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Resum: L’article revisa els ensenyaments que, a parer de l’autor, poden derivar-se del procés d’elaboració i aprovació del Pla Territorial Metropolità de Barcelona, aprovat pel Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya l’any 2010. El treball... more
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      Urban PlanningLocal GovernmentUrban And Regional PlanningMetropolitan Planning
Este capítulo tiene por objetivo analizar el gobierno de la ciudad de México y la gestión que realiza, con el fin de aportar elementos para un estudio comparativo de los distintos sistemas de gobierno metropolitano que existen en la... more
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      Global citiesMexico CityMetropolitan GovernanceZona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México
25 years since the conception of the ‘24-hour city’ and the subsequent birth of the ‘night time economy’ in academic literature and policy, this study investigates the impact of the night time economy on a London borough. Through... more
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      Social PolicyUrban PlanningGovernanceCreative Industries
Brasil Metropolitano em foco Desa�ios à implementação do Estatuto da Metrópole Este é o quarto livro publicado pela pesquisa Governança Metropolitana no Brasil, desenvolvida no âmbito da Rede Ipea, por meio de uma articulação... more
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      Metropolitan PlanningMetropolitan GovernanceMetropolitan Areas
Introduzione ad una raccolta di saggi sulla pianificazione delle aree metropolitane in Italia organizzata per le città metropolitane istituite dalla legge Delrio e dalle regioni autonome. Indica alcuni profili del sistema metropolitano... more
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      Metropolitan PlanningUrbanistica Paesaggio Governo Territorio Piani ProgettiMetropolitan GovernancePianificazione Territoriale
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      Comparative PoliticsPublic TransportTransport PlanningMetropolitan Planning
This study analyzes the organizational, technological and societal changes of Gdansk in the process to become a smart city. The Gdansk's planning to climate change to reconcile social, cultural and environmental pillars. Finally analyzes... more
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      Public AdministrationUrban PlanningGovernanceUrban Studies
14th Annual Society for Heterodox Economists (SHE) Conference: UNSW Business School, University of New South Wales.
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      Urban PoliticsGlobal citiesRegional and Local GovernanceUrban Political Economy
Mentre nel capoluogo si continua a dibattere di città dei 15 minuti e di riapertura della cerchia dei Navigli, nel resto della Città metropolitana i cittadini e le rispettive amministrazioni comunali non sanno più a che santo rivolgersi... more
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      Urban PlanningLogisticsUrban And Regional PlanningMetropolitan Planning
Markus Appenzeller is an architect, urban designer and thinker on related subjects. With his company MLA+ he is working on projects in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. Markus work focusses on strategic urban design on all scale... more
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      Public AdministrationUrban PlanningGovernanceUrban Studies
Resumen: La aprobación, en abril de 2010, del Plan Territorial Metropolitano de Barcelona (PTMB) constituye una destacada novedad en el panorama de la planificación y gestión del territorio en España. En efecto, pese a la profundización... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesUrban And Regional PlanningMetropolitan Planning
Reflexiones sobre el proceso de Metropolización en Cbba
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      Bolivian studiesMetropolitan PlanningMetropolitan GovernanceMetropolitan Areas
Since the 1990s, a new metropolitan regionalism has stimulated many reform attempts in the United States to change or introduce new forms of metropolitan governance. The article aims to provide a differentiated view on the goals and... more
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      GovernanceNew regionalismMetropolitan Governance
Discutimos as articulações federativas verticais e horizontais em contextos metropolitanos, partindo da problemática do "lugar" da metrópole frente ao sistema federativo brasileiro. Se, por um lado, municípios que integram regiões... more
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      GeographyPolitical GeographyMetropolitan PlanningMetropolitan Governance
What visions for the future of the “Greater Maputo”? What territorial images and analytical interpretations we can build on to envision long- term strategies and political decisions to promote integrated and sustainable development?... more
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      MozambiqueMetropolitan GovernancePlanning in the Global SouthAfrican urbanism
Metropolises are exploding. Experiencing rapid growth phenomena for the first time in history. We need a discipline of knowledge to manage them. This series of 20 inception lectures attempt to explore the basics of the new discipline we... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanism
In Italia, in Spagna e in Francia le baraccopoli sono una realtà lontana dall’essere superata, nonostante gli interventi posti in essere da parte delle autorità competenti. Quando sono sorte e come sono cambiate nel corso degli anni? Chi... more
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      Urban PoliticsUrban PlanningComparative UrbanismStereotypes Of Roma As Tigani/Cigany/Zingari/Gypsies
Este livro traz mapas e resultados principais do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano em 16 regiões metropolitanas brasileiras a nível intrametropolitano.
