Recent papers in Metapragmatics
The paper uses Hungarian data to explore the phenomenon of interclausal contextualizing relations, analysing clauses which provide access to a prominent referential scene via the speaker's mental operations. Seriality (closely related to... more
If your library has access to Springer Link a full version of this book can be downloaded via: . This book focuses on the discursive processes that allow activists to make sense... more
This article deals with the symbolic and material formation of an authenticated register of Övdalsk – a Scandinavian local language – unfolding in a situated engagement with grammatical artefacts. Seeking to refine the often... more
This study considers uses of the word mansplain as a phenomenon of gendered metapragmatics, or metalinguistic commentary related to male-female communicative dynamics. Mansplain (a portmanteau of man and explain), a neologism recently... more
"RESUMEN Este trabajo pretende contribuir a delimitar la recomendación como acto de habla, dado que la existencia de términos como consejo, advertencia, aviso o indicación, en alternancia con el término recomendación, sugiere que los... more
This article describes and analyzes the form and function of the term 'nosebleed' as it is used by speakers in the contemporary Philippine linguistic scene. 'Nosebleed' operates as a metapragmatic, semiotic stance marking device used to... more
The thesis of this essay is that linguistic anthropology is not the study of language. Rather, " language " functions as a permanently problematic, if indispensable, object for linguistic anthropological analysis and thought. This is... more
This is how the goals of this book are described in the Preface: This study seeks to define language ideologies having first reached a definition of ideologies in general; that is, it proceeds from the general to the specific. A... more
Il saggio si rivolge a chiunque voglia esplorare un campo di ricerca affascinante e tuttora poco noto in Italia: la (s)cortesia storica. Preceduto da un’introduzione teorica, in cui si presentano le innovazioni più recenti nei campi della... more
Metapragmatics encompasses the study of displays of awareness on the part of users and observers of language about their use of language. In this chapter, it is argued that corpus-based approaches to metapragmatics are uniquely positioned... more
This paper analyses white nationalists women's language as a form of metapolitical seduction. Using submissive speech (Hall 1998), these Tradwives narrate their conversion to the far right. Drawing on Inoue's work on the fetishization of... more
This article explores the ways in which Tamil film stars, so-called mass heroes such as the " Superstar " Rajinikanth, are presenced in theatrical events of their onscreen revelation and apperception. Drawing on film analysis,... more
Este artigo tem por objetivo refletir sobre a relação entre as ideologias linguísticas e a instituição de hierarquias raciais na Modernidade, focando especificamente em suas formas linguísticas comumente usadas no... more
Theories of meaning rely on foundational questions that address the nature of meaning in natural language and the relations linguistic structures bear to human conceptual structures and to the world. Metasemantics, also dubbed... more
This discussion note is inspired by, and in turn expands on, a few themes and threads laid out in Judith Bridges’s “Explaining ‘-splain’ in digital discourse”. The note stresses the focus and contribution linguistic anthropologists have... more
In recent years, the intersections between, or entanglements of, local action and translocal patterns gained renewed interest in sociolinguistics. Received distinctions such as micro/macro or practice/structure have been chal- lenged and... more
Current studies on language and citizenship view citizenship not just as a fixed political category but as a product of continuous negotiation that can be mediated by various sociolinguistic means. This study contributes to the ongoing... more
In this article, I argue for chronotopic and scalar approaches to the analysis of language use in general and multilingual practices in particular. Drawing on data from Iranian Azerbaijanis, I argue that availability and accessibility of... more
As a contribution to what I call a linguistic anthropology of cinema, this article explores the question of deixis in linguistic and cinematic semiosis, detailing some of the semiotic functions and processes common to both. In particular,... more
The Istanbul Greek (IG) community is an indigenous minority group totaling ~2000 members. Due to their specific geopolitical and sociohistorical context, the IG dialect has unique contact-induced linguistic features from Turkish, French,... more
The reflexive (metalinguistic) properties of language are typically represented as supplemental and inessential. Language, so the story goes, could get along perfectly well without them. The characteristics of language are independent of... more
Typographic mimicry is the wrapping of writing in a “foreign dress,” i.e. the use of typefaces in which one’s script (e.g. Latin) is made to visually resemble a different script (e.g. Chinese) with the goal of evoking associations with a... more
Large-scale social and political debates can be understood as dynamic and inter-discursive networks in which a multiplicity of subject positions are being activated, challenged and negotiated in attempts to fix the meanings of practices,... more
As language teaching becomes more professionalized, more importance is placed on ensuring the certification and preparation of TESOL practitioners entering the field (see Mullock, 2006). High schools, private conversation schools,... more
This article explores the ways in which 'gangsta' English features are deployed, evaluated and adopted in two types of social media, the web forum and Twitter, within the domains of hip hop culture and football (soccer) culture, from the... more
This chapter introduces linguistic pragmatics as a poststructuralist perspective on language use, context and the self. It introduces a notion of articulation enriched by pragmatic insights. Exemplifying the value of his approach,... more
This paper discusses the articulations between the differentiations of bodies and the invention of languages. As post-colonial and decolonial authors and feminist authors point out, in spite of their central role in the construction and... more
Providing an ontology of the English language and how it is conceptualized in a foreign country is an ambitious undertaking; however Philip Seargeant, with his volume The Idea of English in Japan: Ideology and the Evolution of a Global... more
Language is involved in processes of group identification in that it provides a focus for explicit discourses of identity and constitutes a field of less overt practices for creating groupness. Drawing on examples from Mauritian... more
This article explores evaluations of impoliteness and over-politeness in crime novel dialogues, in reference to the Pragmatics of Politeness and the Discursive Model (Watts, 2003, 2005, 2010; Locher and Watts, 2005). Metapragmatic... more
This chapter traces briefly the origins and development of the ethnography of language policy. It argues that, although this tradition has put ethnography firmly on the language policy research agenda since the turn of the 21st century,... more
The Kazak honorific system has been described to consist of a number of second person forms and terms of address. In addition to these core honorific expressions, however, my recent study of spoken Kazak in the Chinese Altai reveals that... more
Zienkowski concludes that political awareness and engagement require reflexive rearticulations of one’s sense of self with a dynamic network of signifiers, identities, practices and institutions. It also implies the articulation of... more
The present paper examines how interpersonal ritual notions are appropriated in intercultural contact, hence filling a knowledge gap in intercultural and cross-cultural pragmatics. As a case study, we examine how the English metalexeme... more
Abstract Flattery is a social phenomenon that treads a fine line between acceptable and unacceptable social behavior and brings forward the strategic element of language use. Although flattery has been studied in other areas of the social... more
Ήταν ένας από τους σπουδαιότερους γλωσσολόγους της εποχής μας. Τα γραπτά του, εκτιμώ, θ’ ανακαλύπτονται τα επόμενα χρόνια, τις επόμενες δεκαετίες ίσως, ενώ τα γραπτά άλλων γλωσσολόγων, πολύ διασημότερων τώρα, θα ξεχνιούνται. Αναγκαστικά,... more
It is ironic that, before the advent of the institutionalized practice we call "modern linguistics", the notion of language as a normative activity was central to discourse on language. But the complex ideological process of defining... more