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Migrant Women

423 papers
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Migrant women refer to female individuals who relocate from their home country to another, often for work, education, or family reunification. This demographic is studied within various disciplines, including sociology, gender studies, and migration studies, focusing on their unique experiences, challenges, and contributions in host societies.
This paper draws on qualitative research in Basel, Switzerland with highly skilled migrant women from various European nationalities employed in a number of professional sectors. It seeks to contribute to the literatures on the... more
Esta ponencia tiene dos objetivos. En primer lugar presenta resultados de un estudio cualitativo sobre la acción colectiva de migrantes en el AMBA, prestando especial atención a i) el papel de las mujeres en la configuración y desarrollo... more
Using Avtar Brah's concept of 'diaspora space', this paper argues that black women in the UK have organised in diaspora space to challenge inequities in health and develop strategies to improve health outcomes for black communities. The... more
2015, “Prendiamoci cura di chi ci cura”, in Chemotti S., La cura come relazione con il mondo. Sapienza delle donne, costruzione o costrizione, Il Poligrago, Padova, pp. 263-272, ISBN 978-88-7115-907-2;
Este libro reúne las ponencias presentadas en las Jornadas Familias, niños, niñas y jóvenes migrantes: rompiendo estereotipos, celebradas en La Casa Encendida de Obra Social Caja Madrid los días 19, 20 y 21 de noviembre... more
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A partir de las historias de un centenar de mujeres migrantes detenidas en la estación migratoria del DF durante 2005, se realizó una investigación que reconstruye las estrategias de viaje de las mujeres en su tránsito por México, los... more
Nowadays the interplay between gender-based violence (GBV) perpetrated by men against women, women’s vulnerability and women’s exploitation has been largely demonstrated both by scholars (Degani and Della Rocca, 2014) and by field... more
El ACNUR estima que para el 30 de junio de 2016 había 137 mil 600 refugiados y solicitantes de asilo de los países del Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica (TNC) en la región (Estados Unidos, México y Centroamérica). Este artículo... more
Esta investigación explora la realidad de tres mujeres migrantes que trabajan en las plataformas de entrega a domicilio o delivery con las aplicaciones de Rappi y Glovo en dos ciudades de Ecuador: Quito y Guayaquil. Estas mujeres... more
This article provides a theoretically informed examination of migrant women’s responses to domestic abuse in the host country. It departs from an analysis of research on South Asian women in England, on Portuguese women in England and on... more
La identidad tiene un claro componente de unidad y continuidad en donde interactúan las definiciones internas y externas del sí mismo y en el que se incorporan los distintos puntos de vista sobre el individuo. En el proceso de integración... more
La dimensione femminile dell'immigrazione in Italia’, in Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS (Ed.), Dossier Statistico Immigrazione, 2015.
Between September and December 2020, UFPR’s Human Rights Observatory has undertaken a survey of Paraná institutions and organizations that provide aid to Brazilian and migrant women who were victims of domestic and gender violence. The... more
Диаспоры и сообщества мигрантов в Республике Татарстан: женская трудовая миграция. Этносоциологические очерки. Часть II / Т. Титова, Е. Фролова, А. Салахова, Д. Гараев, Д. Скибо, М. Вятчина, А. Галимуллина. – Казань: ЗАО «Мир без границ»,... more
Este trabajo aborda, desde las humanidades, la situación y problemática de las mujeres migrantes, principalmente del sudeste asiático, que llegan a la República de Corea en calidad de esposas de ciudadanos coreanos. Se usa el término... more
Participation in the labor market is one of the most important components of integration in the host country. This study is situated on two broad topics: female migration and labour mobility within the European Union. Throughout the... more
This article focuses on the multiple violations of labor rights that on-demand delivery workers are facing in Ecuador-as well as their resistance. By presenting a case study of a recent organizational process to raise awareness of... more
Migration is a state of life where a person or groups of persons travel from one place to another in search of livelihood. Broadly, two categories of people migrate, (1) The well offs, in search of better education, employment, favourable... more
Migrant women are often stereotyped. Some scholars associate feminization of migration with domestic work and criticize the “care drain” as a new form of imperialism that First World imposes on Third World. However, migrant women employed... more