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      Public AdministrationStatisticsUnited NationsUNDP
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      Urban GeographyUrban HistoryUrban PlanningUrban Studies
Este trabajo busca dos cosas, establecer que los modelos de gobernanza metropolitana se caracterizan por ser proyectos de corte tecnocrático que apuestan por una planeación postpolítica, cuyos ejercicios en el marco de la participación... more
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      Decolonial ThoughtParticipación ciudadanaMetropolitan GovernanceEstudios Metropolitanos
Health impacts and a decrease in the quality of life caused by air pollution is a major problem worldwide. Krakow is one of the most affected cities in the EU by air pollution mostly caused by burning solid fuels in households' furnaces.... more
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      Renewable EnergyCommunity Engagement & ParticipationUrban PlanningAir pollution
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
El texto, elaborado para la conferencia inaugural del III Congreso Internacional de Geografía Urbana (III-CIGU) en la Universidad Nacional de Luján (Buenos Aires, 12 de septiembre de 2019), debate los retos a los que las ciudades deben... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban StudiesUrban SociologyUrban And Regional Planning
En el tiempo especial de la pandemia por el COVID-19, la Asociación Argentina de Estudios de Administración Pública (AAEAP) reunió a 46 de sus asociados para que elaboraran artículos analizando el rol del Estado, su experiencia y... more
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      Public AdministrationMetropolitan Governance
This book represents a powerful analysis of the challenges of metropolitan governance in all its messiness and complexity. It examines Latin American metropolitan governance by focusing on the issue of public service provision and... more
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      Metropolitan PlanningPublic ServicesInequalityMetropolitan Governance
Hablar de ciudad inteligente es pensar en promesas efectivas de respuesta a los retos mundiales de la actualidad. Implica también nuevas formas de gobernar la ciudad. Creatividad, innovación y gobernanza urbana llevan inherentes... more
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      GovernanceSmart CitiesMetropolitan Governance
At the center of a media and political debate, the Grand Paris topic is blurred by the quantity of news and opinions which are continuously spread, made misted in the complex interaction between the stakes of public interest and divergent... more
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      Urban PlanningStrategic PlanningMetropolitan PlanningGrand Paris
Artigo de Rosa Moura e Thiago A. P. Hoshino publicado no Boletim Observatório das Metrópoles (28/01/2015):... more
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      LawUrban PlanningUrban And Regional PlanningPlanejamento Urbano
Este ensayo, forma parte del libro "Ensayos sobre los desafíos y potencialidades de la Región Metropolitana de Santa Cruz", impulsada por el Gobierno Autónomo Departamental de Santa Cruz, la Embajada de Suecia en Bolivia e International... more
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      BoliviaMetropolitan GovernanceMetropolizationInstitucionalidad
Abstract: This paper situates ‘bazaar’ as a site of multifaceted exploration. It is as much an inquiry into a bazaar (‘Janpath’ in New Delhi) as it is into the modes of knowledge about the bazaar. Challenging the representation of the... more
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      Economic HistoryGender StudiesEconomicsDevelopment Economics
The 2014 GLM M1 students visited the metropolitan regions of Casablanca and Tangier in Morocco, from January 9th to 15th, 2014. 47 students were accompanied by 3 professors (Tommaso Vitale, Agnès Deboulet and Régine Serra). This year, the... more
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      Urban SociologyUrban PolicyUrban GovernanceMetropolitan Planning
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      Urban HistorySustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningGovernance
Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles N.º 62 -2013, págs. 535-568 I.S.S.N.: 0212-9426 BENACH, N. y ALBET, A. (2010): Edward W. Soja. La perspectiva posmoderna de un geógrafo radical. Editorial Icaria, Barcelona, 285 pp.
