portfolio (MVP) allocations provide a natural... more
In this paper we consider the weights of the global minimum variance portfolio (GMVP). The returns are assumed to follow a matrix elliptically contoured distribution, i.e., the returns are assumed to be neither independent nor normally... more
With institutional investors increasingly involved in alternative investments, portfolio optimisation within a large universe of hedge funds has become a key area for research. This paper develops a portfolio construction model that is... more
With institutional investors increasingly involved in alternative investments, portfolio optimisation within a large universe of hedge funds has become a key area for research. This paper develops a portfolio construction model that is... more
Combining only SDSS LRG and WMAP data places robust constraints on many cosmological parameters that complement prior analyses of multiple data sets. The LRGs provide independent cross-checks on Om and the baryon fraction in good... more
The existing linear algorithms exhibit various high sensitivities to noise. The analysis presented in this paper provides insight into the causes for such high sensitivities. It is shown in this paper that even a small pixel-level... more
A price process is scale-invariant if and only if the returns distribution is independent of the price level. We show that scale invariance preserves the homogeneity of a pay-off function throughout the life of the claim and hence prove... more
by Ian B
Ahtract-This paper is concerned with the problem of estimating the state of a linear dynamic system using noise-corrupted observations, when input disturbances and observation errors are onknown except for the fact that they belong to... more
In the present paper we review the stability and performance of the Generalized Minimum Variance Controller and we compare it with a modification: the Generalized Minimum Variance with Dynamic Pole Assignment Controller. We shall... more
This paper provides a tutorial introduction to the role of the time-delay or the interactor matrix in multivariate minimum variance control. Minimum variance control gives the lowest achievable output variance and thus serves as a useful... more
A continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection problem is studied where all the market coefficients are random and the wealth process under any admissible trading strategy is not allowed to be below zero at any time. The trading... more
by Kris Dickie and 
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The lack of open access to the pre-beamformed data of an ultrasound scanner has limited the research of novel imaging methods to a few privileged laboratories. To address this need, we have developed a pre-beamformed data acquisition... more
Mean-variance portfolios constructed using the sample mean and covariance matrix of asset returns perform poorly out-of-sample due to estimation error. Moreover, it is commonly accepted that estimation error in the sample mean is much... more
We present a portfolio model of financial intermediation in which currency choice is determined by hedging decisions on both sides of a bank's balance sheet. We show that minimum variance portfolio (MVP) allocations provide a natural... more
Full terms and conditions of use: This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
This paper reviews the different indexes and benchmarks used in the control performance assessment field of industrial processes. They are usually implemented to detect and diagnose malfunctions and disturbances in industrial controllers.... more
This paper is a perspective on the scientific contributions of the politically controversial New Zealand-born statistician Harold Silverstone . His scientific work -including a classic paper on minimum variance with A.C. Aitken -produced... more
This paper presents a series of user parameter-free iterative Sparse Asymptotic Minimum Variance (SAMV) approaches for array processing applications based on the asymptotically minimum variance (AMV) criterion. With the assumption of... more
We examine the use of second-order stochastic dominance as both a technique for constructing portfolios and also as a way to measure performance. As a preference-free technique second-order stochastic dominance will suit any risk-averse... more
Dynamic hedging effectiveness for soybean farmers in Rondonópolis (MT) with futures contracts of BM&F is calculated through optimal hedge determination, using the bivariate GARCH BEKK model, which considers the conditional correlations... more
Minimum-variance unbiased linear estimation theory has found many applications in the analysis of spatial rainfall and hydrogeologic data: estimation of point values or areal averages, calculation of variances of estimation error, and... more