This article revisits the migration-care nexus through the lens of subjective well-being, building on a case study of immigrant women employed as live-in care workers in Italy. Based on their constructions, practices and displacements of... more
Este informe recoge las conclusiones de una investigación coordinada por AIETI y la Red de Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe, sobre la situación de las mujeres migrantes víctimas de violencia de género en España, a partir de 19... more
Female and LGBTI+ asylum seekers’ experiences are invisible and under-researched within Turkey’s asylum regime. Based on in-depth interviews with asylum seekers, this chapter shows that although women and LGBTI+s have often escaped from... more
Home and home There is Home with a big, capital 'H' which is where I come from. And there is home … small 'h' … where I am living here in Johannesburg. The two are different; they are both my homes, but one is more of my 'Home' than the... more
Chez les femmes migrantes, les problèmes touchant la santé sexuelle sont importants en raison des barrières d’ordre culturel, religieux, linguistique, économique, social, géographique et politique qui compliquent l’accès aux soins sexuels... more
¿Cómo se analiza la racialización que las mujeres latinoamericanas viven en Suecia? ¿Cómo se escribe dicha racialización desde la experiencia personal y colectiva? ¿Cómo se habla de migración desde un lenguaje poético, y encarnado para... more
Il tema delle migrazioni è centrale per il dibattito pubblico contemporaneo, al punto da determinare l’agenda politica di molti Paesi europei, e non solo. Anche a livello teorico, infatti, il confronto rivela una particolare vivacità,... more
Women from the English-speaking Caribbean have rarely fit into traditional theories of migration and Westernized ideal of the trailing and passive wife accompanying the male breadwinner and migrant. Caribbean migration from the 1960s... more
Based on Catholic and Confucian social ethics, this book develops an ethic of solidarity and reciprocity with the migrants in Asia who are marginalized. Mary Mee-Yin Yuen draws off her own pastoral experiences in the Church, the situation... more
Throughout the Western world, governments have increasingly viewed migration through the lens of economic efficiency. In the era of globalisation, they argue, migrants should be selected on the basis of their skills and qualifications.... more
Este artigo trata de resultados parciais de um estudo sobre publicações em periódicos brasileiros acerca dos fluxos migratórios internacionais e gênero, considerando os impactos destes nas pesquisas e publicações em periódicos... more
This book chapter presents a case study in the recent volume Art and Migration edited by Bénédicte Miyamoto and Marie Ruiz, for Manchester University Press’s Rethinking Art Histories series. This book aims to challenge the geographical... more
Rwanda is recognised for its strong implementation of the Beijing Plan of Action and Millennium Development Goal 3 on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Australia, as an immigrant nation, has a strong multicultural society that has... more
My chapter examines the costly trade-off between emotional and economic considerations incurred by Peruvian and Paraguayan women doing domestic/care work in Argentina in the backdrop of evolving geo-political, socio-economic and legal... more
A distinct Europe-wide problem of migrant homelessness has become increasingly apparent. However, the available evidence base on migrant homelessness remains relatively weak and there is a particular dearth of research on the homeless... more
Need for local and spatial knowledge is vital to develop policy discourses on urban regeneration. However, this knowledge can be used as a key for future strategy and policy making, only if it is acquiered comparatively scrutinizing the... more
In a global economy where capital moves freely, border and legal restrictions are imposed on human bodies, giving rise to illegal and undocumented migration. The so called feminisation of migration looks at females as a dominant category... more
Ecuadorian migration to Spain can be described as an emblematic case of feminization of international migration. As the scholarship showed, this migration flow has been shaped by transnational female social networks in which different... more
This report draws from the findings of a small-scale study conducted by Mas Giralt in 2013-4 at the University of Leeds, which involved 19 semi-structured interviews with key informants from migrant support and community organisations and... more
En este trabajo abordamos, desde un enfoque etnográfico, la participación de las mujeres, jugadoras y espectadoras, del Campeonato de Fútbol Femenino de la Liga Deportiva Boliviana que se lleva adelante en un barrio periférico de la... more