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For the past decade, several archaeologists have advocated the development of middle-range theory as a way to give objective meaning to the archaeological record (e.g., Bettinger 1987; Binford 1977, 1983b; Thomas 1983, 1989; Torrence... more
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      Archaeological Method & TheoryMiddle-Range Theory
The research-teaching nexus has been the issue of several studies, from different fields and their varying theoretical perspectives. This wide array of findings have gathered important insights in the relationship of research and... more
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      Functional AnalysisHigher EducationGrounded Theory (Research Methodology)Systemtheorie
Is neoclassical realism more suitable for foreign policy analysis than other realist approaches?
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisRealism (Political Science)Neoclassical realismNeorealism
The Blockchain has evoked the interest of practitioners and academics alike. Frequently only being perceived as the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, various innovative applications have highlighted its potential... more
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      Transaction CostsTransaction Cost EconomicsResource Based ViewNetwork Theory
During the past decade, social mechanisms and mechanism-based ex- planations have received considerable attention in the social sciences as well as in the philosophy of science. This article critically reviews the most important... more
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      Philosophy of Social ScienceExplanationAnalytical SociologyMiddle-Range Theory
In this paper we propose the conceptual framework of the assemblage of practice as an effective middle-range heuristic tool that bridges deep theory and the data available to archaeologists. Our framework foregrounds vibrant things as... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & Theory
Smith, Michael E.  (2015)  How can Archaeologists Make Better Arguments? The SAA Archaeological Record 15(4):18-23.
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryPhilosophy of Social Science
I review several bodies of empirical urban theory relevant to the archaeological analysis of ancient cities. Empirical theory is a type of "middlerange theory" (following Robert Merton): sets of concepts and methods that are less... more
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      Social TheorySocial SciencesComparative UrbanismArchaeological Method & Theory
Based on a critical assessment of previous scholarship, this paper tries to establish a new conceptual framework to deal with processes of transfer, reception and adaption in Roman architecture. The main goal is to propose an integrated... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Robert Merton's essays on theories of the middle range and his essays on functional explanation and the structural approach are among the most inf1uential in the history of sociology. But their import is a puzzle. He explicitly allied... more
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      Philosophy of Social ScienceSociological TheoryRobert K. MertonHistory and Philosophy of Social Sciences
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      Research Methods and MethodologyCase Study ResearchPhenomenologyRobert K. Merton
Description of the historical - 'ethnographic' Thucydidean method. The Middle-Range Theory and its multiple meanings. The Binford design and its origin. Modern associations between the Thucydidean method of retrospective history and... more
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      Ancient HistoryEthnoarchaeologyThucydidesAncient Greek History
This paper discusses the principle of symmetry for archaeology in light of the discipline’s theoretical legacy. At the core, this principle involves a reconfiguration of how the relationship between humans and things is characterized.... more
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      Social ArchaeologyTheoretical ArchaeologyThing TheoryPhilosophy of Archaeology
Small bone fragments have often been interpreted as the residues of stews or grease extraction. In international historical archaeological research, stew interpretations have often focused on enslaved or underclass groups or on those who... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyZooarchaeology
While most comparative and meta-analysis in archaeology would like to assume that taphonomic factors act randomly and do not bias the results of studies with many data points, archaeological records may suffer from systematic biases in... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewArchaeological Site Formation Processes
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      SociologySocial TheoryCommunicationMethodology
(The paper is written in Finnish) Poetics as a Middle-Range Theory. Meta-Theoretical Perspectives on Twentieth-Century Theories of Poetics This paper examines three prominent twentieth-century theories of poetics from a meta-theoretical... more
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      PoeticsMiddle-Range Theory
Paper contribution at the TAG 2019
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologySocial Inequality (Anthropology)Hunter-Gatherer ArchaeologyDemographics
»Middle range« bezeichnet nicht einfach einen Typ soziologischer Theorie (etwa zwischen universell und empirisch) und bezieht sich auch nicht auf eine Eigenschaft des untersuchten Gegenstands (etwa zwischen »mikro« und »makro«). Aber was... more
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      SociologySociological TheoryMiddle-Range Theory
Over the last decade, we have conducted an actualistic taphonomic research program in the Humid Pampas of Argentina, in order to build a corpus of information about the taphonomic agents and processes characterizing this sub-region. In... more
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Tringham, Ruth (1978) Experimentation, Ethnoarchaeology and the Leapfrogs in Archaeological Methodology. In Explorations in Ethnoarchaeology, edited by R. Gould, pp. 169-199. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. The main agenda... more
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      Microwear AnalysisLithic AnalysisMiddle-Range Theory
Sosiologi Robert K. Mertonin mukaan keskitason teoriat sijoittuvat empiirisessä tutkimuksessa välttämättömien työhypoteesien ja kaiken kattavien sosiologisten teoriajärjestelmien välisen jatkumon keskelle. Tässä artikkelissa täsmennän ja... more
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      Robert K. MertonMiddle-Range TheorySosiaalipsykologiaSosiologia
How are middle-range theories about causal mechanisms built from case studies in the social sciences? My aim is to answer this question by analyzing and improving Derek Beach and Rasmus Brun Pedersen’s descriptions of the foundations and... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyQualitative MethodsPolitical ScienceCase Study Research
Open-air sites are ubiquitous signatures on most archaeological landscapes. When they are appropriately recorded, well-preserved and are single-component occupations, they provide access to high-resolution occupation data that is often... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologySettlement PatternsStone Age (Archaeology)
""W artykule analizie poddane zostało zagadnienie tożsamości przedmiotowej nauki o polityce. Punktem wyjścia jest stwierdzenie o niemożności jednoznacznego i nie wzbudzającego większych kontrowersji zakreślenia granic polityki i... more
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      Political TheoryPolitical SciencePoliticsPolitical Methodology
This paper is a reply to the discussions of Ruth Groff, Dave Elder-Vass, Daniel Little, and Petri Ylikoski of Tuukka Kaidesoja (2013): Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology (London: Routledge).
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      Critical RealismPhilosophy of Social ScienceSocial OntologyNaturalism
Scholarship on the early Chinese press is underdeveloped, while attention has been given preponderantly if not exclusively to the well-deserved reformist Liang Qichao and his enlightenment projects. Chinese historiography has owed Shen Bao,
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      MethodologyJurgen HabermasPublic SpherePress history
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      Reception TheorySocial ObjectsHellenistic periodAthenian Agora
Against the backdrop of TAG’s conspicuous success, this paper explores the relevance of the expressed anxiety surrounding the supposed death of archaeological theory at Durham TAG’s plenary in 2009. Initially a concise description of... more
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      Social TheoryArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryBuilt Environment
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      Medical SociologyHuman GeographySocial epidemiologySocial Sciences
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      nursing theory: Roy Adaptation ModelMiddle-Range Theory
This article develops a novel account of middle‐range theories for combining theoretical and empirical analysis in explanatory sociology. I first revisit Robert K. Merton's original ideas on middle‐range theories and identify a tension... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySocial SciencesResearch Methodology
Tentando refletir criticamente sobre a natureza da abordagem qualitativa, e os estudos de caso como estratégia particular, o presente trabalho procura analisar as práticas científicas no campo sociológico. Com este objetivo, proponho dois... more
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      Qualitative methodologyCase StudyMiddle-Range Theory
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyInequality (Economics)Social Inequality