The tailoring of cold-deformation to promote recovery and recrystallization processes upon subsequent heat-treatment is well understood in rolled monolithic alloys. In contrast, clad aluminum systems, which feature two or more different... more
MASTER OF SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS August 2017 Mikler, Calvin Vijay. Laser Additive Manufacturing of Magnetic Materials. Master of Science (Materials Science and Engineering), August 2017, 64 pp., 2 tables, 21 figures, chapter... more
The artificial aging of Aluminum 2024, a critical aerospace alloy, represents a complex metallurgical process with significant implications for material performance. This study systematically investigates the precipitation hardening... more
The effect of hot rolling and austenite revert transformation (ART) on the microstructure development and mechanical properties for a series of newly developed manganese steels with small carbon and/or boron content was investigated in... more
The work-hardening mechanisms of two novel advanced high-strength steels (Fe 67.4−x Cr 15.5 Ni 14.1 Si 3.0 B x [x = 0 (0B), 2 (2B)] wt%) were investigated by means of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy coupled with... more
In this study butt joining of 7020-T6 alloy was performed using tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding with continuous (constant) and pulsed current. Effect of heat input on microstructure and mechanical properties of the joints was... more
Se estudió la evolución microestructural en dos aleaciones resistentes al calor envejecidas a 750°C por periodos de hasta 1000 h mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido. La transformación de NbC a Nb 3 Ni 2 Si se describe por... more
In this study, the formation of super saturated solid solution in the binary Cu-Fe system was investigated. Three powder blends with 30, 50 and 70 wt.% of Fe were milled for different times to 96 h. The variations of lattice parameter and... more
India's cement industry is the second largest in the world, generating 6.9% of the global cement output. Polycarbonate waste ash is a major problem in India and around the globe. Approximately 370,000 tons of scientific waste are... more
India's cement industry is the second largest in the world, generating 6.9% of the global cement output. Polycarbonate waste ash is a major problem in India and around the globe. Approximately 370,000 tons of scientific waste are... more
Pulse-echo ultrasonic method was carried out to investigate possible anisotropy in selective laser melting additively manufactured (AM) AlSi10Mg samples. Three types of ultrasonic analyses were employed: time of flight (TOF) sound... more
Four titanium alloys (Ti-Ta, Ti-Ta-Sn, Ti-Ta-Mn, and Ti-Nb-Sn) were synthesized by mechanical alloying (MA) in a planetary mill in different times between 2 h and 100 h. The microstructure characterization was made by X-ray diffraction... more
Heterogeneous grain growth during austenitization in ASTM A213-T91 steel has been studied using a Gleeble 3500 thermomechanical simulator. Starting from a uniform, fine austenite grain size distribution after 1 min austenite holding time,... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
This work focuses on the modeling of the evolution of anisotropy induced by the development of the dislocation microstructure. A model formulated at the engineering scale in the context of classical metal plasticity and a model formulated... more
Stacking fault energy (SFE) changes the restoration mechanisms during friction stir welding (FSW) of copper alloys. • At higher SFE (N80 mj m-2), the continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) and static recovery (SRX) are active... more
Effect of cooling rate on microstructure evolution of Ti-45Al-8.5Nb-0.2W-0.2B-0.02Y alloy during multi-step heat treatment
Niobium single crystals were deformed by equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) with one, four, and eight passes at room temperature. Microstructural characterization was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and... more
Micro-Fabric Analyzer (MFA) is a new GIS-based tool for the quantitative extrapolation of rock microstructural features that takes advantage both of the characteristics of the X-ray images and the optical image features. Most of the... more
In this paper, we aim at characterizing three different cast iron alloys and their microstructural features, namely lamellar, compacted and nodular graphite iron. The characterization of microscopic features is essential for the... more
This paper focuses on local strain distribution in the microstructure of high silicon ductile iron during cyclic loading. In-situ cyclic test was performed on compact-tension (CT) samples inside the scanning electron microscope (SEM) to... more
Knowledge of radiation-induced helium bubble nucleation and growth in SiC is essential for applications in fusion and fission environments. Here we report the evolution of microstructure in nanoengineered (NE) 3C SiC, pre-implanted with... more
