Ming Dynasty
Recent papers in Ming Dynasty
This article investigates the growth of cross-border movement and migration in the northern portion of the Yellow Sea during the sixteenth century, which generated ongoing interactions and tensions with the coastal governance of Chosŏn... more
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über https://dnb.de... more
This article examines the consequences of the Ming maritime expeditions led by Admiral Zheng He (1371–1433) in the early fifteenth century on Indian Ocean diplomacy, trade, and cross-cultural interactions. The presence of the powerful... more
Religious sects were affected upon the political system changes in many countries as a historical factor, on the earth, time to time. Some sects failed, but some of them were successful. In fact, some of their leaders came to power or... more
This article attempts to analysis the manuscript of Zheng He Hanghai Tu (Nautical Chart of Zheng He). The sailing chart, comprising a set of navigational notes written by Admiral Zheng He, was published in the military pamphlet of the... more
Publisher, SYLPH EDITIONS, 2020. ISBN, 1909631361
韓琦:評Tiziana Lippiello and Roman Malek eds., “Scholar from the West”: Giulio Aleni S. J. (1582-1649) and the Dialogue between Christianity and China《漢學研究》,17(2),1999:401-404。
This presentation compares descriptions of 2 polities foreign to the Ming, written in the first half of the 15th century by Ma Huan, a Chinese Muslim eunuch serving aboard the Treasure Fleet of Admiral Zheng He. The polities are the... more
Update of Ho Chuan-Hsing's 2003 entry on Chinese calligrapher, scholar, essayist, and poet, Zhu Yunming. He was born into an illustrious family in what is now Suzhou with an extra finger (zhizhi) on his right hand, and thus chose the... more
В статье представлен обзор одной из наиболее идейно насыщенных частей «Книги для сожжения» (Фэнь шу 焚書), opus magnum опального неоконфуцианского мыслителя Ли Чжи (1527–1602). Описано содержание произведений цзюаня 3, принадлежащего к... more
This paper examines the set of fifteen prints included in the seventeenth-century Chinese text Song nianzhu guicheng. This catechism was translated by Portuguese Jesuits serving in the China mission and consists of instructions for... more
The monograph deals with the linguistic and historical study of the inscriptions on two 15th-century steles from Tyr cliff in the Lower Amur (now they are kept in V. K. Arsenyev Primorye State Museum in Vladivostok) with texts in Chinese,... more
This article attempts to collect relevant historical materials and handed down works of "Chibi Fu" written by Zhu Yunming, and sort out 7 related studies on "Chibi Fu". It also introduces the scholars' standpoint on the authenticity of... more
This paper examines briefly the figure of the famous eunuch and military commander Zheng He. As a favorite of one of the greatest emperor of China, Yongle, he served as a commander-in-chief of the southern capital Nanjing. Even if he... more
The imperially sponsored maritime expeditions led by Zheng He in the early fifteenth century AD projected Ming Chinese power as far as Java, Sri Lanka and the East African coast. The Indian Ocean voyages are well documented in Chinese and... more
王鏊(1450-1524),字濟之,南直隸蘇州府吳縣人,明代成化、弘治、正德三朝名臣及文學家。正德初,宦官劉瑾擅權,王鏊持節周旋,不得已去位,退隱林泉。其古文典雅,以制義名家,因道德文章兼而有之,為世推重。本論文以王鏊及其《震澤先生集》為研究對象,論文計有以下數端:(一)考察王鏊生平、交遊、著述,辨明其於吳中文人中之地位。(二)考察《震澤先生集》成書、刊刻之過程及版本源流,並嘗試復原該書部分殘缺之篇章。(三)自明清以降編纂之總集、別集、方志、譜牒、手稿中輯錄王鏊本集未收入之詩... more
In Alexandra Green (ed.), Rethinking Visual Narratives from Asia: intercultural and comparative perspectives (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2013).
