Adaptive spectral estimation techniques are known to provide good spectral resolution and contrast even when the observation window(OW) is very short. In this paper two adaptive techniques are tested and compared to the averaged... more
Due to the dramatic increase of data volumes in different applications, it is becoming infeasible to keep these data in one centralized machine. It is becoming more and more natural to deal with distributed databases and networks. That is... more
We measure the large-scale real-space power spectrum Pk using luminous red galaxies (LRGs) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and use this measurement to sharpen constraints on cosmological parameters from the Wilkinson Microwave... more
We measure the large-scale real-space power spectrum Pk using luminous red galaxies (LRGs) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and use this measurement to sharpen constraints on cosmological parameters from the Wilkinson Microwave... more
Constructing portfolios based on second-order stochastic dominance (SSD) is theoretically attractive since all risk-averse investors would prefer a dominating portfolio. However, choosing among SSD efficient portfolios is a challenge... more
Discrete minimum variance controllers subject to a constraint on the variance of the manipulated vatiable, that is, constrained minimum variance (CMV) controllers, are shown to exhibit good performance and robustness properties. These C M... more
Co-channel interference limits the capacity of cellular systems, reduces the throughput of wireless local area networks, and is the major hurdle in deployment of high altitude communication platforms. It is also a problem for systems... more
was produced in a fed-batch bioprocess with L-leucine auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum strains developed by genetic engineering. An efficient supply with nutrients was achieved by applying closed-loop control of glucose as the main... more
A method for the identification and quantification of cross-reacting analytes using competitive immunochemical assays is described. The method uses information both of antibodies with and without significant inhibition caused by a sample.... more
The development of the Keck All sky Precision Adaptive optics (KAPA) project was initiated in September 2018 to upgrade the Keck I adaptive optics (AO) system to enable laser tomography adaptive optics (LTAO) with a four laser guide star... more
The Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) has widely been used in atmospheric and oceanic data assimilation (DA). However, when the errors from data (observations and background forecasts) have non-Gaussian probability density functions... more
In this paper, we propose brain-like (BL) sensorimotor control system that is assumed to be composed of its unconscious and conscious part. The conscious part of BL sensorimotor control system is emerged when Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) acts... more
The paper deals with a class of quantization problems and algorithms based on partitions of R d which are defined by maximal support planes (MSP) of a convex function. This kind of problems generalizes the well-known minimum variance... more
The paper deals with a class of quantization problems and algorithms based on partitions of R d which are defined by maximal support planes (MSP) of a convex function. This kind of problems generalizes the well-known minimum variance... more
Linear minimum variance unbiased state estimation is considered for systems with uncertain parameters in their state space models and sensor failures. The existing results are generalized to the case where each sensor may fail at any... more
This report gives a survey of the results achieved at the Division of Automatic Control during the year 1972-1973. ' Most of the research has been centered around the Process Control Project. The project contains system identification,... more
Cluster data are used to study the statistics of a particular type of foreshock wave: quasi‐monochromatic ultra‐low‐frequency (ULF) waves with characteristic periods of 30 s in the spacecraft frame. On the basis of a large set of... more
Cluster and ACE magnetic field measurements from the 13 February 2001 are presented. On this day the four Cluster spacecraft made two crossings of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) while in the solar wind and observed a large‐scale... more
We present Cluster spacecraft observations of large-amplitude (𝛿|B|∕|B|∼1) fast-mode magnetosonic waves in the heliospheric current sheet (HCS). The crossings of the HCS and the associated heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS) are encountered... more
In this paper, we use Cluster data from one magnetopause event on 5 July 2001 to compare predictions from various methods for determination of the velocity, orientation, and thickness of the magnetopause current layer. We employ... more
Two orbits were selected in January-February 2006 when the separation between the Cluster spacecraft was large and mirror type magnetic field fluctuations were observed by all spacecraft in different regions of the terrestrial... more
In contrast with existing literature that focuses on conditional Value-At-Risk (CVaR) as a portfolio risk measure, we examine here the properties of portfolios built to minimize CVaR. We look into the stability and performance potential... more
