and Florida, my path started in Cleveland, OH. I thank my family and friends in Cleveland, who supported and nurtured my ambitions to get into this field. Knowing that I have my sisters, brother, parents, cousins, and everyone else in my... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Most search methods in metric spaces assume that the topology of the object collection is reasonably regular. However, there exist nested metric spaces, where objects in the collection can be grouped into clusters or subspaces, in such a... more
Hybrid dynamic spatial approximation trees are recently proposed data structures for searching in metric spaces, based on combining the concepts of spatial approximation and pivot based algorithms. These data structures are hybrid... more
Resumen El modelo de espacios métricos permite abstraer muchos de los problemas de búsqueda por proximidad. La búsqueda por proximidad tiene múltiples aplicaciones especialmente en el área de bases de datos multimedia. La idea es... more
Let f : X → Y be a perfect n-dimensional surjective map of paracompact spaces and Y a C-space. We consider the following property of continuous maps g : It is shown that all maps g ∈ C(X, I n+1 ) with the above property form a dense G δ... more
Resumen El modelo de bases de datos métrico-temporal permite abordar aquellas situaciones en las que resulta necesario realizar búsquedas por similitud teniendo en cuenta también la componente temporal. En este artículo presentamos una... more
In this paper we prove a common fixed point theorem in fuzzy 2-metric space on six self-mappings using the concept of compatible of type (K) and Property (E.A.).
A technical error invalidates the proof that the optimal rootmean-square deviation of vector sets induces a metric given in Kaindl & Steipe [Acta Cryst. (1997), A53, 809]. Nevertheless, the conclusions are correct and a revised proof is... more
The François Massieu 1869 idea to derive some mechanical and thermal properties of physical systems from "Characteristic Functions", was developed by Gibbs and Duhem in thermodynamics with the concept of potentials, and introduced by... more
We present isocapacitary characterizations of Sobolev inequalities in very general metric measure spaces.
We prove that the functor P of Radon probability measures transforms any open map between completely metrizable spaces into a soft map. This result is applied to establish some properties of Milyutin maps between completely metrizable... more
On this paper, with the help of some known results on cone metric spaces, we find a metric with respect to which a class of non-contractive functions on a given metric turn to be contractive. Namely, if we see that for a given mapping,... more
In this paper, we consider the robust interpretation of metric temporal logic (MTL) formulas over timed sequences of states. For systems whose states are equipped with nontrivial metrics, such as continuous, hybrid, or general metric... more
Bourgain's theorem is actually more general, and holds for any lp. (We present a proof for the � 1 case due to Fakcharoenphol, Rao and Talwar (2003) since it has been useful in subsequent developments, as we will see.) Furthermore,... more
A slightly stronger version of the commonly seen Contraction Mapping Theorem on compact domains.
Querying large datasets by proximity, using a distance under the metric space model, has a large number of applications in multimedia, pattern recognition, statistics, etc. There is an ever growing number of indexes and algorithms for... more
The Distal Spatial Approximation Tree (DiSAT) is one of the most competitive indexes for exact proximity searching. The absence of parameters, the most salient feature, makes the index a suitable choice for a practitioner. The most... more
The Dynamic Spatial Approximation Tree (DSAT) is a data structure specially designed for searching in metric spaces. It has been shown that it compares favorably against alternative data structures in spaces of high dimension or queries... more
Metric space searching is an emerging technique to address the problem of similarity searching in many applications. In order to efficiently answer similarity queries, the database must be indexed. In some interesting real applications... more
A diferencia de la aproximación para bases de datos tradicionales, la comunidad de Recuperación de Información siempre ha considerado los resultados de las búsquedas como una lista rankeada de objetos. Dada una consulta, algunos objetos... more
En general, es difícil tanto para los usuarios que intentan recuperar información multimedia poder especificar claramente sus intereses ya través de una consulta bien definida, como para aquéllos que diseñan el sistema decidir cuáles de... more
Among the similarity queries in metric spaces, there are one that obtains the k-nearest neighbors of all the elements in the database (All-k-NN). One way to solve it is the naı̈ve one: comparing each object in the database with all the... more
Metric space searching is an emerging technique to address the problem of efficient similarity searching in many applications, including multimedia databases and other repositories handling complex objects. Although promising, the metric... more
Many computational applications need to look for informa- tion in a database. Nowadays, the predominance of non- conventional databases makes the similarity search (i.e., searching elements of the database that are "similar" to... more
Since the work of Claude Shannon, Entropy has been introduced axiomatically. The recent extension of information geometry to Lie groups via symplectic models of statistical mechanics, initiated by Jean-Marie Souriau (Lie groups... more
Although the success rate of handwritten character recognition using a nearest neighbour technique together with edit distance is satisfactory, the exhaustive search is expensive. Some fast methods as AESA and LAESA have been proposed to... more
Although the success rate of handwritten character recognition using a nearest neighbour technique together with edit distance is satisfactory, the exhaustive search is expensive. Some fast methods as AESA and LAESA have been proposed to... more
This paper reviews clustering in metric spaces and some of the many and various fitness measures used to measure cluster quality. Experiments are undertaken to determine the correlation between these measures.
