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Demands on Magnesium has increased at the beginning of this century due to need to it in industry mainly the electronic & automotive industries ,it requires low weight with most of the application are produced by die casting ,magnesium... more
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      Computer Aided DesignDie-castingMg alloys
In this article, the mechanical properties, microstructure, forming limit diagram (FLD) and anisotropy of dual phase Mg-7Li-1Zn alloy have been evaluated by a uniaxial tensile test at three directions, scanning electron microscopy (SEM),... more
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      MicrostructureSheet Metal FormingAnisotropyMechanical Properties of Materials
The underlying mechanisms that are responsible for the improved room-temperature ductility in Mg–Y alloys compared to pure Mg are investigated by transmission electron microscopy and density functional theory. Both methods show a... more
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      MagnesiumMagnesium AlloysProcessing, microstructure and mechanical properties of magnesium and titanium alloysDesign and development of high performance magnesium alloys
The underlying mechanisms that are responsible for the improved room-temperature ductility in Mg-Y alloys compared to pure Mg are investigated by transmission electron microscopy and density functional theory. Both methods show a... more
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      Ab initio calculationsFirst-principles modelling and simulationDuctilityDuctile Fracture
personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to selfarchive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted... more
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      Ductile FractureVoidsMg alloysCracks
The underlying mechanisms that are responsible for the improved room-temperature ductility in Mg–Y alloys compared to pure Mg are investigated by transmission electron microscopy and density functional theory. Both methods show a... more
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      DuctilityAlloy DesignYttriumMg
The softening behavior of different cold rolled Al-6Mg alloys containing scandium 0.2 wt% and 0.6 wt% have been investigated by means of microscopy, hardness and electrical conductivity measurements. It is found that the scandium added... more
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      Materials EngineeringMicrostructureSimulated AnnealingMarket Microstructure
This review article aims to analyze and evaluate the advantages, shortcomings, technological advancements and hereafter prospects in welding and processing of magnesium and its alloys. Studies of containing metals with magnesium alloys... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringWelding EngineeringFriction Stir WeldingMg alloys
The underlying mechanisms that are responsible for the improved room-temperature ductility in Mg-Y alloys compared to pure Mg are investigated by transmission electron microscopy and density functional theory. Both methods show a... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringTransmission Electron MicroscopyAb initio calculations
Ab initio calculations are becoming increasingly useful to engineers interested in designing new alloys, because these calculations are able to accurately predict basic material properties only knowing the atomic composition of the... more
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      Modeling and SimulationAb initio calculationsCastingSimulation