Mid-Century Modern Architecture

90 papers
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Mid-Century Modern Architecture is an architectural style that emerged in the mid-20th century, characterized by clean lines, organic forms, integration with nature, and the use of new materials and technologies. It emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and a connection between indoor and outdoor spaces, reflecting the cultural and social changes of the post-World War II era.
El programa Case Study House se originó con el objetivo de explorar soluciones de vivienda adaptadas a la nueva realidad de la clase media californiana de después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El presente artículo pretende determinar si... more
Resumen En 1930, los arquitectos Fritz Schupp y Martin Kremmer, crearon dentro del marco del Deutscher Werkbund, el Complejo Zollverein: una mina de carbón modelo que habría de ser el orgullo de todos los agentes de la industrialización.... more
Palm Springs was founded around a grove of palm trees in the Coachella Valley desert, about 110 miles east of Los Angeles. The relative isolation and the benefits of the warm and dry climate of the desert attracted Hollywood actors,... more
In January 1945, Lowell Walter wrote to Frank Lloyd Wright requesting a design for a small summerhouse on the 3800 acres of farmland in northeastern Iowa. Walter had been a road contractor whose patent on an asphalt-like road surface... more
In the two and a half decades from the early 1890s until the end of the First World War, a number of one-storey residences were erected for affluent homeowners in Brisbane to designs which were sufficiently similar to constitute a... more
Jardines del Pedregal fue conceptualizado y proyectado por Luis Barragán entre 1945 y 1952, un visionario desarrollo en el que el diseño de paisaje en la lava petrificada del volcán Xitle marcaría la configuración de los lotes y daría la... more
Dans le sillage de la reconstruction et du renouveau qui ont marqué l'après-guerre, le secteur belge du carrelage a connu un regain de prospérité. Dans lequel les fabricants belges Gilliot & Cie et Sphinx-Hemiksem ont joué un rôle de... more
In de schaduw van naoorlogse wederopbouw en vernieuwing, bloeide de Belgische tegelsector weer op. De Belgische tegelfabrikanten Gilliot & Cie en Sphinx-Hemiksem speelden hierin een hoofdrol. In dit geschiedenisartikel verkennen we hoe... more
La ponencia presenta la experiencia de una investigación en torno a los medios de difusión y a su influencia en la construcción de la cultura doméstica moderna, con especial atención al destino de la mujer en el contexto de esta... more
El inmueble que albergó el Camagüey Tennis Club constituye una de las obras más representativas del movimiento moderno en la ciudad de Camagüey. En este artículo se trata sobre sus valores arquitectónicos y el significado social que tuvo... more
El edificio creado para la sede del Colegio Provincial de Camagüey constituye una excepcional obra del movimiento moderno en la ciudad por cohesionar distintos conceptos arquitectónicos y artísticos. Con el arribo de la Revolución Cubana,... more
Integral to the identity of the Ancient town of Rye are its cobblestones. Known locally as boulders, they are used on streets, lanes, pavements, forecourts and private curtilages. Cobblestones have been sourced from varying places... more
A little-known sea battle off the Cinque Port of Sandwich stopped what would have been a foreign invasion. It is considered to be a watershed in medieval Europe’s naval history. Not since the Conquest or the Spanish Armada had England... more
The French raided England’s Southeast coast for varying reasons. One such raid occurred in 1514. This time it was an invasion. The fishing town of Brighthelmstone would succumb to a French king’s wrath.
