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      PetrologyMesolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Stone axes (Archaeology)
The collection "Art and Religion of Ancient Societies" is a continuation of the series of the scientific publications which is devoted to the problems of study of the spiritual culture in the primitive societies. The previous edition "Art... more
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionComparative ReligionHistory
Recently, many of the Handbooks issued by top publishers have had a character of articles with fragmented evidence-based theories, mostly paraphrased replications and reproductions. Having Oxford handbook on the Neolithic of Europe online... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic Transition
Résumé : Depuis les travaux archéologiques de la deuxième partie du XXe siècle, le parallélisme et les possibles relations entre les « cultures archéologiques » du Chasséen et des « Sepulcres de fossa » de la Catalogne comme... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyEuropean Prehistory (Archaeology)
Primer volumen de una obra que nace como resultado de cuatro años de investigación desarrollados bajo el proyecto «Aproximación a las primeras comunidades neolíticas del NE peninsular a través de sus prácticas funerarias» (HAR2011-23149),... more
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      Middle Neolithic CatalanSépultures
En el punt actual del nostre coneixement no podem establir amb seguretat la funcionalitat d’aquests elements, entre altres raons perquè tots els casos s’han trobat fora de context, formant part de nivells d’amortització. Tot i les... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithicEarly Neolithic, Middle Neolithic, Late NeolithicStone tools
Memoria de excavación de tres sepulturas neolíticas en Sant Genís de Vilassar  y revisión del análisis  de las dos excavadas  por Joaquim Folch i Torres (1914) y publicadas por P. Bosch Gimpera..
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    • Middle Neolithic Catalan
Cabrejas Iñesta, Enrique (Enero 2013) KARUO -EL SECRETO ÍBERO -ISBN 978-84-9030-665-9. Colección: Investigación. Editorial Círculo Rojo. Almería. DEPÓSITO LEGAL: A 1185-2012. © Cabrejas Enric, 2014: Fotografia Web:... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
La documentació de materials ceràmics relacionats amb estructures d’emmagatzematge ens conirma les interpretacions fetes des del registre arqueobotànic (vegeu pàgines 205·260) respecte de l’existència i l’estabilitat d’una comunitat que... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Neolithic ArchaeologyEarly Neolithic pottery technologyNeolithic pottery
This short paper present the excavations made in 2013 on the site of Schwindratzheim (Nothern Alsace, France). If some bones and a reindeer's antler were discovered, the first dwelling phase is dated from the Early Neolithic (LBK... more
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      Ceramics (Archaeology)LinearbandkeramikEarly NeolithicNeolithic & Chalcolithic enclosures
Résumé : Dans le cadre de la culture dite des « Sepulcros de Fosa », de nombreuses évidences funéraires sont attestées dans le nord-est de la Péninsule ibérique. Ces inhumations sont d’habitude accompagnées par des mobiliers caractérisés... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Neolithic Europe
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      Asian StudiesNear Eastern ArchaeologySoutheast Asian StudiesNear Eastern Studies
La parte descriptiva de este trabajo se basa en un resumen de los dos trabajos que Imma Guitart Perarnau (1987, 1988)1 efectuó en relación a la necrópolis del Pla del Riu de les Marcetes: - Un artículo presentado en Tribuna d’Arqueologia... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyGrave GoodsMiddle Neolithic Catalan
One aspect that defines the Neolithic of the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula is its funeral register. The graves are so numerous that already in the early twentieth century Professor P. Bosch Gimpera considered that they had to belong... more
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      Middle Neolithic CatalanSépulture
The Sepulcros de Fosa is a historical period which has an extensive bibliographical record for northeastern Iberia. It has been attributed to the Middle Neolithic and dated to c.4000-3600 cal. BC. However, recent archaeological research... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyBayesian Radiocarbon DatingRadiocarbon Dating (Archaeology)Middle Neolithic Catalan
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      Neolithic settlementNecropolisMiddle Neolithic Catalan
Mining has commonly been thought of as hard manual labour undertaken by the lower echelon of a hierarchical society, but was this always the case? Recent excavations of the variscite mines at Gavà have revealed burials contemporary with... more
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      ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryFunerary ArchaeologyNeolithic Archaeology
(The neolithic period in Juberri, Sant Julià de Lòria, Andorra (I). Models of settlement and material culture): The knowledge of the neolithic period in recent years has increased steadily thanks to the data from new findings in this... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyMountain communitiesEarly Neolithic pottery technologyChasséen
"En este artículo se hace balance de los resultados obtenidos sobre la primera explotación europea de sal minera desarrollada alrededor de la Muntanya de Sal de Cardona (España), la única montaña de sal gema de Europa occidental. Se... more
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      Stone axes (Archaeology)Archaeology of saltPrehistoric salt productionMiddle Neolithic Catalan
El presente trabajo tiene como fundamento empírico el análisis funcional, petrológico y tecnológico de los instrumentos de piedra pulida y biselada encontrados en los principales contextos funerarios y domésticos de las comunidades que... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyUse Wear AnalysisStone axes (Archaeology)Adzes
RESUMEN Con el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso de manufactura de los recipientes cerámicos de las Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de reconstrucción centrado en el proceso de acabado y decoración de los... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Middle Neolithic Catalan
The excavation and study of the archaeological materials recovered in the 8 postcardial Neolithic layers of cova de Can Sadurní give proof of the mining activity that the group was carrying out since the beginning of the Middle Neolithic... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic TransitionNeolithic EuropeMesolithic/Neolithic
RESUMEN Con el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso de manufactura de los recipientes cerámicos de las Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de reconstrucción centrado en el proceso de acabado y decoración de los... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyMiddle Neolithic CatalanPottery Archaeology
