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The idea of 'art as research' and 'research as art' have risen over the past two decades as important critical focuses for the philosophy of media, aesthetics, and art. Of particular interest is how the methodologies of art and science... more
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      AestheticsContinental PhilosophyArtistic ResearchContemporary Continental Philosophy
This book presents the recent positions, theories, and methods of artistic research in jazz, inviting readers to critically engage in and establish a sustained discourse regarding theoretical, methodological, and analytic perspectives. A... more
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      Music HistoryImprovisationJazz StudiesArtistic Research
This essay is written to accompany the Panel I convened for APARN Symposium, online, 3-7 November 2020, entitled Out to the Islands: Four Tangents in which I presented four artists Ginoe (Silay City/Philippines), Tamarra... more
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      Asia Pacific RegionArtistic ResearchMethodologies for Artistic ResearchThe artistic practice as research.
People are witnesses ‘living in a convergence culture’, with meetings between old and new media creating new possibilities' in the contemporary culture. One of the cultures that emerged since late nineteenth century is comics. The... more
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      AestheticsComics StudiesVisual NarrativeVisual Semiotics
With Entheogenic Intent (Burn the Witch) 4 5 W e live in the multilayered dimension of technomaya. Digital technology has given power to the media that is directly acting on the mind, so that the spell of the media-sphere has wrapped... more
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      Dance StudiesCreative processes in contemporary danceEthnobotanyPerformance Studies
La investigación artística en música es un campo lleno de interrogantes en los que este libro penetra para ofrecer un panorama organizado sobre sus límites y posibilidades así como de sus discusiones más recientes. A partir de... more
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      Artistic ResearchArtistic Research of MusicMethodologies for Artistic ResearchInvestigacion Artistica, Metodologia De La Investigacion,historia Del Arte
Solo exhibition of  18 drawings and 10 paintings of the three original artworks of Etruscan Art  in  the Archaeological Museum of Granada (Spain).
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      Cultural HeritagePaintingDrawingArtistic Research
In seinem 1935 in der surrealistischen Zeitschrift Minotaure veröffentlichten Aufsatz »Mimese und legendäre Psychasthenie« führt Caillois den exzessiven Nachahmungstrieb bestimmter Lebewesen auf eine »regelrechte Versuchung durch den... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceSurrealismTransdisciplinarityArtistic Research
Artistic Research Methodology argues for artistic research as a context-aware and historical process that works inside-in, beginning and ending with acts committed within an artistic practice. An artistic researcher has three intertwined... more
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      Qualitative methodologyArtistic ResearchMethodologies for Artistic Research
This paper presents and examines my research/work How to open my eyes? as a case study attempting to highlight the tactic of the performance-lecture as an important critical method within artistic research. As a brief definition, the... more
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      Artistic ResearchMethodologies for Artistic ResearchEducación ArtísticaArtistic Productions
Since its beginnings in the 1990ies, artistic reserach has become established a new format in the aereas of educational and institutional policy, aesthetics, and art theory. It has now diffused into almost all artistic fields, from... more
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      AestheticsArtistic ResearchMethodologies for Artistic ResearchThe artistic practice as research.
