Migrant Women

423 papers
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Migrant women refer to female individuals who relocate from their home country to another, often for work, education, or family reunification. This demographic is studied within various disciplines, including sociology, gender studies, and migration studies, focusing on their unique experiences, challenges, and contributions in host societies.
Предметом данной статьи является изучение процесса формирования СМИ определенного стереотипа о брачных мигрантах в Южной Корее. Путем контент-анализа выборочных статей в одной из ведущих газет страны на примере интернет архива ежедневной... more
El objetivo del texto es analizar la migración de las mujeres hondureñas que transitan por el corredor Centroamérica-México-Estados Unidos. La temática migratoria nos convoca a reflexionar sobre los motivos y el contexto... more
Resumen: El artículo muestra los datos que, en 2009 y 2011, aportó la Comisión de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) en México sobre el secuestro y tortura de migrantes. Estos datos se tratan de explicar en un contexto de neobarbarie desatado... more
En este articulo realizamos un analisis comparado de tres contextos politico-institucionales y laborales distintos para las migrantes peruanas en Buenos Aires en los ultimos 25 anos. Delimitamos estos contextos a partir de las... more
Australia’s National Men’s Health Strategy 2020–2030 identifies refugee and migrant men from culturally and lingustically diverse backgrounds as priority groups for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) interventions. The paucity of SRH... more
This study aimed to systematically examine the studies conducted and published on immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees by using big data written in English. Articles were searched on Scholar, The Web of Science, ProQuest, Science... more
Fases, evolución y estrategias migratorias de las mujeres, donde se pone de manifiesto quién toma deci sión de emigrar, así como los diferen tes tipos y subtipos de emigración, analizando para cada uno de ellos a las mujeres dominicanas,... more
This paper is dedicated to the gender analysis of the Global Compact on safe, orderly and regular migration since 2018. In the past 30 years, research within migration has also included an analysis of gender and gender inequalities. The... more
The objective of this report is to provide an overview of the situation of women migrant workers in the sixteen countries belonging to the Southern African Development Community (SADC). This includes a review of laws, regulations,... more
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publishers. To protect the identity and privacy of research participants, names have been... more
Community-based participatory research (CBPR) typically prioritizes community needs in the research process, attempting to link ethical and rigorous investigation with social action. However, balancing community needs and research goals... more
Almost two decades have passed since the peak years of out-migration from Poland after European Union (EU) accession. While the academic literature in the first decade after 2004 focused on the ‘intentional unpredictability’ or... more
Статья содержит эмпирическое обоснование влияния характера получаемой информации об иноэтничных мигрантах на отношение к ним и к миграционным проблемам в целом. Авторы приходят к выводу о существенном влиянии СМИ на формирование... more Given the increasingly diverse and globalized world we live in, Herdt’s inspiring work on the pagan and Christian sources of classical traditions in virtue ethics has encouraged me... more
В статье в формате кейс-стадиз рассматриваются различные формы агентности детей мигрантов в миграционных стратегиях и сценариях. Работа состоит из двух разделов, основанных на интервью и полевых наблюдениях в работе с семьями мигрантов в... more
Resumo: O livro The Elgar Companion to Gender and Global Migration. Beyond Western Research, editado por Natalia Ribas-Mateos e Saskia Sassen, objetiva visibilizar a rica e relevante pesquisa existente sobre gênero e migrações além dos... more
“Metodologías invisibles: reflexiones acerca de hacer trabajo de campo sobre cuidados” de Sofía Arrieta, Consuelo González Clariá y Clara Presman, reflexiona sobre la dimensión metodológica de investigaciones cualitativas que abordan... more
Since the mid-2000s, China has experienced an e-commerce boom. Almost at the same time, in countries where there is a significant pres¬ence of Chinese migrants, the phenomenon of daigou has developed. The dai¬gou-ers (literally ‘proxy... more
Migrant women, and women infected with HIV, are at enhanced risk of cervical HPV infection and HPV-related cancers. We investigated factors that can reduce these risks through public health preventive and screening interventions. We... more
Over the last three decades, Australia and many other industrialised nations have seen major social and economic changes. For Australia, two of these have been increasing inequality of earnings and the growth in alternative forms of... more
El presente articulo presenta una serie de reflexiones a partir del trabajo de campo realizado en el municipio de Sao Paulo durante el ano 2014, dicho trabajo da cuenta del escenario religioso donde hombres y mujeres originarios de... more
De la diversité des formes d'atteinte au consentement : les contours du mariage forcé Cet article examine les conditions d'expression et d'extorsion du consentement au moment du mariage chez des femmes immigrées et descendantes... more
This item is brought to you by Swansea University. Any person downloading material is agreeing to abide by the terms of the repository licence. Copies of full text items may be used or reproduced in any format or medium, without prior... more
This paper reviews the trends and driving forces for the relatively recent growth in cross-national marriages in East and Southeast Asia with a specific focus on the experiences of female marriage migrants from Southeast Asia.
