Mickey Mouse
Recent papers in Mickey Mouse
Walter Elias Disney dilahirkan di Chicago pada tanggal 5 Desember 1901. Ibunya Flora Call, adalah seorang wanita Jerman. Sedangkan ayahnya Elias Disney, adalah seorang keturunan Irlandia. Kehidupan keluarga Disney berpindah dari satu kota... more
L’introduzione a questa traduzione italiana presenta tutti i testi in cui Benjamin cita/usa la figura di Mickey Mouse: a) il frammento “Micky Maus”; b) “Esperienza e povertà; c) l’appunto W8a,5 dei Passages di Parigi; d) e il paragrafo 16... more
This cultural biography of Walt Disney shows how to think about Disney's life and contributions in the context of the first half of the 20th century.
Walter Benjamin is today regarded as one of the leading thinkers of the twentieth century. Often captured in pensive pose, his image is now that of a serious intellectual. But Benjamin was also a fan of the comedies of Adolphe Menjou,... more
Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse es el ratón más famoso del mundo. Pocos personajes son tan emblemáticos y han acompañado a tantas generaciones como Mickey, la figura más distintiva de Disney. "Si puedes soñarlo puedes hacerlo, recuerda que... more
The chapter presents all Benjamin's texts citing/using the figure of Mickey Mouse: a) “Mickey-Mouse”; b) “Experience and Poverty”; c) the entry W8a,5 of the Arcades Project; d) and chapter 16 of the second version or the Artwork essay.... more
Il fenomeno cinematografico di Mickey Mouse affascinò profondamente Walter Benjamin. Il “Walter Benjamin Archive” conserva una serie di ritagli di giornale in francese e tedesco su Disney e Mickey Mouse che mostrano come il filosofo... more
RESUMEN Sabemos que el cine es un medio audiovisual que une imagen y sonido. También es obvio que es un medio de masas muy popular. ¿Qué tiene para que atraiga tanto al público? ¿Existen características innatas en el ser humano que le... more
This thesis examines Walter Benjamin’s film aesthetics within the framework of his ‘anthropological-materialist’ project. His writings on film are dispersed among essays, notes and letters and may appear at first sight to be an incoherent... more
; nació el cinco de junio del cero uno (1901), en Chicago, Illinois. Walter es el cuarto hijo de los cinco que tuvieron Elias Disney y Flora Call Disney. Su infancia transcurrió entre apuros económicos por los continuos cambios de oficio... more
This volume brings together scholars based predominantly in Asia to contribute provocative and experimental essays on the dynamic relationship between animation and philosophy. In an inventive and playful philosophical way, they address... more
In a now legendary scene, Rudolph Valentino, wearing an Andalusian hat and dressed in full gaucho attire (spurs and riding crop included), mesmerised audiences by dancing the tango with Beatrice Domínguez in The Four Horsemen of the... more
This article reports results from a study of perceived emotion portrayal in cartoons by different groups of subjects. A set of audiovisual stimuli was selected through a procedure in two steps. First, 6 ‘judges’ evaluated a large... more
Charla dictada por mí en El Café con Notas do Ateneo Mar de Arousa, el día 4 de octubre, como parte de un grupo de apreciación musical, donde quise mostrar el uso inicial que hizo Walt Disney del cine sonoro, que había inaugurado en 1927,... more
Dieser Artikel diskutiert Walter Benjamins kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Verhältnis von Mensch, Natur und Technik anhand seiner Rezeption der fantastischen Literatur Paul Scheerbarts, der frühen Mickey-Maus-Filme sowie der... more
An encyclopaedic entry about the world famous mouse with a focus on marxist discussions (Benjamin, Adorno, Kracauer, Hansen, Dorfman) and Disney Studies
This article considers a recent trend for Disney to produce modern texts that evoke Mickey Mouse's pre-Technicolor days. Unlike James Bond and Batman, Disney still continues to market Mickey as a star (rather than a long-running... more
Entretien sur la première (chaîne de radio nationale belge) à propos de la naissance et de l'évolution de Mickey Mouse, dans le cadre du 85ème anniversaire de la souris. à écouter ici... more