Talking to Grant H. Kester, Professor of Art History in San Diego and founding editor of FIELD: A Journal of Socially Engaged Art Criticism. On the relation between art and social change. Kester: 'For me the aesthetic is, in a way, the... more
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      PleasureArtistic Autonomy and Social ChangeAesthetics and EthicsAesthetics and Politics
Writing has never been more exicting than before, although the asemic writing that emerges has to be understood as the amorphous form of any common alphabetical writings. Asemic writing intends to explore the field that has not yet been... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryLiteratureContemporary Art
Art research lies at the vertex of several critical points of contemporary culture. 1 Among these are:  Systemic education reform, ranging from emerging educational technologies to privatization and commercialization of education at all... more
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      Artistic ResearchArtistic Research of MusicMethodologies for Artistic ResearchEpistemology, History of Science and Humanities, Artistic Research
Duas escritas tecem este texto: a primeira é colorida, narra as fraquezas e as inseguranças do processo de escrita; a segunda é um artigo, nos moldes acadêmicos, que discorre sobre duas práticas de pesquisa em arte – a perfografia e a... more
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      CartographyResearch MethodologyPerformance StudiesAcademic Writing
How can the teaching and learning of culturally and theoretically diverse art histories allow for constructive interaction between the global and the local, which is not just an example of one dominating the other? Do the issues of... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesContemporary ArtMethodologies for Artistic ResearchGlobal Art History
Šiuo metu rankoje laikote knygą, kuri jums leis suprasti, jau darote meninį tyrimą ar dar ne; norite jį atlikti, o gal visgi geriau aplenkti. Knygoje filosofas Juha Varto glaustai aptaria pagrindinius meninio tyrimo aspektus, mitus ir su... more
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      Research MethodologyArtistic ResearchMethodologies for Artistic Research
Resumen Existen demasiados discursos, actividades y especialistas que afirman dedicarse que hacen investigación artística. Como se aprecia en la abundante bibliografía sobre el tema, no existe una única definición estable de la actividad.... more
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      Artistic ResearchArtistic Research of MusicMethodologies for Artistic ResearchINVESTIGACIÒN ARTISTICA
SoCCoS (Sound of Culture – Culture of Sound) is a residency and research network engaging with exploratory music, sound art, and culture. Five European organisations collaboratively designed the project as an exchange network in which... more
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      Radio And Sound StudiesSoundscape StudiesArchitecture and soundExperimental Music
This is a doctoral thesis.
A methodological proposal: the Musical Meta Rhetoric Method and its application to my interpretation of the first movement of Béla Bartók's Viola Concerto
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      Artistic Research of MusicBela BartokMethodologies for Artistic Research
Coronavirus perform its agency on childhood in the Capitalocene in new, troubling, and sometimes hopeful ways. Research-creation has compelled us to dwell upon how virusing-with makes attuning differently to the world possible. We... more
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      PosthumanismEarly Childhood EducationAffect (Cultural Theory)Methodologies for Artistic Research
Art educators have already responded to eco-social challenges for decades by seeking to advance environmental awareness, sensitivity, eco-social justice, democracy, and cultural sustainability. These various approaches and... more
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      Environmental EducationPosthumanismCritical PedagogyArts Education
A fabulous collection of interviews with artists, designers, art critics, academics, and curators from the Netherlands, Norway, France, Lithuania, and the UK on the future of art schools, arts education, artistic research,... more
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      Critical TheoryVisual StudiesArt HistoryResearch Methodology
Abstract. This article explores the innovative field of ‘re- search-creation’, on the threshold of multiple disciplines, between the arts and humanities. It focuses in on the artistic laboratory, as an evolving concept, format, space and... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerforming ArtsDance StudiesArtistic Research
Son varios los modelos de investigación artística planteados desde la academia con el propósito de situar la disciplina como un campo validado a la par de otras áreas de conocimiento. Los fundamentos comunes a estos caracterizan los... more
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      Art Practice as ResearchContemporary ArtArts EducationArtistic Research
Thomas Gartmann and Michaela Schäuble have drawn together a diverse group of authors who, if they had not been connected through their common engagement with the University of Bern and the Bern University of the Arts doctoral programme... more
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      Art Practice as ResearchPractice as ResearchArtistic ResearchArtistic Research of Music
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      Arts-based methodologiesPhotobookMethodologies for Artistic ResearchThe Photobook and digital selfpublishing based on the hybrid artists' book
Digital technologies have converged with digital forms and integrally affected developments in art, music, design, film and literature. Visual communication is undergoing a profound transformation as new technologies continually challenge... more
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      Visual MusicGraphic DesignArtistic ResearchTheory and Practice of Visual Arts
Theater-, Performance- und Tanzproduktionen, insbesondere der Freien Szene, haben sich in den letzten Jahren vermehrt mit der Existenzweise und Handlungsmacht von Nichtmenschen befasst. Die Akteure sind heterogener geworden und der Kreis... more
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      Theatre StudiesDance StudiesHuman-Animal RelationsPerformance Studies
The future of the arts in higher education--writ large--requires the examination, analysis, and synthesization of many central and peripheral issues if arts education is to be successfully sustained. Present-day and future leadership must... more