The importance of covariance modelling has long been recognised in the field of portfolio management and large dimensional multivariate problems are increasingly becoming the focus of research. This paper provides a straightforward and... more
In the framework of continuous-time finance theory, this paper derives the optimal consumption and portfolio rules for an international investor with constant expenditure shares c, and constant relative risk aversion l-y in a dynamic... more
We propose a simple procedure for the real‐time estimation of the average rainfall over a catchment area. The rainfall is modeled as a two‐dimensional random field. The average areal rainfall is computed by a linear unbiased minimum... more
Résumé Dans cette communication, on propose d'utiliser le filtre de Kalmana deux étages pour estimer l'état et les défauts de systemes stochastiquesa temps variant eta temps discret. Ces défauts sont générés par un processus... more
Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Antalya, Turkey, 2005
Abstract:Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms in array processing applications have been developed under time-invariant wavefronts. In most applications this assumption is not realistic due to the nonhomogeneous propagation... more
This paper examines the asymptotic performance of MUSIC-like algorithms for estimating directions of arrival (DOA) of narrowband complex noncircular sources. Using closed-form expressions of the covariance of the asymptotic distribution... more
This paper presents a series of user parameter-free iterative Sparse Asymptotic Minimum Variance (SAMV) approaches for array processing applications based on the asymptotically minimum variance (AMV) criterion. With the assumption of... more
The main goal of this project is to identify new mathematical approaches to best match and proximity searching with particular application to very large data stores. In this dissertation I develop a new, linear time hierarchical... more
Coding of data, usually upstream of data analysis, has crucial implications for the data analysis results. By modifying the data codingthrough use of less than full precision in data values-we can aid appreciably the effectiveness and... more
Loran-C is a navigational aid that relies on the ability to make correct estimates of the Times of Arrival (TOAs) of signals received over a noisy radio channel. How good is the performance of Loran-C in this respect? Is it close to... more
Most evolutionary processes occur in a spatial context and several spatial analysis techniques have been employed in an exploratory context. However, the existence of autocorrelation can also perturb significance tests when data is... more
A thorough and extensive wild germplasm exploration survey was undertaken and 50 high yielding candidate plus trees (CPTs) of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre from different locations from a latitudinal and longitudinal spread between 12°41 0... more
This is a Working Paper and the aulhor(s) would welcome any comments on the prcsent tcxt. Citations should refer to a Worloi1g Paper of die J11tematio11al Monetary F1111d. The views exprcssed are those of thc author(s) and do not... more
We consider a probability model where the design-based approach to inference under simple random sampling of a ÿnite population encompasses a simple random permutation super-population model. The model consists of an expanded set of... more
Abstract: This study deals with a noise robust distributed speech recognizer for real-world applications by deploying feature parameter compensation technique. To realize this objective, Mel-LP based speech analysis has been used in... more
As institutional investors have become more aggressive in deploying their capital, fund managers have become more creative with their product offerings. In this paper, we consider a new institutional fund of mutual funds, a portfolio that... more
A brief account of the geology of the Isukasis area is given and is biased toward the main theme of the itinerary for the area: What has been established about the protoliths of the early Archean rocks of the area - the Isua supracrustal... more
Due to the dramatic increase of data volumes in different applications, it is becoming infeasible to keep these data in one centralized machine. It is becoming more and more natural to deal with distributed databases and networks. That is... more
Co-channel interference limits the capacity of cellular systems, reduces the throughput of wireless local area networks, and is the major hurdle in deployment of high altitude communication platforms. It is also a problem for systems... more
We present a comprehensive analysis of the performance of different classes of Gaussian states in the estimation of Gaussian phase-insensitive dissipative channels. In particular, we investigate the optimal estimation of the damping... more
In this work different concepts of efficient solutioos to problems of Stochastic Multiple Objective Prograrnming are analyzed. We centre OUT interest on problems in which sorne of the objective functions depelld on random parameters. The... more
A detailed analysis of small period (15900 set) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulences of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has been made using Pioneer-l 1 high time resolution data (0.75 set) inside a Corotating Interaction Region... more