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This is a really old booklet (which I wrote back in 1991) discussing brain stimulation and mental exercises. Most of the exercises and advice are still valid today.
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      Brain and Cognitive DevelopmentAgeing and HealthLongevityMethods to Stimulate Creativity
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
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      Creative WritingNeurosciencePsychologyApplied Psychology
[Punitive] perspectives on artistic education and aesthetic knowing in classrooms void of creative expression. And how to get it back. (A critique and response to the question: What impact would art education have on creative cognition... more
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      Creativity studiesAlternative EducationKnowledge & Creativity ManagementCreativity--Knowledge Invention & Discovery
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      Creative WritingNeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal Psychology
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      Creative WritingNeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal Psychology
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      Models of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesCreativityInnovation statisticsCritical Thinking and Creativity
This is the first chapter in the book: Challenging Ageing. Our biological response to external challenges frequently obeys hormetic principles. During the phenomenon of hormesis, mild stressful challenges may up-regulate defence and... more
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      AdaptationAgeing and HealthLongevityMethods to Stimulate Creativity
In questo lavoro viene evidenziato in prima istanza il ruolo della creatività nelle aziende moderne e nella risoluzione dei problemi (Problem Solving), in seconda battuta vengono descritti i principali strumenti di stimolazione della... more
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      CreativityInnovation and Creativity (Business)Problem SolvingMethods to Stimulate Creativity
The paper discusses creative thinking as a methodological tool for research and design in the urban disciplines. The aim is to designate a methodology process based on the development of creative thinking. For this reason, two theories... more
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      ArchitectureResearch MethodologyLandscape ArchitectureDesign Methodology (Creativity)
"This article describes how we can use art to express feelings in a difficult situation and help encourage creativity, even jumpstart creativity of an author having writer's block. If you are thinking of trying some painting, be sure and... more
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      ArtCreativityArt TherapyPainting
This paper describes a case study involving individuals from two distinct kinds of end-user stakeholders of a tourism Web site whose results support a conclusion that the EPMcreate creativity enhancement technique is effective when used... more
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      Requirements EngineeringCreativityGroup CreativityMethods to Stimulate Creativity
Creativity is often needed in requirements elicitation, i.e., requirement idea generation; and techniques to enhance creativity are believed to be useful. This paper describes two controlled experiments to compare the... more
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      Information SystemsRequirements EngineeringComputer SoftwareMethods to Stimulate Creativity
[Context] Creativity is often needed in requirements elicitation, ie, generating ideas for requirements, and therefore, techniques to enhance creativity are believed to be useful. [Objective] How does the size of a group using the... more
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      Requirements EngineeringPragmaticsMethods to Stimulate CreativityRequirements elicitation
This paper describes a case study involving individuals from two distinct kinds of end-user stakeholders of a tourism Web site whose results support a conclusion that the EPMcreate creativity enhancement technique is effective when used... more
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      Requirements EngineeringCreativityGroup CreativityMethods to Stimulate Creativity
The objectives of this research are: 1) to develop and determine the quality of a blended learning management model using synectics teaching and out-of-the-box thinking techniques; 2) to compare creativity thinking score after receiving... more
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      Creativity studiesKnowledge & Creativity ManagementCreativity--Knowledge Invention & DiscoveryCreativity
You are trying to develop your next innovative software system. Finding innovative requirement ideas for your innovative software system requires creativity. How do you encourage your analysts to be more creative, to think more out of the... more
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      Requirements EngineeringCreativityMethods to Stimulate CreativityRequirements elicitation
Abstract. [Context] Creativity is often needed in requirements elicitation, i.e., generating ideas for requirements, and techniques to enhance creativity are believed to be useful. [Objective] How does the size of a group using... more
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      Requirements EngineeringMethods to Stimulate CreativityRequirements elicitationSoftware Requirements
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      Creativity studiesMethods to Stimulate CreativityThe Creative Design ProcessArchitectural Design Process (ADP)