We introduce the Symplectic Structure of Information Geometry based on Souriau's Lie Group Thermodynamics model, with a covariant definition of Gibbs equilibrium via invariances through co-adjoint action of a group on its momentum space,... more
– Maurice Fréchet a introduit en 1939, la borne inférieure de la variance de tout estimateur statistique, donnée par l'inverse de la matrice de Fisher, cette dernière définissant la métrique de la « Géométrie de l'Information ». Le... more
In this paper we study on contribution of fixed point theorem in Metric spaces and Quasi Metric spaces. Definition: 1 (Metric Space) Let X be a non-empty set-A function XxX →R (the set of reals) such that p:XxX→R is called a metric or... more
The François Massieu 1869 idea to derive some mechanical and thermal properties of physical systems from " Characteristic Functions " , was developed by Gibbs and Duhem in thermodynamics with the concept of potentials, and introduced by... more
—Automation of Enterprise Information Systems has resulted in several information security issues. There is a need to devise ways of measuring information security. Existing techniques mostly concentrate on finding ways of measuring... more
This paper considers whether an analogy between distance and dissimilarlity supports the thesis that degree of dissimilarity is distance in a metric space. A straightforward way to justify the thesis would be to define degree of... more
René Descartes has introduced (Cartesian) coordinates systems to solve geometric problems with analysis tool (analytic geometry) (Fisher) Metric Space and (Matrix) Lie Group Theory are tools to avoid selection of any arbitrary coordinates... more
We investigate weighted Sobolev spaces on metric measure spaces (X,d,m). Denoting by rho the weight function, we compare the space W^{1,p}(X,d,rho m) (which always concides with the closure H^{1,p}(X,d,rho m) of Lipschitz functions) with... more
In this paper, we give some new definition of Compatible mappings of type (P), type (P-1) and type (P-2) in intuitionistic generalized fuzzy metric spaces and prove Common fixed point theorems for six mappings under the conditions of... more
In this paper I argue that the analysis of natural properties as convex subsets of a metric space in which the distances are degrees of dissimilarity is incompatible with both the definition of degree of dissimilarity as number of natural... more
We introduce a new concept of generalized metric spaces and extend some well-known related fixed point theorems including Banach contraction principle, Ćirić's fixed point theorem, a fixed point result due to Ran and Reurings, and a fixed... more
2-metric space is an interesting nonlinear generalization of the classical one of metric space. In this paper we established fixed point theorems in 2-Metric Spaces by using some new extensions of Kannan fixed point theorem obtained by... more
Some tripled coincidence point theorems for almost generalized contractions in ordered metric spaces
In this paper, we prove tripled coincidence and common fixed point theorems for F : X × X × X → X and g : X → X satisfying almost generalized contractions in partially ordered metric spaces. The presented results generalize the theorem of... more
In 1944, McKinsey and Tarski proved that S4 is the logic of the topological interior and closure operators of any separable dense-in-itself metric space. Thus, the logic of topological interior and closure over arbitrary metric spaces... more
Motivated by an example in [Mag], we study, inside a separable metric space (X, d), the relations between centered and non centered m-dimensional densities of a Radon measure µ in X and their relations with spherical and centered... more
We investigate the expressive power and computational properties of two different types of languages intended for speaking about distances. First, we consider a first-order language FM the two-variable fragment of which turns out to be... more
Let T : D ⊂ X → X be an iteration function in a complete metric space X . In this paper we present some new general complete convergence theorems for the Picard iteration x n+1 = Tx n with order of convergence at least r ≥ 1. Each of... more
Similarity search in high-dimensional metric spaces is a key operation in many applications, such as multimedia databases, image retrieval, object recognition, and others. The high dimensionality of the data requires special index... more
We show that if f : X → Y is a quasisymmetric mapping between Ahlfors regular spaces, then dim H f (E) ≤ dim H E for " almost every " bounded Ahlfors regular set E ⊆ X. If additionally, X and Y are Loewner spaces then dim H f (E) = dim H... more
In this paper, we give a generalization of Hicks type contractions and Golet type contractions on fuzzy metric spaces. We prove some fixed point theorems for this new type contractions mappings on fuzzy metric spaces.
