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Many church leaders conclude that immigrant churches are not engaged in missions, based on a limited view of the geographic scope of missions. The "going principle" assumes that mission activity involves cross-cultural engagement, while... more
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      Arabian GulfDiaspora and transnationalismWorld ChristianityMigrant Churches
The topic of "reverse mission" (or "return mission") emerged as a fashionable topic in theology and the social sciences in the late 1990s. It was concerned with a perceived flow of missionaries coming to the global North from the global... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionAfrican Studies
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      African Independent ChurchesFrench ProtestantismAfrican pentecostalismReligion and migration
My PhD thesis
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyMigrant Churches
Weltweit gibt es mehr als 100 deutschsprachige evangelische Kirchengemeinden, die mit der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) vertraglich verbunden sind. Viele dieser sogenannten Auslandsgemeinden bestehen schon seit Jahrzehnten,... more
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Articles and book reviews reflecting global evangelical theology for the purpose of discerning the obedience of faith Volume 33 No.
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      MissiologyEarly ChurchMigrationEarly Christianity
In de multiculturele stad Rotterdam en omgeving zijn zo'n 175 internationale en migrantenkerken actief, waarin christenen kerkdiensten organiseren en meer dan 40 verschillende talen spreken. In dit artikel zullen enkele casussen worden... more
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      World ChristianityRotterdamMigrant Churches
Avec les vagues migratoires subsahariennes, des Églises non officielles se sont multipliées au Maroc. À leur tête, des pasteurs stoppés sur leur route vers l'Europe. Ces communautés d'inspiration pentecôtiste se réunissent dans des... more
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      African Initiated ChurchesAfrican pentecostalismReligion and migrationMigrant Churches
Das Diskussionspapier ist im Rahmen des 1. Arbeitskreistreffens des Forschungsnetzwerkes „Begegnung in der Glokaliktät. Christliche Migrationskirchen im Wandel“, 1./2. März 2018, in Hildesheim entstanden. Die Arbeit daran wird in den... more
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      ReligionMigrant CommunitiesMigrant Churches
In this chapter we step away from the language classroom to consider language use within migrant communities, in this specific case the Brazilian community in London and their involvement in the Kardecism movement. In her analysis of... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyLondonBrazilian migrationKardecism
This paper is one chapter from the book 'Kerken Delen' ('Sharing Churches'), published on May 31st 2017. Central point of focus in this book is the housing situation of churches in the Netherlands. Native churches have a church building... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationMigrant Churches
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyMission StudiesEvangelismMissional Church Theology
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      Church GrowthMigrant Churches
Vanuit het Wetenschappelijk Instituut van de ChristenUnie heeft men zich de vraag gesteld, wat de gevolgen zijn van de aanwezigheid van 1 miljoen christenen met een migratieachtergrond voor de christelijke politiek in Nederland. In dit... more
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      Public TheologyWorld ChristianityMigrant Churches
De Gids van Christelijke Internationale Gemeenschappen in Rotterdam (2015) is een tweede, volledig herziene uitgave van de oorspronkelijke Gids uit 2008 (R. Calvert). Er worden meer dan 150 internationale en migrantenkerken in de regio... more
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      RotterdamMigrant Churches
The former British Labour Government acknowledged that religious practices play an important role in the development of children's identities [DCFS. (2009). Your child, your schools, our future: building a 21st century schools system.... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyMigrant Churches
Elke drie jaar wordt onderzocht wat de gezamenlijke Nederlandse kerken doen aan armoedebestrijding. Op 8 november 2019 werd het armoederapport gepresenteerd aan staatssecretaris Van Ark. Ondanks de economische groei was er opnieuw een... more
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      PovertyWorld ChristianityGlobal ChristianityDiaconia
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      Sociology of ReligionProtestantismAfrican DiasporaFrench Protestantism
During the conference on Science and Religion, and more specifically on the question whether the conflict-paradigm is a typically Western, late-19th century way of thinking about the relationship between science and religion, I was asked... more
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      MissiologyWorld ChristianityMigrant Churches
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      ProtestantismChurch HistoryEvangelicalismBelgium
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      MoroccoFaithEvangelical movementsIdentity and Identification
Kunnen christelijke migrantengemeenschappen en autochtone kerkgemeenschappen bondgenoten zijn en is diaconaat daar een geschikte vorm voor? Daar gaat deze lezing over. Het antwoord is: ja, mits er rekening wordt gehouden met vier punten,... more
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      World ChristianityDiaconiaMigrant Churches