Over the last fifteen years, Canada has received an increasing number of women from Mexico and Central America who are submitting refugee claims based on domestic, social, and political violence, and on the failure of political and... more
There is a large body of evidence regarding the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and their children. However, the influence of marketing of breastmilk substitutes on breastfeeding practices remains a big concern. The aim of this... more
Tobacco use during pregnancy is a major modifiable risk factor of adverse maternal and fetal health outcomes. Being a migrant has been associated with lower risk of smoking while pregnant. However, it remains a matter of debate whether... more
This item is brought to you by Swansea University. Any person downloading material is agreeing to abide by the terms of the repository licence. Copies of full text items may be used or reproduced in any format or medium, without prior... more
Introduction: In the field of medical anthropology, particularly from the practices of medical care in a situated context, the text discusses how state care services under the “National Child Health Programme” implemented by nursing... more
Lite er kjent om norske kvinners kunnskap om hvordan humant papillomvirus (HPV) smi er og hvilke sykdommer det kan forårsake. Hensikten med denne studien var derfor å undersøke kunnskapsnivået blant norske kvinner på de e området.
Recent studies on international migrations and human mobility show that migrant and refugee women build an intersectional consciousness at the global level through storytelling and rewriting actions, which contributes to the... more
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This article examines the vulnerability of frontline cleaning workers and domestic helpers during the COVID-19 pandemic and how they empower themselves by joining a community in which they can support each other. Employing surveys by... more
La Suisse a ete depuis au moins le XIXe siecle une sorte d’Eldorado pour beaucoup d’Italiens a la recherche de meilleures conditions de vie ainsi que d’opportunites impensables dans leur pays d’origine. Dans cette communication nous nous... more
Migration is one of the fundamental processes that determine the population of a country. It is believed that internal migrants account for nearly four times as many individuals as international migrants. The feminization of migration... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant rise in gender-based violence (GBV) cases globally, necessitating targeted intervention measures. Despite efforts by governments and stakeholders, this study focuses on Kakamega Central... more
English language competence is central to the employment prospects of migrant professionals. However, until recently, the testing procedures used by professional associations and the Australian Government have been poorly designed and... more
La Suisse a ete depuis au moins le XIXe siecle une sorte d’Eldorado pour beaucoup d’Italiens a la recherche de meilleures conditions de vie ainsi que d’opportunites impensables dans leur pays d’origine. Dans cette communication nous nous... more
The armed conflict in Syria and the mass displacement of Syrians have brought attention to the plight of refugees worldwide. In October 2015, Canada entered the spotlight of international attention when the newly elected Canadian Prime... more
En pratique clinique, > les professionnels de la sante qui traitent des patients individuels doivent prendre des decisions binaires : « le faire » ou « ne pas le faire ». Toutefois, dans le cas de nombreuses interventions preventives,... more
The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations commissioned the University of Melbourne's Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) to undertake this study in May 2008. The project team brought together research... more
La mujer, desde inicio de la humanidad, es ligada a labores del hogar, siendo quien alimenta, cuida y vela por el bienestar de los integrantes de su familia y la comunidad. Tradicionalmente, cuando se aborda el papel de las... more
Mujeres inmigrantes e integración laboral en Cataluña: el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación Mulheres imigrantes e integração trabalhista na Catalunha: o impacto das novas tecnologias da informação e da... more
Sylvie Kandé’s epic "La quête infinie de l’autre rive" and Julie Otsuka’s novel "The Buddha in the Attic" embrace the collective memory of forgotten women by recounting their ordeal of sea crossing. This paper examines how writing about... more