General local convergence theorems with order of convergence r ≥ 1 are provided for iterative processes of the type x n+1 = Tx n , where T : D ⊂ X → X is an iteration function in a metric space X . The new local convergence theory is... more
Given a>0, we construct a weighted Lebesgue measure on R^n for which the family of non constant curves has p-modulus zero for p\leq 1+a but the weight is a Muckenhoupt A_p weight for p>1+a. In particular, the p-weak gradient is trivial... more
We show if a metric measure space admits a differentiable structure then porous sets have measure zero and hence the measure is pointwise doubling. We then give a construction to show if we only require an approximate differentiable... more
In the paper some types of equivalences over resemblance measures and some basic results about them are given. Based on induced partial orderings on the set of unordered pairs of units a dissimilarity between two resemblance measures over... more
Recently, permutation based indexes have attracted interest in the area of similarity search. The basic idea of permutation based indexes is that data objects are represented as appropriately generated permutations of a set of pivots (or... more
—We introduce a new probabilistic proximity search algorithm for range and K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) searching in both coordinate and metric spaces. Although there exist solutions for these problems, they boil down to a linear scan when... more
In 1944, McKinsey and Tarski proved that S4 is the logic of the topological interior and closure operators of any separable dense-in-itself metric space. Thus, the logic of topological interior and closure over arbitrary metric spaces... more
Nearest-neighbour (NN) and k-nearest-neighbours (k-NN) techniques are widely used in many pattern recognition classification tasks. The linear approximating and eliminating search algorithm (LAESA) is a fast NN algorithm which does not... more
We consider shape optimization problems of the form
We investigate the expressive power and computational properties of two different types of languages intended for speaking about distances. First, we consider a first-order language F M the two-variable fragment of which turns out to be... more
In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm for the public key transferring which is based upon functional analysis and metric spaces with basic properties of circles. Furthermore, we introduce an algorithm to make the changes in keys... more
We present isocapacitary characterizations of Sobolev inequalities in very general metric measure spaces.
We study classes of continuous functions on R n that can be approximated in various degree by uniformly continuous ones (uniformly approachable functions). It was proved in [BDP1] that no polynomial function can distinguish between them.... more
We develop a general framework to analyze the convergence of linear-programming approximations for Markov control processes in metric spaces. The approximations are based on aggregation and relaxation of constraints, as well as inner... more
We prove that if (X, d) is a metric space, C is a closed subset of X and x ∈ X, then the distance of x to R ∩ S agrees with the maximum of the distances of x to R and S, for every closed subsets R, S ⊂ C such that C = R ∪ S, if and only... more
The state of the art of searching for non-text data (e.g., images) is to use extracted metadata annotations or text, which might be available as a related information. However, supporting real content-based audio-visual search, based on... more
We consider the problem of partitioning, in a highly accurate and highly efficient way, a set of n documents lying in a metric space into k non-overlapping clusters. We augment the well-known furthest-point-first algorithm for k-center... more
We consider the problem of embedding finite metrics with slack: we seek to produce embeddings with small dimension and distortion while allowing a (small) constant fraction of all distances to be arbitrarily distorted. This definition is... more
Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) use scalar products to compute weighted activation of neurons providing decision borders using combinations of soft hyperplanes. The weighted fun-in activation function corresponds to Euclidean distance... more
This paper reviews clustering in metric spaces and some of the many and various fitness measures used to measure cluster quality. Experiments are undertaken to determine the correlation between these measures.
The state of the art of searching for non-text data (e.g., images) is to use extracted metadata annotations or text, which might be available as a related information. However, supporting real content-based audio-visual search, based on... more
Nearest neighbour search is a widely used technique in pattern recognition. During the last three decades a large number of fast algorithms have been proposed. In this work we are interested in algorithms that can be used with any... more
In a multi-armed bandit problem, an online algorithm chooses from a set of strategies in a sequence of n trials so as to maximize the total payoff of the chosen strategies. While the performance of bandit algorithms with a small finite... more
The traditional problem of similarity search requires to find, within a set of points, those that are closer to a query point q, according to a distance function d. In this paper we introduce the novel problem of metric information... more
Metric space searching is an emerging technique to address the problem of efficient similarity searching in many applications, including multimedia databases and other repositories handling complex objects. Although promising, the metric... more
In the last decade, the notion of metric embeddings with small distortion received wide attention in the literature, with applications in combinatorial optimization, discrete mathematics and bio-informatics. The notion of embedding is,... more