Mexican Drug Cartels
Recent papers in Mexican Drug Cartels
There is no one panacea to counter the violence and instability in Jalisco, and it will take time for the Operation to make an impact.
This paper aims to fill some of the glaring gaps in the history of Mexico’s pre-cartel drug trade by viewing it as part of an international system connecting European and Latin suppliers with North American organized crime syndicates. It... more
Mexico's cartels are significant social, political, and economic actors. The extent of their socioeconomic and political influence is the subject of great debate yet, as their recent response to natural disaster demonstrates, they are... more
News outlets in Mexico are reporting contradictory stories about whether the Jalisco and Sinaloa Cartels are friends, enemies or something in between.
In The Expert Violence the reader will find an in-depth analysis and questioning of the current counter-narcotic policy in Mexico and of the underlying assumptions that brought on its wake the on-going tragedy.
Ioan Grillo's new work, Blood Gun Money, is a cutting-edge expose that chronicles the flow of firearms from the United States into Mexico for use by the gangs and cartels (and within the U.S. itself and even into Honduras and Colombia to... more
The US Consulate in Guadalajara, Jalisco was attacked with two grenades in the hours before Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (ALMO) was sworn in as Mexico’s new president. The attack, which occurred around 2300 hours on Friday, 30 November... more
The La Familia organized crime group employs a combination of paramilitary and psychological tactics, and it may now provide the latest blueprint for Mexican crime groups, Samuel Logan and John P Sullivan write for ISN Security Watch.
This paper assesses the impact that drug cartels and their associated violence have had on development in Mexico. For this purpose, we monitor official and media reports to identify where cartels have operated with and without drug... more
statunitensi. Queste compagini sono formate prevalentemente da individui di nascita o origine messicana. Gli accordi con le gang americane, opportunistici e mutevoli, consentono poi ai cartelli di minimizzare il rischio e garantire lo... more
It was springtime in Mexico City, and the boulevards were sweet on Jesus. Under the pink bloom of the jacaranda trees, amidst the Sunday throngs at Plaza Hidalgo; along the newsstands and across the racks of bootleg DVDs dividing the... more
This curated collection "Criminal Drone Evolution: Cartel Weaponization of Aerial IEDs" documents the evolution of drone usage by criminal cartels, gangs, and criminal armed groups (CAGs) in Mexico and beyond. Cartel Drone Evolution... more
Adaptation and innovation is a core component of successful organization competition among states and their militaries, businesses and corporations-and as argued here, organized crime groups-especially transnational criminal organizations... more
A initial review of the latest book (Spanish language) by Anabel Hernández. It appeared in Mexico in December 2019 and will be widely available as a Kindle Version and hard copy version beginning the 3rd week of January
As violence has continued to rise in Mexico year after year, criminal groups have adopted an increasingly militarized approach to their tactics, weaponry and training. InSight Crime sat down with Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan,... more
Either on or immediately before Tuesday 12 April 2022, Guardia Nacional (GN) forces in Jamay, Jalisco seized an improvised armor fighting vehicle (IAFV), a narco tank (narco tanque), belonging to the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación... more
This chapter focuses on the role of the Caballeros Templarios cartel in local governance from 2011 to 2013. I conducted thirteen months of fieldwork in Michoacán, spread out over five visits between 2013 and 2017. My hypothesis is that... more
Contemporary Mexican cartel use of car bombs began in mid-July 2010 and has since escalated. Given the proximity to the United States, some literally within miles of the border, the car bombings, with about 20 incidents identified over... more
This publication attempts to create a better understanding of the nature, origins, and evolution of organized crime in Central America by examining the dynamics of organized crime in the three countries of the so-called Northern... more
Depuis son introduction au milieu des années 2000, la guerre hybride est devenue un concept en vogue au sein de la communauté stratégique occidentale. Faute de définition claire, son usage risque pourtant de mener à des... more
Oswaldo Zavala’s recent book (Zavala 2018) is a collection of essays based on his dissertation. Zavala added an introductory essay and introduced a polemical narrative rooted in the audacious claim that literary and cultural... more
En Anatomías del desastre (2017) se ofrece una visión de las violencias que lastiman a México en los últimos años (narcotráfico, delincuencia organizada, militarismo, represión política), sus raíces, sus consecuencias y también un... more
De una u otra forma, el Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) siempre ha mostrado su músculo político. Para bien, para mal o para regular, chiquito o grandote, el ITAM, hasta antes de la llegada de Andrés Manuel a la presidencia... more
This paper aims to fill some of the glaring gaps in the history of Mexico’s pre-cartel drug trade by viewing it as part of an international system connecting European and Latin suppliers with North American organized crime syndicates. It... more
This bibliography contains journal articles, book chapters, books, edited volumes, theses, grey literature, bibliographies, and other resources on the intersections of terrorism and organized crime in Latin America. It includes... more
In recent years, the Islamic State terror organization has become notorious for its evil brutality. The brutal nature of its propaganda (distributed mostly online) inspires Jihadi sympathizers around the world, encouraging them to use... more
Existing within a relatively short time frame (2013-2015), the Michoacán Autodefensas (selfdefense groups) are a particularly fruitful case study for analyzing vigilantism. What we find here is an armed movement that was devoted to... more
Analysis Highlights: • Fragile cities that can fall prey to criminals have come to the forefront of concerns for security and humanitarian planners. • Criminal enclaves can exist as parallel states, or they can fully supplant the state... more