Since the religious sources of the Ahl al-Haqq express themselves in cryptic a language, the date of their origin is shrouded in a veil of ambiguity. By deciphering the texts of the Ahl al-Haqq, we find that the Yarsanis have traced its... more
This paper proposes, starting from a detailed analysis of the mythological contents exposed in the tenth chapter of the so-called Fragmentum Censorini (= Nikokrates, FGrHist and BNJ2 376 F 4), a new contextualisation of the excerpt within... more
This paper explores metrical practice in John Skelton’s late dream vision 'A Garlande or Chapelet of Laurell' (1523) in depth for the first time. Hypermetricity in densely alliterative passages is read as a deliberate arousal of the... more
This article presents a comparative rhythmic analysis of two types of Russian three-ictus dolnik: a heterosyllabic variant used as an equivalent of the German three-stress meter and an isosyllabic variant (7M/8F/9D) used as an equivalent... more
Dança, memória e história Resumo: Embora mais associado a uma dramaturgia verbal, Sófocles inscreve-se duplamente na História da Dança como multiartista que se apropriou e transformou práticas corais arcaicas. Nesta comunicação são... more
NVGAE CATVLLIANAE, I Observations sur l'établissement et l'exégèse du texte des poèmes 1-60 de Catulle Les remarques critiques et exégétiques que nous présentons sont des « Lesefrüchte » issus de la lecture de Catulle dans l'édition... more
And, according to Schenker, the genius cannot be black insofar as blacks represented an 'inferior race' to Germans, who were uniquely qualified, with their superior 'Menschenhumus,' to produce works of genius. Finally, like me, New Yorker... more
This book is an index of the verses in the Suttanipāta, the Dhammapada, the Theragāthā, the Therīgāthā, the Jātaka, the Mahāvastu, the Lalitavistara, and the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sorted by their similarity rate.
This essay claims that shiʿr al-tafʿīla, modern poetry which adheres to one or more of the traditional prosodic feet, witnessed a second ideological turn in the moment leading up to the 1967 defeat. Around 1967, the mixing of meters... more
Interpretive and analytic readings of Thomas Adès's _Living Toys_ (1993) and _America: a prophecy_ (1999), with brief comment on _Chamber Symphony_ (1990). Discussion of gesture, and in the two-panel scheme of _America_, of resonances... more
A study of dramatic signs in the opera "Death in Venice"; of tempo change in the _Sinfonietta_ (1932) and _Sinfonia da Requiem_ (1940); and of motion and pause gestures in the songs "London" and "Angel" (both 1965)
Music is a sophisticated medium through which man's devotion, pleasure and emotional expression are expressed. Music means a combination of singing and playing, and music is a diverse art, as seen in The New Britannica. By the Medieval... more
The rituals used in Sinhalese culture namely bali, thovil, and madu can be characterized by three Sri Lankan regional dance traditions, Upcountry, Low country, and Sabaragamuwa. The aim of this research is to explore and comparatively... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
MUSICAL PAUSE AS A FACTOR IN PERFORMING INFLEXION (for example, the fifth play “Sunt lacrymae rerum, en mode hongrois” from the third “Year of Pilgrimage” by F. Liszt) Musical pause is considered in terms of the communicative process. The... more
The author of the article suggests an approach to the performing interpretation in the context of the music time flow and its implementation by the outstanding pianist of the XX century, G. Cziffra. Purpose of the article is to reveal the... more
This paper represents a summary of my own thoughts on Hurrian phonology.
George Houle's response to Alexander Silbiger's review of Meter in Music, 1600-1800 and Silbiger's rejoinder.
The paper considers the poetry of four Czech authors-František Gellner, Viktor Dyk, Karel Toman, and Fráňa Šrámek-in their Russian-language translations. Based on known published translations made by 17 Russian translators throughout the... more
Este artigo apresenta a aplicação de parte da proposta de análise desenvolvida em minha pesquisa de doutorado. Com foco na instrumentação da base, procurando elucidar os processos de organização dos elementos texturais constituintes do... more
Prosodie - Metrik - Rhythmus (Appendices: Zäsur - Synkope) in der antiken und nachantiken Literaturtheorie: Grundlagen einer allgemeineren Verslehre.