Article in Wreckwatch Magazine, September 2020. The wreck site of the Portuguese ship Espadarte (1558) was discovered on the 30th of May 2001. The assessment of the site revealed that there was a number of Chinese porcelain artefacts... more
本文以明清之際的「易服」為核心,探討王朝交替對士人服飾的衝擊與遺民的應變策略,及鼎革之際改易服飾與遺民生活、文化意識的關係。清初漢人為反抗薙髮易服而掀起的各種流血抗清活動,表面上雖陸續為清人以武力各個擊破,但入清以後,明代衣冠具有的文化意象與民族情感仍潛藏於漢人心中,這在屈大均、陳確、戴名世等人有關頭髮與衣冠的詩文中最能見其幽微。清廷大力推行薙髮易服,明式衣冠的政治符號色彩日益鮮明,在遺民生活中,譜出許多感人的「衣冠的故事」,其最著者如:畫網巾、穿戴古衣冠、終其身服先朝之服、... more
What prolonged the Ming dynasty? How did the empire manage to survive its many external challenges and shortcomings if neither capable emperor nor mighty force prevailed as contributing factors during the course of the dynasty? In his... more
He Bian’s 2020 book _Know Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Culture in Early Modern China_ analyzes many dimensions of the path to the development of the eighteenth-century “traditional Chinese pharmacy.” This essay draws on the book and some... more
In the dissemination of Western learning by the Jesuits in late Ming China, various instruments bearing the Western scientific culture called great attention. As a category, the surveying instruments for measuring heights (or depths) and... more
本文是以《醒世恒言》卷3〈賣油郎獨佔花魁〉爲討論對象,聚焦於文本對身分建構及認同抉擇之書寫。歷來相關的論述,多側重於秦重與瑤琴二人之間的愛情抒寫,對於文本所穿梭的人物、情節、對話甚至是物件所串聯而成的象徵意義,較少被論者關注。藉由此一問題的提出,本文試圖從「身分、空間與命運的易位」、「言與物的認同及象徵」以及「作爲身分標識的姓名及稱呼」所形成的對照組切入,進一步掌握它們各自的建構與被建構歷程,以期探究娼妓書寫在大敘事中,所展現的普遍性及代表性,是否存有另一面值... more
Among the three cardinal human relations in Confucian morality, filiality stands out as the only one with the potential of being universally applicable. While chastity fell upon women and loyalty was meaningful for elite men, all human... more
天文圖是我國古代描繪天象的主要載體,古人透過三垣二十八宿區分天域,進行恒星觀察,並以此為基礎,記載了超新星、流星和彗星等特殊天象活動,以占卜吉凶,作為施政參考。院藏〈天文圖〉係原國立北平圖書館舊藏,雖有約四分之一缺損,然其繪製精美,圖幅敞朗,形制特殊,既是院藏僅有珍貴的天文圖收藏,也是現存十分罕見的明代繪本天文圖,以往學術界從未對其進行研究。此圖完整地呈現中國蓋圖式全天星圖的特點,是闡明人與自然關係的最佳例證。透過探析本圖,可以認識天文學發... more
從明太祖時期,北京城就是明代北方邊防體系中的軍事重鎮,後因明太宗遷都北京城、北邊防線內縮,北京城更是緊臨長城邊境的戰地前線。為鞏固明朝京師,明太宗宣示天子守邊,北京城因而提升為北邊國防的戰略核心。在明朝天子守邊的體制中,天子是最高的軍事指揮官,負責統籌戰略、調度兵馬糧餉。隨著土木堡之變與庚戌之變的發生,凸顯天子親臨戰場的高度風險,以及後代天子的將才武略不及明太祖、明太宗的問題。為不再重蹈覆轍,明世宗以恢復祖制為政治正統宣告,再從文臣督撫的經驗中,創置協理京營戎政一職,以兵... more
This paper examines the port transfer process from the 1560s to the 1680s in the context of the regional history of southeast coastal China, southern and northeastern Taiwan, and the northern Philippines. According to the official... more
There are several reasons that Xu Wei (1521-1593) deserves scholarly attention. As is well known, he was highly acclaimed in the late Ming as a singular figure with various talents in calligraphy, painting, poem, prose and drama... more