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Actes des 36 e Journées Internationales d'Archéologie Mérovingienne de l'AFAM, Montpellier -Musée archéologique de Lattes, 1 er -3 octobre 2015 sommaire . Jérôme HERNANDEZ, Laurent SCHNEIDER, Jean SOULAT, Avant-propos. L'habitat rural du... more
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      ArchaeologyRural HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMiddle Age Archaelogy
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      ChristianityArchaeologyMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
""Archaeologist, Teacher, Friend. Nicolai Telnov’s Anniversary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 MONOGRAPH INSIDE THE JOURNAL N. V. Zhilina (Moscow, Russia). Stamped Jewel Attire Reconstructed Based on Old Rus Hoards of 10th —... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
El Castro Iudeorum se sitúa al SE de la ciudad de León, sobre un cerro junto al río Torío. Controla el acceso a la ciudad desde el Este, zona por la que discurre el Camino de Santiago. El hallazgo de lápidas hebreas y las referencias... more
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyMiddle Age Archaelogy
Swedish archaeology is not spoiled for finds of Medieval music instruments. In the collections of Sigtuna museum there are two tuning keys for string instruments dated to the latter half of the 11th century, and what may be a playing key... more
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      ArchaeologyMusic HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyViking Age Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureMiddle Age Archaelogy
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)Pottery (Archaeology)
Desde el 2003 destaca en la arqueología medieval española el hallazgo excepcional de la judería encastillada de Lorca, conjunto formado por un barrio con distintas viviendas y una sinagoga de gran tamaño de la que se recuperaron diversos... more
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyArqueologíaCONSERVACION Y RESTAURACIONSinagoga
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyUrban archaeologySettlement archaeology
DVD containing the Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of Southwestern Iberian Archaeology held in Villafranca de los Barros (Spain) in October 2012. These meetings are celebrated since 1993 with assistance of Spanish a and Portuguese... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageLate AntiquityNeolithic Archaeology
Artikeln redovisar kortfattat kontexterna till de analyserade degelskärvor från ”Kung Olofs myntaretomt” som Wallace redovisar i sin artikel på annan plats i denna utgåva av Situne Dei... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyMiddle Age ArchaelogyArchaeometallurgyMedieval numismatics
Comunicări prezentate la sesiunea ştiinţifică organizată de muzeu Comitetul De Cultura Şi Educaţie Socialista Al Judetului Botoşani - Muzeul Judeţean COLECTIVUL DE REDACŢIE : Maria Bucataru, Ionel Bejenaru, Gabriela Coroliuc, Gheorghe... more
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      PaleobiologyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPaleobotany
Vorwort Kultur irn allgemeinen, Geschichte im besonderen konstituiert den Lebcnszusammenhang einer Region. Kulturelle Prozesse und die Notwendigkcit, sie bewußt zu l.r.rachenr haben ftir unsere Gesellschaft firndamentale Bedeucung. Doch... more
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      ArchaeologyMesolithic ArchaeologyStone Age (Archaeology)Neolithic Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyMiddle Age ArchaelogyIron AgeMontanarchäologie
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      African StudiesAfrican HistoryAfricaMiddle Age Archaelogy
Actualité des thèses récentes et de la recherche en archéologie médiévale
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryMedieval EuropeMiddle Age Archaelogy
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      Late Middle AgesArchitectureMedieval HistoryLandscape Archaeology
Alongside the Morava, the border river between Austria and Slovakia, a significant historico-cultural area developed from the Prehistory on. Fertile soil pandered to the procession of formation of settlements. Good transportation routes... more
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      High Middle AgesMaterial Culture StudiesTextile ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyRoman ReligionEarly Medieval Archaeology
The Spread of Christianity and establishing of the church organization in the Central Balkans indicated foremost by the remains of ecclesiastical architecture and religious artifacts. Liturgical objects represent a particular group of... more
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      ChristianityArchaeologyEarly ChristianityEarly Medieval Archaeology
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2015): “Procesos de reconquista, repoblación y abandono medievales en el Campo de Montiel: la aldea fortificada de Peñaflor”, en P.R. Moya-Maleno y D. Gallego (coords.): Campo de Montiel 1213: Entre el Islam y el... more
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      BioarchaeologyMiddle Age ArchaelogyArqueologia MedievalMilitary Orders
This book examines the results of the campaign of excavations near Sciacca's Castello Nuovo, It has been investigated the refuse deriving from domestic and food waste, that is able to provide valuable information regarding different... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)
Abbilclungsnachweis 56 13 43 gen Zusammenarbeit der vielen verschiedenen Institutionen l(onnte die Crabung erfolgreich und in der angestrebten Zeit Fertiggestellt werden. Um die Arbeit,,im Feld zu beschleunigen, wurde auFdie neuesten... more
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyMiddle Ages
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyMiddle Age Archaelogy
