Migration Theory
Recent papers in Migration Theory
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
El artículo pone de relieve cómo el sufrimiento social, concebido como manifestación de la opresión social y la injusticia incorporada en el individuo, posee atributos que atraviesan las distintas etapas del retorno migratorio, etapas que... more
Global migrations are an overwhelmingly complex phenomenon, involving millions of unique individuals and multifaceted social, economic, political and technological infrastructures. Faced with such complexity, we are forced to simplify in... more
This book contribution deals with a suggested model to conceptualise migration. In a nutshell, migration in my view can be analysed by using four phases or stages: the decision-making process/reasons for migration; the actual movement /... more
The goal of this article is to reflect on the difficulties of analyzing a specific wave of Polish migration during the 1980s, which cannot be easily categorized as either political or economic. The article also reviews the existing... more
The attention paid by international organisations to the link between migration and development in migrants’ origin countries has highlighted the need to revisit approaches to return migration. Moreover, the growing diversity of migratory... more
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
Przekonanie, że „Solidarność” była bezprecedensowym zjawiskiem społecznym w historii Polski (i nie tylko), wydaje się dziś oczywiste. Mniej znany jest fakt, że jej narodziny, a zwłaszcza stłumienie po wprowadzeniu stanu wojennego, dały... more
The act of migration has been proven to affect personal and group identity on a number of levels. While this has been studied to some extent in the context of the western areas of Viking expansion, little investigation has been done into... more
From the mid-1950s through the mid1980s, migration between Mexico and the United States constituted a stable system whose contours were shaped by social and economic conditions well-theorized by prevailing models of migration. It evolved... more
The Vandals is a Germanic tribe that not only migrated across Europe and the Roman empire during the first half of the first millenium AD but also played a part in Early 20th century geopolitics - besides become a word of shame. This... more
Περίληψη Το άρθρο επιχειρεί να εντοπίσει αφενός τις αδυναµίες και αφετέρου τη συµβολή και τις ευκαιρίες της έρευνας διεθνικής µετανάστευσης. Επισηµαίνονται εννοιολογικές συγχύσεις και υπερβολές, τα προβλήµατα που εγείρονται από την... more
Przekonanie, że „Solidarność” była bezprecedensowym zjawiskiem społecznym w historii Polski (i nie tylko), wydaje się dziś oczywiste. Mniej znany jest fakt, że jej narodziny, a zwłaszcza stłumienie po wprowadzeniu stanu wojennego, dały... more
This paper is part of a longer process of theorizing around the notion of migration aspirations and the conceptual pair aspiration/ability. It was presented at the workshop 'Aspirations and Capabilities in Migration Processes' at the... more
This conceptual paper seeks to engage with migration theory by examining the nature and functions of aspirations in migration processes. I argue that aspirations play a pivotal role in all migration, but in different ways. Aspirations are... more
Since the existing research on migration from Turkey to Western Europe does not employ multiple theoretical perspectives, this article, based on two field studies, focuses on the changing phases and forms of this human mobility by... more
La "dotta leggenda" sull'arimannia Sulla ricostruzione del complesso degli ordinamenti e delle strutture sociali longobarde, ecco qualche accenno alla base su cui poggiava la piramide del populus-exercitus, cioè agli exercitales. Ad essi... more
This seminar focuses on the link international migration and transnational patterns of migration in Europe, the impact of immigration policies and the equation transnationalism-integration. It does so through a critical review of the main... more
Segundo capítulo de la tesis “Desencajes y Bricolajes de la Protección Social: Las Familias Transnacionales Bolivianas en Barcelona y São Paulo”. En este capítulo se ha explorado la mirada nacional para la interpretación de la protección... more
Stratum plus. Nr. 2. Arheologie şi antropologie culturală Legăturile neîntoarcerii. Migraţiile preistorice în torentul culturii Petrovienii de până la Petru: dezlănţuirea și revărsarea metalurgiei transuraliene Cu cine se îmbrăţișau... more
The United States has had a wavering acceptance of immigrants throughout itshistory, from eager invitations to violent and immediate forced removals. Presently, immigrants from Central America are in the spotlight, who have been... more
Th is series explores the production and reshaping of space from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. By drawing on contemporary research from across the social sciences, it off ers novel insights into ongoing spatial... more
ABSTRACT The migration of haitians to Brazil began after the earthquake that destroyed Port Prince, capital of Haiti, and surrounding areas in 2010. In a short time the city of São Paulo has been integrated as destination of large part... more
4th International E-Conference
A growing body of migration scholarship has highlighted the inadequacies of a single-origin-single-destination model for thinking about international migration in our globalizing world. Several terms – onward, stepwise, serial, secondary,... more
The concepts of migration and mobility clearly intersect, but they are not synonyms. While migration by definition entails mobility, migration studies has privileged studying other aspects of the migratory process. This article analyzes... more
Analyses of the migrations from Morocco in the second half of the twentieth century tend to view them as part of a larger pattern of South-to-North postcolonial circular migration, while Jewish Moroccan migration is deemed an exceptional... more
The Migration Conference, 2021, London. Reframing migrancy through intersectional analysis: conceptualizing the embodiment of the migration experience from the Mexican-United States migration field framework. One of the historical... more
ÖZET Göç, tarih boyunca insanlığın güçlükleri aşma isteğinin cesur bir ifadesi ol-muştur. Günümüzde iletişim ve ulaşım alanındaki gelişmelerle birlikte ilerle-yen küreselleşme sürecinin de etkisiyle, yer değiştirme istek ve kapasitesinde... more
As a welcome alternative to economic explanations of migration, the social network has become a key concept in migration studies. However, by maintaining a static conceptualisation of networks (as grid-like structures) and by suggesting... more
4th International E-Conference
This paper seeks to lay out—in a comprehensive yet concise way—how migration comes about. It stops short of prescribing particular policy interventions, but lays the foundation for identifying how migration dynamics and their outcomes may... more
Research on post-migration processes usually focuses either on micro-level behaviours or on macro-level interactions between states and their diasporas. This paper aims to fill a gap by proposing a structure/agency approach likely to... more
Tercer capítulo de la tesis “Desencajes y Bricolajes de la Protección Social: Las Familias Transnacionales Bolivianas en Barcelona y São Paulo”. En este capítulo vislumbramos el desborde de los mundos nacionales de bienestar. De esa... more
"Can the Undocumented Immigrant Speak? Exploring Decolonial Thinking in Latinx Literature and Cinema" focuses on young undocumented immigrant students by primarily analyzing nonfiction texts: Joshua Davis’s Spare Parts: Four Undocumented... more
Wisdom is at once one of the most elusive and most valued kinds of knowledge. Empirical research shows that, indeed, across cultures, people hope that life experience will eventually make them wiser. The problem is that, to date, the... more
In media, political and lay representations of migrants it remains frequently the case that metaphors are systematically used in racist and demeaning manners, though also, occasionally, in positive ways empathizing with the plight of... more
1 The term "transnational" has long been used to describe corporations that have major financial operations in more than one country and a significant organizational presence in several countries simultaneously. The growth of... more
From the mid-1950s through the mid-1980s, migration between Mexico and the United States constituted a stable system whose contours were shaped by social and economic conditions well-theorized by prevailing models of migration. It evolved... more