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsArtArt Theory
With reference to Made Flesh, the artist-author’s graphic-novel-in-progress, this illustrated paper outlines the author’s methodological explorations using the möbius as an image of the art-research dynamic, and collage as a... more
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      Animal StudiesArtistic ResearchWomen ArtistsComics and Graphic Novels
L'interesse nei confronti del patrimonio culturale ha da sempre mosso grandi studiosi verso la ricerca di criteri e metodologie che aiutassero a stabilirne la natura e a fornirne una definizione esaustiva. È opportuno ricordare i notevoli... more
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      Art HistoryExpertiseAuthenticityArtistic Research
TransCoding – From `Highbrow Art' to Participatory Culture Social Media – Art – Research Between 2014 and 2017, the artistic research project "TransCoding – From `Highbrow Art' to Participatory Culture" encouraged creative... more
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      Contemporary MusicArtistic ResearchArtistic Research of MusicArts-Based Participatory Research
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę badań artystycznych na gruncie sztuk performatywnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem praktyk ruchowych, tanecznych i choreograficznych, osadzonych w polskim kontekście. Autorki stawiają za cele:... more
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      Research MethodologyPerformance StudiesChoreographyArtistic Research
Which aspects of cultural and personal identity most influence current theatrical creation? How are certain signs of identity configured in a mise-en-scène and how does the audience perceive them? How can artistic research inform a... more
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      Self and IdentityWomen's StudiesBasque StudiesIdentity (Culture)
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      Artistic ResearchArtistic Research of MusicGlenn GouldMethodologies for Artistic Research
Wolf-Georg Zaddach »Groove is the essence of my music«. Wayne Krantz' guitar playing from a practice-based perspective Abstract (English) Wayne Krantz, an US-American fusion jazz guitar player, developed a very personal style. Besides... more
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      AutoethnographyJazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz Theory
Writing has never been more exicting than before, although the asemic writing that emerges has to be understood as the amorphous form of any common alphabetical writings. Asemic writing intends to explore the field that has not yet been... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryLiteratureContemporary Art
Данная статья посвящена использованию литературоведческих подходов и методов в исследовании творчества М.Ю. Лермонтова. В работе прослеживается, как в организации исследования феноменологический подход сочетается с культурно-историческим,... more
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      Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyMethodologyMethodologies for Artistic Research
ISBN: 978-84-947938-1-3 UCMM Artistis REsearch and Situated Practices endeavours to get close to the reality of certain practices that propose new ways of weaving and producing social processes. It is the fruit of a process that has... more
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      Social ChangeArt TheoryCultureFeminism
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      Art Practice as ResearchArtistic ResearchMethodologies for Artistic ResearchArts Practice PhDs
The inventor of the positive/negative process for photography, 19th century polymath Henry Fox Talbot, was so enthusiastic about the potential for his discovery that he made a prediction for a future where, 'Every man [would be] his... more
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      EngineeringPublishingResearch MethodologyDigital Photography
The purpose of the chapter (text in english and spanish) is to present 'Social A/r/tography' as methodological approach within the context of the most common methodological strategies in research on visual arts and education:... more
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      Image-based researchArtistic ResearchArt EducationVisual Arts
This first comprehensive publication about the Silent University introduces the initiative and contextualizes it in the wider framework of both radical pedagogy and socially engaged art projects. In addition, all current branches of the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesBorder StudiesRefugee StudiesCommons
In a critique of contemporary universities, the philosopher and art theorist Gerald Raunig contends that 'wild and transversal writing is tamed and fed into the creativity-destroying apparatuses of disciplining institutions' wherein... more
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      Artistic ResearchPractice-Based ResearchEssayMethodologies for Artistic Research
Artistic research exploits new possibilities by deconstructing the traditional dualities of European thinking, like the duality between science and art, perception and thinking, subjectivity and objectivity, body and mind. It develops its... more
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      Research MethodologyArtistic ResearchMethodologies for Artistic ResearchPhilosophy of performance
About the Methods, the Develepment of the Discourse, and the Current Risks of Artistic Research
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      Artistic ResearchMethodologies for Artistic ResearchArtistic Based Research
In this workshop we wonder what water is -or what is not-, turning the question into a participatory framework for exploring our material imagination, and how do we collectively build material semantics.
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      EpistemologyResearch MethodologyWaterArt and Science
One of my challenges is not being able to reveal sources before the work is done. Not being transparent while in phase of production. Not that research is secret, but opening up working situations while they are active would cancel them... more
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      Artistic ResearchArtists' WritingsMethodologies for Artistic ResearchThe artistic practice as research.
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      Artistic ResearchArts Practice Based ResearchMethodologies for Artistic ResearchCulture of Fear