Minimalism (Art)
Recent papers in Minimalism (Art)
O presente trabalho vem contemplar em que medidas o conceito de Teatro Essencial, criado por Denise Stoklos, consegue se aproximar efetivamente das propostas originais da Arte Minimalista. Neste trabalho, deve-se compreender o Minimalismo... more
Art review. Exhibition title: EVA & EMERICK Artist: Yael Efrati Curator: Nicola Trezzi Location: The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania. Dates: 26 April—2 September 2018 Exhibition made with the support of Mifal... more
This project comprises 30 pieces (18"x18" each for exhibition) that play on Suprematist variations of Kazimir Malevich's "Spring Garden in Blossom" (1904) after glitch treatment and magnification of the digital reproduction of the painting.
When style seems to have been an unobservable feature in images before the era of art, it became the normative and qualitative property during Early Modern times, and thus copying became the most prominent activity in the teaching and... more
Helen Pashgian is a pioneering member of the Light & Space group of artists, exploring since the early ’60s the ways in which light is transmitted and transmuted through such materials as polyester resin, epoxy, acrylic, and other... more
The avant-garde can often appear bombastic or even dogmatic; characterised by bold gestures, manifestos and iconoclastic statements of intent. This impression derives partly from the boldness of avant-garde artworks and the statements of... more
Aki Kaurismäki’s film style has often been labelled minimalist, but the concept has been used without an exact definition and even fundamental questions relating to his minimalism have gone unanswered. This article contextualizes... more
Artykuł traktuje o relacji między amerykańskim minimal artem a praktyką taneczną. Tekst powstał w kontekście wystaw z 2015 roku: "Let's Dance" w galerii Art Stations w Poznaniu oraz "Objects and Bodies at Rest and in Motion" w Moderna... more
catalogue essay for exhibition
These Pixelscapes were found within a photograph of Kazimir Malevich (Ukranian-born artist, 1878-1935) via magnification, filter treatment (halftone) and isolation of the pixel(s) in Photoshop. Malevich founded the art movement,... more
The primary aim of minimalism art movement was to make the audience experience the art work more intensely without the distractions of having too many formal elements and concepts. The paintings and sculptures of this particular art... more
Scholarly article on the principles and practices of Rosalind Krauss and Donald Judd in criticism and art.
Catalogue with essay for Leila Heller Gallery, NYC, 2015
The artist works in various media and is a veteran printer, commissioned in 1983 and 1986 to print for the Israel Arts Council, in addition to her own editions. During the past years she has initiated a number of interdisciplinary... more
A review of Rasheed Araeen's expansive retrospective organised by Van Abbemuseum on the occasion of its staging at BALTIC, Gateshead.
ÖZET Zaman hızla geçiyor, hızlı tüketim çağının yaĢam biçimleriyle insanlık Ģekil almaktadır. Teknolojik geliĢmelerin olumsuzlukları, insan için yetiĢmesi zaten zor olan hayatın akıĢına daha da ivme kazandırır ve hayatı bir koĢuĢturmacaya... more
Examining the skyspace by James Turrell, 'Seldom Seen' (2004) in Houghton Hall, Norfolk through the lense of Turrell's commissions and the international distribution of the skyspaces. How is it that he can reproduce the same thing but... more
Ever since Marcel Duchamp devised his 'readymades' in the early twentieth century, the majority of the critical literature on artworks that comprise readymade and found objects focuses on the commodity status of these items and the... more
Minimalism arose in the United States during the sixties surrounded by many controversial attitudes. There have been also conflicts of opinion and diverging aesthetical positions towards the style in Brazil. This article aims to... more
Twenty-three years after his death, Clement Greenberg is still someone to be taken into account in the world of contemporary art criticism, especially when we speak of Modernism. One cannot minimize the importance of his theory, usually... more
A brief discussion of some of the crucial elements of art comprehension and creation. While primarily pertaining to comics per se, I try to be philosophically comprehensive and holistic both in terms of subject matter as well as life in... more
SPACE PLAN began in November 1968 with a manifesto, and the members produced work that took on styles of Minimalism. While showing work at civic halls and galleries, the members also actively attempted to organize outdoor exhibitions in... more
This article investigates Robert Morris's much-discussed 'minimal art' of the 1960s. It argues that the well known 'phenomenological account' of minimalism, which developed in relation to Morris's work, was conditioned by the space of... more
Scholarly article on Judd's art and politics and their intersections based on my 1999 Ph.D. dissertation at University of Texas, Austin.
The reception of phenomenology in art criticism reached its apex in the mid-1960s in its application to Minimalism in the United States. The focus was on the embodied, direct perceptual experience of Minimalist sculpture, but in light of... more
La intención de este trabajo es esbozar algunas características de los movimientos artísticos conocidos como arte povera, minimalismo y land art comparando dos obras de Magdalena Jetelová con otras representativas de los movimientos... more
Minimalism is an art movement that emerged in America in the 1960s with the philosophy of less is actually more. After first showing itself inplastic arts, it became an effective narrative in other art branches. In this work, first of... more
This chronology covers the activities of an interdisciplinary cross-section of figures who were instrumental in redefining advanced artistic practice around the pivotal year 1961. Since an unfiltered chronology of this period could easily... more
This dissertation examines the work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Doris Salcedo, Teresa Margolles, and Santiago Sierra, artists that redeploy the aesthetics of 1960s minimalism in relation to contemporary political crises. I argue that these... more
The American minimalist artist Donald Judd is closely linked to his concept of the ‘specific object,’ a new form of three-dimensional work defined by its embrace of ‘real space’ and its complete opposition to the humanistic illusionism of... more
This essay explores schisms between art that instills contemplative attitudes in refuge from a troubled world and activist art that lays siege to art galleries to expose their political indifference. It concludes that the inside/outside... more
İnsan-nesne ilişkisi ruhun bedene girdiği anda başlayıp, yine ruhun bedeni terk etmesiyle son bulur. Bu ilişki, tek yönlü değil, süje-obje arasında, karşılıklı bir bağ yoluyla gerçekleşir. Sanatçı, sanatsal faaliyetini gerçekleştirme... more
Παρόλο που η χρήση του όρου ‘μουσικός μινιμαλισμός’ δε βρίσκει σύμφωνους ούτε τους ίδιους τους εκπροσώπους του ρεύματος, ενώ και η ακαδημαϊκή κοινότητα για δεκαετίες αδιαφορούσε για το ρεύμα αυτό, η σημασία του ενδεχομένως να έγκειται στο... more
Trisha Brown’s early choreographic work deals intrinsically with the relationship between dance and urban space. Performed on rooftops, park benches or exterior house walls, some of her most famous pieces of Postmodern Dance investigate... more
Established as a reaction against conceptual expressionism, moderation was portrayed by streamlined, stripped-down structures and materials used to communicate thoughts in an immediate and indifferent way. By introducing objects as basic... more
First published in Artforum 6 (September 1967) 1, pp. 5-6. In this letter Jo Baer responds to Bob Morris "Notes on Sculpture: Part 3," (Artforum, Summer, 1967) and Donald Judd's polemic in "Specific Objects" (Arts Yearbook 8, 1965).... more