In 2014, one larger part of a monetary standard (etalon) dating back by punch-mark to the 1450s-1460s was found near Jevíčko vie metal detecting activities. Made of an alloy of silver and copper, the mentioned object used to serve as an... more
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesNumismaticsMiddle Age Archaelogy
Abstract: The paper gives notice of the newest state of knowledge about the early gold mining in a part of South Bohemia, which in the former great era of mining research by Jaroslav Kudrnáč clearly stood apart. There shell be formuled a... more
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyGold mining
""Content AD MEMORIAM K. V. Pavlova (St. - Petersburg, Russia)From Memories of I.I. Lyapushkin’s Last Decades of Life and Work9 O. V. Ovsyannikov (St. - Petersburg, Russia)Memories about I.I. Lyapushkin14 M. V. Medvedeva (St. -... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryArchaeology
In questo secondo contributo sugli scavi alla Montagna della Ganzaria, si analizza la documentazione materiale proveniente dallo scavo della torre di avvistamento di età medievale e rinascimentale rinvenuta a Poggio Pizzuto. L’analisi,... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryCultural Heritage
Séminaire d'archéologie médiévale du CIHAM : 16 décembre 2021
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      Late AntiquityMiddle Age ArchaelogyArchaeology of churchesConsecration of Churches
Bisognerà aspettare il XII secolo perché le descrizioni realistiche, in precedenza casuali ed isolate, si facciano sempre più frequenti: "observation of small objects (such as goldsmiths' work and books)" (Grandsen 1972, 29) ha una... more
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      Old Germanic LanguagesMiddle Age ArchaelogyAnglo-Saxon literature and cultureSolomon and Saturn
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    • Middle Age Archaelogy
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyMiddle AgesśredniowieczeArcheology
O C n p y x e~u e Hsaecrun Ha ~y s e u r e B Ceeepo3anan~a S-bnrapun -Bpaua 0 Tonop MUTOB -6u6nuoreq~o o @ o p~n e~u e c/o Jusautor, Sofia Bpaua -2006 " B a r a f l u~c~u , fl. I .~s n~, c~a e a Kepa-M U K B ..., C . 102-105, Kynu Tun 1,... more
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyMiddle Ages
Statue from the Zbruch river (Światowid) - more questions than answers? One of the earliest exhibits submitted to the collection of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków is a statue called Światowid from Zbruch river (discovered in 1848... more
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      ArchaeologyMiddle Age ArchaelogySlavic ArchaeologySlavic Mythology
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMiddle Age ArchaelogyTransylvaniaMiddle Bronze Age
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyMiddle AgesHábitat Y ViviendaSahara
This paper presents the results of 25 years of research in a group of the south Alpine chain (Lombardy) at the head of Val Trompia (Brescian Alps). The archaeological and archaeobotanical finds indicate that they began to be seasonally... more
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyLate Bronze Age archaeologyAlpine ArchaeologyArchaeology of Northern Italy
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
In questo primo contributo sugli scavi alla Montagna della Ganzaria (sito presso il quale si è lavorato nell’ambito del progetto “POR 2000-2006 Montagna della Ganzaria”), si analizza la documentazione materiale proveniente dallo scavo... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryCultural Heritage
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Carolingian ArtMiddle Ages
Alla ricerca di un archetipo? Riflettendo ancora sui diversi aspetti degli elementi cavi nell'edilizia e nei manufatti Mariavittoria Antico Gallina Storia, Storia dell'Arte e Architettura Gli xenoi di Alcibiade Cinzia Bearzot Diodoro e i... more
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyArcheologia dell'architetturaArchitettura MedievaleArchéologie médiévale
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesLandscape History
This article presents some results of a three-day survey south of the Wadi Howar to Gebel al-Ain taken out in January 2011 (during the University of Cologne mission to Gala Abu Ahmed led by Dr. Friederike Jesse). It was planned to... more
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      Medieval HistoryAerial ArchaeologyAfrican HistoryEarly Christianity
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      GeographyMiddle Age ArchaelogyArqueologíaMiddle Ages
The present article deals with a revision of the analysis of one of the most present material structures in Nasrid rural milieu: the alqueria (farmstead) towers. Assumed until now its characterization as minor structures that were part of... more
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      Rural HistoryMedieval Iberian HistoryMediterranean StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      Middle Age ArchaelogyLorraineStoneMoyen Age
FECHAS del Curso: del 18 al 24 de julio, 2016. Este III Curso, organizado y gestionado por NRT, Arqueólogos S.L., tiene un carácter eminentemente práctico mediante la realización de todas las actividades en el cementerio del Hospital de... more
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      Medical AnthropologyMedieval ArchaeologyMiddle Age ArchaelogyArqueología histórica
Archeologie ve středních Čechách 16, 2012, str. 387-392 Obr. 1. Zelčín na současném katastrálním plánu. Poloha objektů 1 a 2 označena černými body, průběh výkopu pro inženýrskou síť vyznačen šedě KeramicKý soubor ze zelčína, oKr. mělníK... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMiddle Age ArchaelogyMedieval Pottery
In this article we present 22 pipes and fragments of pipes discovered along many years of systematic or preventive excavations in Mangalia. These are Turkish pipes that were widely spread in the Balkans in 18th-19th century. Some of the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireOttoman Balkans