Defined by a Languedocian researcher based on an eponymous site in Burgundy, the Chasséen has since been mostly recorded through the study of southern assemblages. This has contributed to the prevailing view that the South was its place... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropeNeolithic Ceramics
The excavation and study of the archaeological materials recovered in the 8 postcardial Neolithic layers of cova de Can Sadurní give proof of the mining activity that the group was carrying out since the beginning of the Middle Neolithic... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyMigration StudiesNeolithic TransitionNeolithic Europe
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      Archaeology of saltPrehistoric salt productionMiddle Neolithic Catalan
As a consequence of our study on the only mountain of mine salt in western Europe, we present the results obtained of the first European mine salt exploitation of Cardona Muntanya de sal. Moreover we focus our study on the role of the... more
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      Archaeology of saltMiddle Neolithic Catalan
Barremian-Bedoulian flint from the Vaucluse region (western Provence, SE France), is traditionally considered one of the most significant chrono-cultural markers of the Chassé en culture during the Middle Neolithic (end of the 5 th and... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryNeolithic Archaeology
L'estudi que ha portat a l'edició del llibre Comunitats agrícoles al Pirineu. L'ocupació humana a Juberri durant la segona meitat del Vè mil·lenni cal AC (Feixa del Moro, Camp del Colomer i Carrer Llinàs 28, Andorra) neix, inicialment,... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyPrehistoric agricultureStorage PitsHigh Mountain Archaeology
La presente comunicación tiene por objetivo dar a conocer la muy completa secuencia estratigráfica que el denominado Neolítico Postcardial de Can Sadurní ofrece a caballo entre el final del Neolítico Antiguo y durante todo el Neolítico... more
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      Middle Neolithic CatalanNeolithic PostcardialNE Iberian Peninsula
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      C14 DatingMiddle Neolithic Catalan
Recent studies realized on rock salt exploitation in Cardona have emphasized the importance of this good, as economic engine of the exchanges in the Altiplane and Central Prepyrenees of Catalonia during the Middle Neolithic (4500-3500... more
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      Stone axes (Archaeology)Archaeology of saltPrehistoric polished stone toolsPrehistoric salt production
"The finding of lithic artefacts of Neolithic age in the Vall Salina (Cardona, NE Spain) has been traditionally related to the ancient salt mining. Despite the sedimentary nature of the geology in this area (siliciclastic and evaporite... more
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      Stone axes (Archaeology)Prehistoric polished stone toolsMiddle Neolithic Catalan
La prospección e intervención arqueológica en el yacimiento de Ca l'Arnella motivadas por las obras del gaseoducto Martorell-Figueres propiciaron la localización y excavación de dos hipogeos funerarios con inhumaciones individuales del... more
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      ArchaeologyBone and AntlerPhysical AnthropologyUse Wear Analysis
One aspect that defines the Neolithic of the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula is its funeral register. The graves are so numerous that already in the early twentieth century Professor P. Bosch Gimpera considered that they had to belong... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropeBurial CustomsMiddle Neolithic Catalan
El hallazgo entre 2011 y 2014, en las excavaciones de los niveles postcardiales del Neolítico Medio I de la cueva de Can Sadurní (Begues, Barcelona), de la constatación de un uso funerario de la cavidad, con un relativamente estructurado... more
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      Cave burialsMiddle Neolithic Catalan
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      TypologyTombsMiddle Neolithic Catalan
This paper was written in 2011.
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    • Middle Neolithic Catalan
ABSTRACT This palaeodietary study presents new carbon and nitrogen isotope data for human and animal skeletal remains from the Middle Neolithic necropolis of Bòbila Madurell–Can Gambús (Vallès Occidental, Spain). The necropolis is divided... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisPaleodietStable IsotopesNeolithic Archaeology
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      GravesMiddle Neolithic Catalan
RESUMEN Actualmente, en el noreste de la Península Ibérica, se conocen muy pocos restos humanos pertenecientes a las primeras comunidades agricultoras y pastoriles de inicios del neolítico. Buena parte de las evidencias que tenemos... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyArchaeology of burialsEarly NeolithicAnthopology
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      Late NeolithicMiddle Neolithic Catalan
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      Stone axes (Archaeology)Archaeology of saltPrehistoric polished stone toolsPrehistoric salt production
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      TypologyTombsMiddle Neolithic Catalan
RESUMEN Actualmente, en el noreste de la Península Ibérica, se conocen muy pocos restos humanos pertenecientes a las primeras comunidades agricultoras y pastoriles de inicios del neolítico. Buena parte de las evidencias que tenemos... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Archaeology of burialsEarly Neolithic
The subterranean mines of Gavà were among the main sources of variscite exploited and distributed in the West Mediterranean basin during the Middle Neolithic (1st half of the 4th millennium BC). The recent excavations of three mines (83,... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyOrnament (Archaeology)
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      Forensic AnthropologyArchaeology of burialsNeolithic burialsMiddle Neolithic Catalan
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      Forensic AnthropologyArchaeology of burialsNeolithic burialsMiddle Neolithic Catalan
The archaeological survey and intervention on the Ca l’Arnella site were motivated by the construction works of the Martorell-Figueres pipeline, and led to the finding and excavation of two funerary hypogeal with individual burials from... more
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      Bone and AntlerPhysical AnthropologyUse Wear AnalysisResidue and Use-Wear Analysis
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      Archaeology of saltPrehistoric salt productionMiddle Neolithic Catalan