Microbial community
Recent papers in Microbial community
The kinetics of abiotic oxidation in the dark and the kinetics of biological mineralization in soil and in a compost environment of thermally oxidized LDPE were studied. It was demonstrated that different activation energies are obtained... more
Gut microbial communities represent one source of human genetic and metabolic diversity. To examine how gut microbiomes differ among human populations, here we characterize bacterial species in fecal samples from 531 individuals, plus the... more
Dynamic, multicompartment in vitro gastrointestinal simulators are often used to monitor gut microbial dynamics and activity. These reactors need to harbor a microbial community that is stable upon inoculation, colon region specific, and... more
and total counts) correlated negatively. The overall assessment of soil activity, the soil respiration, did not correlate with either. Significant correlations were found between the principal components of pH, CLPP, EAA, and culturable... more
The extracellular and intracellular metabolites formed upon exposure of activated sludge microorganisms to a sublethal concentration of N-ethylmaleimide were monitored by liquid chromatography with ion trap mass spectrometry. The... more
Hybridization probes produced from DNA sequences have proven to be a powerful tool in the rapid and sensitive analysis of natural microbial communities. By using function-specific probes, such as those identifying genes coding for... more
Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis of a soil microbial community was coupled with 13C isotope tracer analysis to measure the community’s response to addition of 35 μg of [13C]toluene ml of soil solution−1. After 119 h of incubation... more
For most marine aquaculture species, one of the main bottlenecks is the stable production of high quality juveniles. The high and unpredictable mortality in the first weeks after hatching of marine fish larvae remains a challenging... more
Paddy soils make up the largest anthropogenic wetlands on earth. They may originate from any type of soil in pedological terms, but are highly modified by anthropogenic activities. The formation of these Anthrosols is induced by tilling... more
A study of 25 paper mill slime deposits and one additive revealed nine pink-pigmented bacterial isolates, eight of which were different from pink-pigmented bacteria identified in the paper industry in the middle 1900s. The pinkpigmented... more
We compared the abilities of Biolog’s GN and ECO plates to distinguish among aerobic and heterotrophic bacterial communities in samples from six aquatic environments. The Biolog system is based on interpreting patterns of sole-carbon... more
Bibliography A.A.V.V. (1999) Of microbes and art. The role of microbial communities in the degradation and protection of cultural heritage. In
We compared the microbial community composition in soils from the Brazilian Amazon with two contrasting histories; anthrosols and their adjacent nonanthrosol soils of the same mineralogy. The anthrosols, also known as the Amazonian Dark... more
Le septembre 2008 Titre : Caractérisation moléculaire et physiologique des Facteurs de Réponse à l'Ethylène (ERF) chez la tomate (Solanum lycopersicon) JURY Mr. Jean-Claude PECH Président (INP-ENSAT) Mr. Christophe ROTHAN Rapporteur (INRA... more
Wildfi re-produced charcoal is a common component of soils, affecting a range of important abiotic and biotic soil processes. Our ability to predict the effects of charcoal addition to soil is currently limited, however, by our... more
Microbial life predominates in the ocean, yet little is known about its genomic variability, especially along the depth continuum. We report here genomic analyses of planktonic microbial communities in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre,... more
The discovery of gullies and debris aprons raises the question of the existence of aqueous environments on Mars in recent geological times and its astrobiological implications. Three cases of such environments are surveyed at MOC high... more
Sponges of the Aplysinidae family contain large amounts of bacteria that are embedded within the sponge tissue matrix. In order to determine the stability and specificity of the Aplysina^microbe association, sponges were maintained in... more
The application of soil solarization (SS), one of the most promising techniques for the control of soilborne pathogens, is seriously limited by the drawback regarding the disposal of the used plastic materials. A possible solution to this... more
The occurrence of microbial colonisation on artificial surfaces in urban areas (building facades, roof tiles) and interiors (damp rooms: silicone sealings, wallpaper) causes not only an aesthetically unacceptable discolouration of the... more