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      Radical GeographyMetropolitan PlanningThirdspaceEdward Soja
Ce numéro spécial de géosphère (Annales Géographie, Vol 33-34, 2012-2013)contient les actes de la table ronde “Beyrouth, entre mondialisation et crise syrienne”, qui s’est tenue le 23 octobre 2013 à l’Université Saint Joseph à Beyrouth.... more
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      GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsUrban GeographyMiddle East Studies
El artículo aborda el tema de la delimitación de la ciudad contemporánea ante el avance del proceso de urbanización, la integración del territorio y la generalización de las formas de vida urbana. Después de describir brevemente este... more
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      Urban StudiesLocal Government and Local DevelopmentUrban And Regional PlanningMetropolitan Planning
Cette thèse croise les concepts de planification, de gouvernance et de transit-oriented development (TOD) par une étude de la production, de la mise en débat et de l’adoption du plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement... more
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      MontréalMetropolitan PlanningTransit oriented developmentMetropolitan Governance
Utopian visions and diagrams have engaged in a multitude of relationships. For example, a utopian narrative can be conceived as a diagram, or with the aid of diagrams, and understood through diagrammatic (re) annotation. This notion is... more
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      Urban GeographySocial NetworksUrban PoliticsUrban History
Este livro traz mapas e resultados principais do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano em 4 regiões metropolitanas brasileiras a nível intrametropolitano.
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      United NationsHDIMetropolitan GovernanceCensus data
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
The dilemma of devising a theme that can convincingly and collectively express the cultural identity of a nation usually surfaces at the time of planning for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of devastated sites of significance.... more
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      Remote SensingHousing & Residential DesignUrban PlanningSustainable Building Design
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Bu rapor son yıllarda hem akademik camiada hem de yerel ve ulusal politikacılar ve bürokratlar nezdinde giderek daha fazla tartışılan metropoliten kent yönetişimini konu edinmektedir. Bu çalışmada hem teorik olarak kentsel reform... more
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      Local Government and Local DevelopmentMetropolitan PlanningCity and Regional PlanningKentsel Dönüşüm
Facing stakes of social development policies, the integrated management of the territory and the location holders of local development is described more and more as an alternative in a regulation approach in which the temptations of... more
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      Metropolitan GovernanceIndustrial LocationPublic Policy
It is a fact that urbanization is a multi-dimensional and inter-dimensional process whose dimensions are its cause and effect. Urbanization is therefore an intrinsic phenomenon to the events of modernity. The economic change, demographic... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningUrban SociologyUrban Governance
Steering the Metropolis, a book produced out of the academics and professionals involved in MIT Metro-Lab that takes place every January and was initiated by Gabriel Lanfranchi and continued by David Gomez-Alvarez. The book proposal was... more
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      Metropolitan PlanningPolycentric Urban RegionsMetropolitan GovernanceZona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México
Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor, Bent Flyvbjerg. The leading... more
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      Critical TheoryEntrepreneurshipOrganizational BehaviorInformation Systems
Dumas' work is often misunderstood as a story of portentous revenge of the main character Edmond Dantès. However, the Dumas' book seems to hide a philosophical structure that offers points of political and juridical reflection.... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical SciencePhilosophy Of LawHistory of Political Thought
Exploring battles over school desegregation in metropolitan Boston, Detroit, and Philadelphia in the 1960s and 1970s, “The Metropolitan Moment” examines how black and white city dwellers at odds over integration within the city pursued –... more
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      History of EducationSegregationUrban HistoryRace and Ethnicity
Pour comprendre les enjeux liés à la gouvernance des métropoles mondiales, et apprendre des exemples étrangers, la ville de Paris a mis en place depuis 2011 un cycle de séminaires internationaux sur cette question. La première édi- tion a... more
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      Urban PoliticsUrban SociologyUrban GovernanceMetropolitan Planning