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      Neolithic settlementNecropolisMiddle Neolithic Catalan
RESUMEN Con el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso de manufactura de los recipientes cerámicos de las Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de reconstrucción centrado en el proceso de acabado y decoración de los... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Middle Neolithic Catalan
The Sepulcros de Fosa is a historical period which has an extensive bibliographical record for northeastern Iberia. It has been attributed to the Middle Neolithic and dated to c.4000-3600 cal. BC. However, recent archaeological research... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyBayesian Radiocarbon DatingRadiocarbon Dating (Archaeology)Middle Neolithic Catalan
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      TypologyTombsMiddle Neolithic Catalan
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      Asian StudiesNear Eastern ArchaeologySoutheast Asian StudiesNear Eastern Studies
As a consequence of our study on the only mountain of mine salt in western Europe, we present the results obtained of the first European mine salt exploitation of Cardona Muntanya de sal. Moreover we focus our study on the role of the... more
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      Archaeology of saltMiddle Neolithic Catalan