Community level physiological profile Mesocosms BIOLOG ecoplate a b s t r a c t A novel experiment design based on the axial simplex design was used to study the effects of earthworm functional diversity on microbial biomass and microbial... more
by in situ X-ray observations based on the same pressure scale in the previous study . The overpressure was calculated using these boundaries. We observed the pressure to drop during the transformation by 1-2 GPa, but this would not... more
Over the last decade, important advances in molecular biology led to the development of culture-independent approaches to describing bacterial communities. These new strategies, based on the analysis of DNA directly extracted from... more
Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea, L.) invasion of wetlands is an ecological issue that has received attention, but its impact on soil microbial diversity is not well documented. The present study assessed the size... more
Soil microbial biomass plays important roles in nutrient cycling, plant-pathogen suppression, decomposition of residues and degradation of pollutants; therefore, it is often regarded as a good indicator of soil quality. We reviewed more... more
Hydrogen (H 2) production from simulated cheese processing wastewater via anaerobic fermentation was conducted using mixed microbial communities under mesophilic conditions. In batch H 2 fermentation experiments H 2 yields of 8 and 10... more
Methanogenesis provides a means of H 2 disposal and a mechanism to maintain low partial H 2 pressure in the rumen, a prerequisite for efficient ruminal fermentation. As methanogens possess stringent requirements for cultivation, only a... more
Little information is currently available about water column microbial processes or mortality during Arctic winter. To address this paucity, we used epifluorescence microscopy and dilution experiments to determine the abundance of... more
Microcalorimetry was applied to assess and compare the toxic effect of heavy metals, such as As, Cu, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb and Zn, on the soil microbial activities and community. About 1.0 g soil spiked 5.0 mg glucose and 5.0 mg ammonium... more
Effluent organic matter Managed aquifer recharge Riverbank filtration Biotransformation Co-metabolism Primary substrate a b s t r a c t This study explored the effect of different bulk organic carbon matrices on the fate of trace organic... more
In this chapter, we review empirical evidence for stronger allelopathic effects of exotic European invaders on North American natives than on other European species. We argue that this evidence provides critical insights into the impor-... more
This study investigates an arable field soil with long-term (27 and 28 years) mineral (NPK) and organic (cattle manure, cattle manure with biodynamic preparations) fertilizer amendments at low, medium and high amounts. Arbuscular... more
The Gaia hypothesis originally proposed by James E. Lovelock states that the composition, oxidation-reduction state and temperature of the troposphere are actively regulated by the activities of the biota. The gaian concept has been... more
Electron microscopy and biomolecular methods have been used to describe and identify microbial communities inhabiting the glassy margins of ocean floor basalts. The investigated samples were collected from a neovolcanic ridge and from... more
Microbial community structure of a lab scale thermophilic aerobic wastewater treatment reactor was analyzed by a combination of culture-independent methods. Quinone profile method provides for chemical analysis of respiratory quinone... more
Legume-based green manures are important nitrogen sources in organic crop production. Direct incorporation of a green manure crop before sowing or planting of the subsequent cash crops is the most common practice. However, growing green... more
Research during the last decade has revealed that glacier beds are inhabited by microbes . This short article reviews and expands on the current literature, with the aim of establishing that hydrological flowpaths and the connectivity of... more
Fresh pig/cattle slaughterhouse waste mixtures, with different lipid-protein ratios, were characterized and their anaerobic biodegradability assessed in batch tests. The resultant methane potentials were high (270-300 L CH 4 kg À1 COD )... more
TM Sole carbon source tests (Biolog), designed to identify microbial isolates can be used to metabolically fingerprint soil microbial communities, although the carbon source profiles were not selected for this purpose. This paper reports... more
The Neogene basins of Southern Cyprus provide a good opportunity to improve the knowledge of the paleoenvironmental changes involved in the triggering of the Messinian evaporite deposition in the Mediterranean, and of their chronology,... more