Based on previously unpublished archival images, texts and manuscripts of interviews, this paper analyzes Neutra's design works and ideas throughout his career. It focuses on how he dealt with the relationship between the man-made and the... more
This thesis is a broad historical exploration of the nature and social function of architectural facades. In particular, the thesis examines the influence of Le Corbusier’s universal structure of Maison Dom-ino on the subsequent... more
This article explores the visual abundance found in a number of early projects by Leinweber, Yamasaki and Hellmuth (LYH) and Minoru Yamasaki and Associates (MYA), which stands in stark contrast to the austere character of architectural... more
Para el muralista José Clemente Orozco la geometría y el dominio del dibujo científico sirvieron de herramientas para entender y representar el espacio en múltiples materialidades. “Mi pintura es una pintura mental”, decía. Integró... more
Zakopane-od architektury fisowskiej lat 60. XX w. po czasy współczesne Zakopane-from the Fisian architecture of the 1960s to modern times Streszczenie Po reformie administracyjnej kraju (1975 r.) Zakopane znalazło się w obrębie... more
Los orígenes históricos de la solución arquitectónica para viviendas de emergencia, tal y como se las conoce en la actualidad, no han sido estudiados en profundidad conforme a las influencias recibidas ni su cronología. Al mismo tiempo,... more
This thesis examines the feasibility of retreating the concrete at Jackson Lake Lodge with acid-based stains. The surface treatment at Jackson Lake Lodge is an unusual form of board finished or “fair-face” concrete. The building was cast... more
This work analyzes the evolution of bank typology in the 20th century. This research contrasts the traditional European-based palace with the Brazilian “Casa-Grande,” a historical type of building that, among other functions, also served... more
En esta tesis, el objeto de estudio se centra en la configuracion a traves de un sistema prefabricado de La Casa Eames o Csh 8, considerando que esta obra es un referente importante de arquitectura moderna enmarcando la industrializacion... more
Exhibition Catalogue for 'Lust for Lifestyle: Modern Adelaide Homes 1950-65' held at the State Library of South Australia Gallery from 3 December 2021 to 27July 2022.
Departing from the tourism-related coastal developments in Turkey during the mid-1950s, this chapter deciphers the role of the holiday complex that was constructed in 1955 as the first hotel in the chain developed by the new national bank... more
This article explores the visual abundance found in a number of early projects by Leinweber, Yamasaki and Hellmuth (LYH) and Minoru Yamasaki and Associates (MYA), which stands in stark contrast to the austere character of architectural... more
Encyclopaedic article about Croatian architect Zvornimir Marohnić (1915-2003) in Croatian Biographical Lexicon.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Mimarlık insan ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya yönelik bir disiplin olmasının yanı sıra politik, ekonomik ve sosyokültürel ortamın dinamiklerini yansıtan somut bir yapıdır. Mimarinin etkileşim içinde olduğu bu yapılardan politik yapı diğer... more
Income diversification continues to be a key strategy for poor rural households, including those that are progressively developing and those operating under increasing distress. The ability of a household to diversify has been shown to... more
Stephanie LeMenager (SL): What is Desert Studies and how did your class Mapping the Desert, Deserting the Map come about? Dick Hebdige (DH): The Desert Studies project is a pilot program in interdisciplinary arts-centered research,... more
Los misioneros españoles que llegaron al valle de Coachella en el siglo XVIII quedaron tan impresionados con los manantiales de aguas termales que se encontraron que denominaron a sus pobladores nativos indios Aguas Calientes. Esta... more
Han transcurrido diez años desde que la Conferencia Episcopal Italiana abrió el camino a una importante operación cultural —concretamente para promover la calidad arquitectónica en el campo de la edificación eclesiástica— que, sin duda,... more
After World War II a new order emerged amongst the ruins, the devastation and the Allied triumph. The United States, more than any other country, emerged as a new world power with an optimism founded on victory as much as on its untouched... more
Much different from what was stated in the brief of the case study program which was that the client of the house was supposed to be at the time fictitious (and ideally different from the house’s tenants) and that the house must be given... more
What form had the Modernity initiated from the eighteenth century? It isn't relevant. In this article I analyze the path of women who had a decisive influence on architecture from their professions. It is noted that these contributions... more
Entre la década de 1950 y 1960 dos arquitectos barceloneses exploraron las posibilidades técnicas de la arquitectura en un contexto dominado por el conformismo realista que la situación política determinaba. Fieles a un contacto directo... more
In April 2015, The Pool emerged as the winning proposal for Australia's exhibition at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. 1 Creative directors Aileen Sage and Michelle Tabet explained that the pool was ‘a lens through which to... more
In the spring of 1936, Alden Dow prepared drawings of a residence for George Greene, an empioyee at the Dow Chemical Company.
Join Rachel Preston Prinz for a talk on mid-century modern architect and designer Alexander Girard’s work in New Mexico, and beyond. Girard arrived in Santa Fe in 1953. He has four major works in the state, including a mural at the... more
In the mid-twentieth century, southern Vietnamese architects developed a version of modernist architecture that accommodated the tropical climate and reflected the identity of a newly-independent culture. It demonstrated high-quality... more
The Beach, Boardwalk, and Motel in Florida: The Context of Beach-side Leisure, Polynesian Dreams, and Representation of the Tropics in Daytona Beach Mike Walker Savannah College of Art and Design ABSTRACT: Daytona Beach bills itself as... more