Military Conscription
Recent papers in Military Conscription
This paper focuses on the ideas of universal conscription and characteristic of the system before the outbreak of the Korean War. Korean government promulgated the Military Service Act in 1949, but could not enforce military duty until... more
In this paper, the draft evasion during the Napoleonic periode is examined. It has its focus on the Departement de l'Escaut, which is almost the same area as the current Belgian province Eastern Flanders. Several methods of draft evasion... more
This paper examines and refutes the oft made claim that during the First World War Australian Catholics of Irish descent did not commit to the war effort and were shirkers, Sinn Seiners and pro-German.
This chapter looks at the anti-Irish and ant-Catholic statements of William Morris ("Billy") Hughes, Australian prime minister 1915-1923, and explores whether they were the result of his paranoia or prejudice.
In this study, the author examines perceptions by the Dutch population of the nineteenth century model of conscription; it relies predominantly on primary sources. The core of this study is formed by correspondence between citizens,... more
There are probably few major events in twentieth century Irish history which have received less attention than the general strike against conscription, although it was the most successful demonstration of workers political power in the... more
During the Spring of 1914 Ireland appeared to be lurching uneasily towards civil war, but as Spring turned to Summer events in Europe put that unhappy prospect into perspective when the major powers of Europe embarked on the road to a... more
This article develops an analytical model of force-composition that combines the advantages of conscription with those of an all-volunteer force. Using Israel as a hypothesis-generating case study, it argues that mandatory military... more
During the 19th and 20th centuries, most countries, whether authoritarian or not, envisaged conscription in order to involve the citizenry in their armies.
In the file are presented abstracts in Bulgarian, English and Russian.
In a time of multidimensional challenges, the UAE’s conscription and military engagement abroad may be seen as practical devices to forge a recognizable group identity and a modern and effective national discourse. It is possible to... more
The purpose of this thesis is to explain the process of monopoly on violence which enabled Syngman Rhee government to claim sovereignty. The main subject of analysis is the discourse of universal conscription which performed a leading... more
At utdanningsavdelinger har svært begrenset operativ nytte er noe det ikke bør herske faglig uenighet om. Det fremstår også som nokså klart at et uprøvd mobiliseringskonsept basert på en personellreserve uten eget materiell og... more
This paper examines the place of conscription in British political history, the liberal tradition of hostility toward forcing people to undertake military service, something often denounced by Liberals as 'Continental Despotism', the... more
When the Austrian parliament was debating the new defence law in 1912, the Slovene People’s Party supported the government with all possible means. Ignoring its long-held political principles, the party voted with the government in each... more
This article studies the historical shift in societal understandings of gender and security in Finland that led to the introduction of women’s voluntary military service and the opening of the military professions to women in 1995. With a... more
Korea and/or the United States. Their stories reveal how the "unending" Cold War and the vestiges of US imperialism and militarism continue to impact Korean young adults and their transnational life projects. In particular, this research... more
“Ciudadanos y soldados en el debate de la ley sobre el servicio militar voluntario en la argentina democrática”. Prohistoria Año XIX Nº25. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario. 2016. pp.105-133. ISSN 1851-9504.
In this study, I examine the dilemmas arising from the tension between citizen duties and youthful aspirations in a globalizing world. The state's requirement of military conscription structures the transnational lives of young Korean... more
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit chilenischen sog. Kasernenschulen, die im Rahmen der Wehrpflicht ab Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts eingerichtet wurden. Anhand wissenssoziologischer und sozialgeschichtlicher Ansätze problematisiert der Beitrag... more
Kirjoittaja on kapteeni, joka opiskelee sotatieteiden tohtoriohjelmassa Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun Johtamisen ja sotilaspedagogiikan laitoksella TiivisTelmä Suomen kansalliseksi puolustusratkaisuksi on vakiintunut koko maan puolustaminen... more
['Farewell conscription! On the dismantling of Germany's general conscription, the newly established 'Federal Volunteer Service' and the pedagogical possibilities arising thereof'] ----- A B S T R A C T ----- Deutschland braucht „vor... more
Cruel hunting for draftees at the streets is a common practice of brutal enforcement of conscription in Ukraine. Conscientious objection is practically forbidden. Near 17 000 of people punished the last five years for avoiding military... more
An article exploring the activities of socialists and organized labour in the cities of Fort William and Port Arthur during the First World War. Particularly focused on is the contradictory response of the labour movement to Canada's... more
Original Abstract: The Red Army achieved victory due to its manpower policies. Theory was overridden by the requirements of the situation. The failure of the pre-war training system was not recognized, or at least addressed, until nearly... more
Este texto aborda el fenómeno de la deserción militar durante la última parte de la Edad Moderna, el cual es descrito como una respuesta contraria a la modernización y a la violencia estatal por parte de las periferias europeas. El... more
Studies over de sociaal-economische geschiedenis van Limburg
journal article published in Korean - 프랑스혁명과 1798년 국민개병제 법안 In pre-revolutionary Europe there was no mass conscription, widely regarded as an “instrument of tyranny.” However, as it became impossible to meet the military needs of France... more
In order to ensure that the units trained into Estonia’s reserve are effective and capable for conducting required operations, it is of utmost importance to understand how to motivate the conscripts to be able to make most out of their... more
For over two decades prior to World War I Italians living and working in Australia had been on the receiving end of union hostility. Regularly referred to as cheap, even coloured, labour, they were frequently accused of working for less... more
Currently Bulgaria has no conscript army. The compulsory military service for men was abolished at the beginning of 2008. However, this gave rise to numerous questions in the public realm. This paper sheds light on one of these questions.... more
This is a short review of Rob Bollard's 'In the Shadow of Gallipoli: The Hidden History of Australia in World War 1', focusing on Bollard's credentials as a radical historian, and the significance of his book's account of militant and... more
In this study, I examine the dilemmas arising from the tension between citizen duties and youthful aspirations in a globalizing world. The state's requirement of military conscription structures the transnational lives of young Korean... more
The events of 2014 in Ukraine and fomentation of military conflict in Donbas demonstrated the situation that reflects the influences of the aftermath of WWI on contemporary Ukrainian history. The annexation of Crimea and further military... more
Gulf states are increasingly turning to conscription to heighten nationalist identities and instill a spirit of sacrifice.
This article combines the perspective of transnational transfer with contributions from social theory and historical sociology – specifically the Luhmannian concept of social ‘inclusion’. In doing so, this article reconstructs a... more
Apartheid society became deeply militarised between 1972 and 1989. One way for the minority regime to remain in power was to make use of mass-conscription of the young male population. In doing so military power could be projected into... more