The present contribution deals with quantitative microstructural analysis, which was performed on granodiorites of the syn-tectonic Symvolon pluton (Punturo et al., 2014) at the south-western boundary of the Rhodope Core Complex (Greece).... more
A homogenized Mg-10Gd-4.8Y-0.6Zr (wt.%) alloy was subjected to multidirectional forging (MDF) at 773 K. It was shown that the average grain size decreased with increasing cumulative strain till 6 passes. Uniform fine-grained structure... more
The present paper reports the results of the relationship between the surface topography, microstructure and the in vitro bioactivity of samples with and without fluorapatite content in simulated body fluid. Glasses and glass ceramics... more
Este trabalho se compreende na criação de um conjunto de obras que proporcionam uma reflexão encima do desenvolvimento da tecnologia como um traço inerente a raça humana, bem como suas falhas. Estas obras realizadas em diversos meios e... more
Additive manufacturing has been recognized as an alternative manufacturing technique for industrial sustainability by obtaining components with geometry close to the final shape, on-demand production and synthesis of post-processing... more
evolution, mechanical properties, and FEM analysis of the residual stress of sapphire joints brazed with a novel borate glass, Ceramics International,
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
In the present work, PTA welding process was used to investigate the influence of welding parameters on the dilution, microhardness and corrosion resistance of Inconel 625 alloy coatings on the API 5L X70 grade steel. The electrochemical... more
La secuencia de solidificación influye sobre la formación y crecimiento de las fases en una aleación metálica. En las aleaciones Zn-(3-4)Al-(5-10)Cu, la fase épsilon determina sus propiedades mecánicas. Investigaciones previas han... more
The current research was undertaken to study the improvement of the tribological behavior of nanocrystalline bioceramic, α-alumina sample, produced by the calculations of gibbsite at different temperatures (300 to 1200°C), followed by... more
This paper presents an experimental examination of AA2024 aluminium alloy through Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP), annealing, and ECAPed plus aging applications. The aim of this study is to compare and observe the effects of the a... more
A practical approach to predict the yield strength and work-hardening exponent (n value) to evaluate the deep-drawing performance of annealed 3104 aluminum sheets is presented in the present work by only measuring and analyzing the grain... more
Welding of annealed plates with thickness 8.5 mm of metastable β Ti-55511 alloys has been carried out through Electron beam Welding (EBW) technique in this research effort. Weldment has been characterized by microscopy, microhardness and... more
The bioactivity of glass ceramics from Li 2 O-SiO 2-CaO-P 2 O 5-CaF 2 system, with different amount of fluorapatite expressed as P 2 O 5 content, has been tested in vitro under static and dynamic regime. The paper reports the results of... more
This text describes the plasma nitriding of a ductile iron, to increase the surface hardness and improve its wear behavior. A ferritic ductile iron was used and processed with gases (N2 + H2) for 5 hours in a treatment chamber built at... more
This paper comprises an investigation using finite element analysis to study the behaviour of nanocrystalline grain structures during Equal Channel Angular Press (ECAP) processing of metals. The effects of average grain size and... more
Flat-top cylinder indenter for mechanical characterization (FIMEC) is an indentation technique employing cylindrical punches with diameters ranging from 0.5 to 2 mm. The test gives pressure-penetration curves from which the yield stress... more
Autor para quem deverá ser enviada a correspondência Resumo: O sistema Cu-Li-Mg só foi, até ao momento, alvo de estudos por Mel'nik et al. que, com base nos resultados de ensaios de DRX, definiram a secção isotérmica a 643 K; a única fase... more
Al-Cu-Li alloy with the thickness of 4 mm is welded by electron beam welding (EBW). Microstructure and mechanical properties of welded joint are systematically investigated. The formation mechanism of weld porosity is fully discussed.... more
The quenched and tempered reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steel EUROFER 97 is one of the candidates for structural components of fusion reactors. The cyclic behaviour of this steel during isothermal plastic strain-controlled tests... more
An experimental investigation was carried out to determine the corrosive impact of oxidizing and non-oxidizing environments on sensitized welded and unwelded samples of AISI 304. The selected samples were cut into several sizes. To induce... more