Mindful Learning And Teaching
Recent papers in Mindful Learning And Teaching
Buddhism; mindfulness; school; education; curriculum; meditation; Buddhist; mindful; meditate; zazen; vipassana; samatha; zen; teacher; stress; meditator; resilience; student; teaching; religion; religious; health; secular; contemplative;... more
This is the introduction to Childhood Education March/April 2017. Co-edited journal with S.A. Bliss
Flow, an optimal state for study, training and creativity, is often linked with the concept of The Zone, an ideal state for elite performance. Are these two states identical, or how might they differ? Does it matter, which name we use?... more
The prevalence of mental health and addiction issues in the homeless population is very high. Mindfulness based interventions have been shown to have positive impacts on anxiety, depression and addiction in various populations. Mixed... more
Some individuals with autism engage in physical aggression to an extent that interferes with not only their quality of life, but also that of their parents and siblings. Behavioral and psychopharmacological treatments have been the... more
Adults with intellectual disability who commit sexual offenses against children are prosecuted and sometimes diverted to mental health facilities for training and treatment. Of the few treatment modalities used with this population,... more
The is a book about authenticity. The first few chapters deconstruct authenticity then the remaining chapters reconstruct it as
1. Attachment
2. Atonement
3. Attunment
4. Presence
5. Congruence
1. Attachment
2. Atonement
3. Attunment
4. Presence
5. Congruence
Background: The use of physical restraints has generated immense controversy in the delivery of services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. The current zeitgeist is that effective positive approaches obviate the need for using... more
Children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome occasionally exhibit aggressive behavior against peers and parents. In a multiple baseline design across subjects, three adolescents with Asperger syndrome were taught to use a... more
Parent-child transactions provide an important social context for the development of adaptive and problem behaviors in young children with autism. Teaching parents to develop alternative transactional pathways often leads to positive... more
This paper reports the development and implementation of a unique Mindfulness for Singers (MfS) course designed to improve singers’ vocal technique. Eight university students completed the intervention. Five Facet Mindfulness... more
Chapter on the most important skill of the pedagogy of the mindfulness-based interventions. To appear in: McCown, D., Reibel, D., & Micozzi, M. (eds.) (in press). Resources for teaching mindfulness: An international handbook. New York:... more
This conceptual essay places the Buddhist notion of sunyata, or emptiness, at the heart of the enterprise of teaching mindfulness with military Veterans. It is a term that brings before us the necessity of having an open and “unknowing”... more
Researchers in the field of mathematics education are beginning to appreciate the potential of contemplative practices such as mindfulness to alleviate students' stress and increase their focus. What researchers do not yet know is... more
With roots in the Buddhist religious tradition, a secularized version of mindfulness meditation is now being embraced by many as a way to significantly improve their quality of life. Mindfulness is a form of meditation that teaches one... more
Objectives: The application of mindfulness at work has experienced growing demand in recent years. This progress also brings new challenges for the field, such as the necessity to respect the dynamic environment of contemporary... more
Draft. Final published in Ie, A., C. Ngnoumen, and E. Langer (Eds.). (2014). Wiley-Blackwell handbook of mindfulness. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. There are a number of differing definitions of mindfulness current today, which are... more
Mindfulness programs are being used with increased frequency in schools, hospitals, clinics and community settings around the world. Research in school populations has predominately focused on assessing how the practice impacts students,... more
Abstract Undergraduate students lack the opportunity and environment to contemplate and develop ecoliteracy skills that serve to integrate subject matter into their everyday experiences. Ecoliteracy is grounded in Capra's web of life... more
Here I compare or link the 16 Steps of Remembrance of Breathing, the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness, Calm and Insight, the Buddha's 13 jhaana factors and the 4 Divine Abodes. I see them all as different presentations of the Path.
This experimental study will set examine the effects of Loving Kindness Meditation Workshop. This study explored compassion as a possible mediator for implicit bias in various teachers from a particular school district. This study will be... more
Bu araştırma, sürdürebilir okul kültürü ve ekosistemi için, okul yöneticilerinin ve öğretmenlerinin farkındalık ve üst bilişlerini artırmak üzere yapılmış Empati Projesi ile ilgili görüşleri almak için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma 2015... more
Use the following link for the article with active hyperlinks to additional resources: http://rsn.aarweb.org/spotlight-on/teaching/contemplative-pedagogy/smartphone-disconnect Since the first iPhone was introduced in 2007, smartphones... more
There are numerous methods for reducing obesity, but often none of these methods prove effective for specific individuals. For individuals who have failed on specific diets and other weight loss programs, finding a good match between... more
HSP Day 2020 On the first-ever International HSP Day, free online workshops on: Building child-friendly and healthy cities: lesson learnt and current challenges The importance of the environment for the well-being of sensitive... more
Purpose. Determine if a ''nondieting'' intervention focused on intensive training in eliciting the relaxation response enhances health outcomes compared with nondieting interventions without such training.
We consider designs for conceptual learning where students first engage in pre-symbolic problem solving and then articulate their solutions formally. An enduring problem in these designs has been to support students in accessing their... more
Providing guidance is one of the key pedagogical skills and actions of the teacher in the Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs), along with stewardship, homiletics and inquiry. These skills are interrelated and each includes and... more
Recently the adoption of mindfulness or contemplative based approaches has escalated across many sectors, including in education. Proponents argue that mindfulness based teaching programs improve students' life skills, provide emotional... more
Download for free at https://www.learninglandscapes.ca/index.php/learnland/article/view/1018 In the following study we investigate how young learners engage with music and movement to illustrate their understandings and connections to... more
Keynote talk at the summer school for mindfulness teachers at the Centrum voor Mindfulness, Amsterdam. In developing as teachers, it is after we have settled in to the core skills—working with the group, delivering informational... more
Research shows that after training in the philosophy and practice of mindfulness, parents can mindfully attend to the challenging behaviors of their children with autism. Parents also report an increased satisfaction with their parenting... more
In the following study we investigate how young learners engage with music and movement to illustrate their understandings and connections to nature. We discover a symbiotic relationship between the performing arts, Social Emotional... more
Mindfulness programs are being used with increased frequency in schools, hospitals, clinics and community settings around the world. Research in school populations has predominately focused on assessing how the practice impacts students,... more
In this paper we (graduate student and supervisor) collaborate to improve our practice through generating new educational knowledge using the conceptual principles of Living Educational Theory research (Whitehead, 1989, 2008). We examine... more
According to Schafer (2012) there are a number of critical issues in Steiner schools, which often trigger crises and which, if met consciously, can lead to renewal and transformation. My own experience as a Steiner teacher and parent... more
2016 Living in the moment is an integral part of the life of a Buddhist. It is being open to the life that appears in each second and going where it takes you. It is being a part of all that is without separation or fear. The power of the... more
This is a "team project" of LGIBooks. Looking for "human nature researchers" and/or "human nature science writers to "team-produce" a website, interview series, series of books, with these main goals: #1: To make the case for the need... more
Guna spa and ACCESSO ngo this year support the second mission of the Body-Emotional Mindfulness(after BEM) dedicated to two courses and a temporary counseling center at the University Of Herat, Afghanistan.
Recently the adoption of mindfulness or contemplative based approaches has escalated across many sectors, including in education. Proponents argue that mindfulness based teaching programs improve students' life skills, provide emotional... more
Some individuals with autism engage in physical aggression to an extent that interferes with not only their quality of life, but also that of their parents and siblings. Behavioral and psychopharmacological treatments have been the... more