Recent papers in Migrations
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
The majority of young African women involved in prostitution in major European cities today come from Edo State, in Southern Nigeria, where trafficking has become an entire economic model. Despite moral judgment and the stigmatization of... more
The collapse of the Soviet Union combined with political and economic reforms generated increasing migrations and capital flows between and from the former Soviet countries. As indicated by International Organization of Migrations (IOM),... more
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles: * 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson * 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel... more
THEMES AND PERSPECTIVES CLAUDIO STAITI, “The ocean is bridged”. The Italian Great War in the diary of Gino C. Speranza (1915-1919) Chiara PULVIRENTI, The myth of planning. The Allied Control Commission and the UNRRA in the Italian... more
РЕЗЮМЕ: Гигротактическая и обонятельная ориентация сеголеток серой жабы (Bufo bufo) в постметаморфозный период. А.Н. Решетников. В установке парного выбора исследовали ориентацию по различным естественным летучим химическим стимулам у... more
« Au-delà de la condition de migrant, ce que ces hommes et ces femmes nous donnent la charge de penser, c’est tout à la fois la difficulté de vivre dans un lieu qu’on n’a pas choisi et qui est (devenu) invivable, la responsabilité des... more
Recenzja: Maciej Ząbek (2018) . Uchodźcy w Afryce. Etnografia przemocy i cierpienia. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
California is home to approximately one-third of the Cambodian American population, many of whom came to the United States as refugees. In a chapter from her book, Southeast Asian Migration: People on the Move in Search of Work, Refuge... more
This is an unusual book. Combining social science fiction, utopianism, pragmatism, sober analysis, and innovative social theory, the authors address one of the biggest dilemmas of our age – how to solve the problems arising from mass... more
Many of the studies on Palestinian Diaspora are connected to the Nakbah and to the refugee question. The fact that Christmas Lutheran Church is located in Bethlehem, and thus in the 1967 occupied Palestinian Land, gives us a different... more
The interview is contained in the book "Introducing Anthropology: What makes us human?", edited and co-written by T. Maric and L. Pountney.
L’instauration en France d’une "carte d’identité d’étranger", par un décret d’avril 1917, première expérience en Europe d’une identification ciblée de tous les résidants étrangers sur le sol national, marque une étape fondamentale dans... more
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
Giovanni AGRESTI (2015), Migrazioni. Tra disagio linguistico e patrimoni culturali / Les migrations. Entre malaise linguistique et patrimoines culturels. Actes des Sixièmes Journées des Droits Linguistiques (Teramo-Giulianova-Fano... more
Hapag 2, No. 2 (2005) 229-248
At the space-time the unchangeable human thirst for psycho-spiritual progress, as well as his perpetual movements are not always an admirable constituent of essential self-acting and self-directed targeting. The strong motives embodied by... more
w: Helena E. Myeya, Maciej Ząbek (Eds.), Migrations in the contemporary world: A case of Africa. Cultural and social issues, Bernardinum: Pelplin 2020, s. 237-256.
O objetivo deste artigo é trazer para o centro do debate uma questão crucial que tem a ver com a ausência de África no debate sobre a identidade cabo-verdiana, na medida em que o corpus teórico que grande parte dos cientistas sociais... more
MIGRATION covers many types of migrants including explorers, slaves, pilgrims, mineworkers, labourers, exiles, refugees, sex workers, students, tourists, retirees and expatriates. The text is supplemented by a series of vivid maps,... more
Cahiers de la Méditerranée, n° 103, decembre 2021. Starting from Braudel’s description of the Mediterranean as a “movement-space” whose unity stems from mobility, this article proposes to study the posterity of this ap- proach in... more
Questa tesi indaga le migrazioni filippine a Poggibonsi, le sue peculiarità e caratteristiche principali, tentando di capire il ruolo ed il peso della cultura nazionale d’appartenenza, oltre che di quella autoctona, nell’influenzare i... more
Despite rapid and large-scale immigration in the last 15 years, the citizen and permanent resident (PR) composition of Singapore’s multiracial demographic has remained relatively unchanged. Within the Chinese, Malay, and Indian... more
Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada is a comprehensive collection of information on the Canadian immigration experience that offers a current, detailed synopsis and critical analysis of Canadian and Quebecois immigration issues.... more
Este artigo discute o conceito de "refugiado ambiental" a partir da literatura e dos tratados internacionais.
This article discusses the concept of "environmental refugee" from the literature and international treaties.
This article discusses the concept of "environmental refugee" from the literature and international treaties.
Resumen: Entre 1979 y 1981 arribaron 293 familias de refugiados de la Guerra Civil de Laos a Argentina en una estrategia organizada por las Naciones Unidas ante la crisis del Sudeste Asiático que derivó en migraciones insospechadas. El... more
There could be a migration without diaspora, but there cannot be diaspora without migration; therefore, diaspora is a post-migration phenomenon. It starts formulating once the migration takes place from one sociocultural setting to... more
The article deals with objectives and results of Russian consulates’ political work in Outer China (Xinjiang, Outer Mongolia and Manchuria) in the middle of the XIX– early XX century from the perspectives of national security, regional... more
This paper presents the evolution of an important component of the communist regime: its exit (emigration) policy and related institutions, from Stalin's death to its implosion in 1989. Using the case of Poland it shows how the evolution... more
This contribution analyses the experiences of women from Central and West Africa seeking to cross the Moroccan-Spanish border. Exploring embodied narratives collected in the field between 2015 and 2017 and based on the sociology of... more
"Latinos are now the largest ethnic minority population in the United States and still they encounter a great deal of misunderstanding, prejudice, and discrimination. Utilizing a strengths-based perspective, Social Work Practice with... more
Con questo reportage ci inoltriamo all'interno della Repubblica Dominicana per documentare la situazione degli immigrati clandestini haitiani, che lavorano come tagliatori di canna da zucchero. Il dossier è stato realizzato dal nostro... more
The migration of Warao ethnic group members from the Orinoco Delta to Venezuela's urban centers, is a phenomenon that troubles Gobernment authorities and social researchers alike, but for different reasons. The author proposes an... more