Russian verse is regarded usually as a product of large evolutionary trends or tendencies tracing through the vast corpus including great number of poems of diff erent epochs. Owing to that, Russian method was going on well when the... more
This article examines definitions of verse and descriptions of the relationships between meter and rhythm as proposed by Russian formalists, structuralists, and contemporary scholars.
This article examines definitions of verse and descriptions of the relationships between meter and rhythm as proposed by scholars of Russian poetry. Building on their observations, the author devises a constructive definition of "meter"... more
In this article, I find a meaningful new way to address decolonisation debates in music. Born and schooled in India, and now based in Ireland, I first reflect on recent tensions around music theory’s white racial frame as argued by Philip... more
In music history during the period encompassing the years beginning from the late 15-th to the middle of the 18-th centuries a fundamental significance in music theory and practice had been designated to the definition of Tact and Tactus.... more
RESUMO: Nesta resenha apresento uma apreciação crítica da tradução de Rodrigo Tadeu Gonçalves do poema épico-didático latino Metamorfoses, composto pelo poeta Públio Ovídio Nasão (43 AEC -18 EC) por volta do ano 8 CE. Os principais... more
Apresentamos aqui uma traducao comentada do conto sem titulo que a abre a coletânea Maridos, da escritora mexicana Angeles Mastretta, enfocando alguns questionamentos sobre as escolhas realizadas durante o processo tradutorio e tambem... more
Este trabalho apresenta os aspectos principais de um projeto recentemente aprovado no PPGMUS-UDESC. Busca-se, com esta pesquisa, compreender o sistema de organização temporal da música clássica indiana e as transformações... more
Ambakka Dewalaya, located in the central province of Sri Lanka, is a historic site known for its exceptional wood carvings and religious importance. This research paper explores the temple's history, architectural features, religious... more
Attraverso l'esempio della traduzione del "Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías", poema elegiaco di Federico García Lorca, realizzata da Oreste Macrì, e con l'intento di smentire il luogo comune della rapida obsolescenza delle traduzioni dei... more
Verse Epistles and Héroïdes in the Genre System of European and Russian Neoclassicism (Meters and Themes)
The process of retrieving meaningful information from rhythmic responses to music imposes several methodological challenges. For one side, the indivisible connection between body actions and the musical action confines the musical... more
Problem statement: Researchers describe periodic musical structures as square antecedent-consequent, which forms a large part of musical works. In such structures, longer pauses exist at the end of the antecedent and consequent. Shorter... more
O consumo da música na internet cresceu exponencialmente durante a pandemia de Covid-19 e as plataformas de streaming e as redes sociais se tornaram espaços para escuta de música, apresentações improvisadas, shows, lives em que os lares... more
A reading of Geoffrey Hill's poetry paying close attention to details of punctuation and layout.
This paper is the third in a three-part series that develops a model for the background of rhyme in Old Norse dróttkvætt poetry as a formalization of the same form of rhyme found across Old Germanic poetries. The first paper in this... more
A note suggesting a late date for one of Gower’s short Latin poems and assessing the poem's style.
This paper describes an automatic system of music analysis based on the generative theory of tonal music (GTTM). The system works by acquiring the metrical structure of the music. The GTTM is considered one of the most promising theories... more
This essay explores the classification of musical structures and forms based on criteria such as recurrence, internal relative duration, and tradition, among others. Unlike traditional approaches that often use the terms “structure” and... more
Applying the criterion “expectancy” to the varied distribution of metrical shapes in epic helps to define the style and the tone of a passage, with implications for discerning the reader’s response.
Humans have the ability to flexibly synchronize motor output with sensory input, such as when dancing, performing, walking in step with a partner, or just tapping a foot along with music. The study of these behaviors, collectively called... more
In his study of the Stamitz symphonies, Eugene K. Wolf devotes a chapter to the growth of the phrase in Stamitz's music and, more generally, to the evolution of eighteenthcentury phrase rhythm. 1 In the course of a long footnote that... more
Computational analysis of the rhythmic/metrical structure of music from recorded audio is a hot research topic in music information retrieval. Recent research has explored the explicit modeling of characteristic rhythmic patterns as a way... more
This paper describes and releases the Brazilian Rhythmic Instruments Dataset, assembled for research in Music Information Retrieval. It is comprised of 274 soloand 93 multiple-instrument recorded tracks of 10 different instrument classes... more