Pivot-based algorithms are effective tools for proximity searching in metric spaces. They allow trading space overhead for number of distance evaluations performed at query time. With additional search structures (that pose extra space... more
We present an efficient method for approximate search in a combination of several metric spaces-which are a generalization of low level image features-using an inverted index. Our approximation gives very high recall with subsecond... more
Mustafa and Sims [12] introduced the notion of G-metric as a possible generalization of usual notion of a metric space. The author generalized the notion of G-metric to more than three variables and introduced the concept of Generalized... more
In high-dimensional and complex metric spaces, determining the nearest neighbor (NN) of a query object Õ can be a very expensive task, because of the poor partitioning operated by index structures-the so-called "curse of dimensionality".... more
The Pseudo-metric spaces which have the property that all continuous real valued functions are uniformly continuous have been studied. It is proved that the following three conditions on pseudo-metric space X are equivalent a] Every... more
The aim of this paper is to obtain a common fixed point theorem for self mappings in complete fuzzy metric space by compactable of type (E). Our result generalizes and improves other similar results in literature [7].
In this paper, we prove some fixed point theorems for a Meir-Keeler type Contraction in rectangularM−metric space. Thus, our results extend and improve very recent results in fixed point theory.
The aim of this paper is to prove a fixed point theorem on a generalised cone metric spaces for maps satisfying general contractive type conditions.
Topology may be considered as an abstract study of the limit point concept. As such, it stems in part from recognition of the fact that many important mathematical topics depend entirely upon the properties of limit points. This study... more
The talk will explore the interconnectedness between language, mathematics, and physics, drawing parallels between concepts such as metric spaces in mathematics and the fabric of spacetime in physics, as well as their analogies in... more
In this article, we introduce a new and simple approach to coupled and tripled coincidence point theory. By using our method, we establish coupled coincidence point results of Lakshmikantham and Ćirić, Binayak et al., Alotaibi and... more
In this paper, we introduce fuzzy generalized β-F-contractions as a generalization of fuzzy F-contractions with admissible mappings. We deduce sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of fixed points for fuzzy generalized... more
According to the recent definition of efficiency via improvement sets, the aim of this paper is to characterize the set of optimal points for a set. New existence results are proved in multicriteria situations, and their novelty is... more
According to the recent definition of efficiency via improvement sets, the aim of this paper is to characterize the set of optimal points for a set. New existence results are proved in multicriteria situations, and their novelty is... more
The purpose of this paper is to prove some fixed point theorems satisfying rational type of contractive condition due to Jaggi [1] in the setting of dislocated-quasi metric spaces. Also for A-Contraction, a general class of contraction... more
In this paper, we establish some stability results for the Jungck-Mann, Jungck-Krasnoselskij and Jungck iteration processes in arbitrary Banach spaces. These results are proved for a pair of nonselfmappings using the Jungck-Mann,... more