At the beginning of 1929 Moritz Schlick received a very tempting call to Bonn. After some vacillation he decided to remain in Vienna. On this occasion, for the first time it became clear to him and us that there is such a thing as the... more
In Heidegger's lecture The Metaphysics of German Idealism (1941), he places Schelling as a leading protagonist in the modern philosophy of subjectivity. In doing so, Heidegger adopts Schelling's influential definition of the will as... more
This is an introductory presentation to the XIIth International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Conference, organised this time by Charles University Centre of Excellence (Prague, Czech Republic): Theological Anthropology in Ecumenical... more
This paper details how, besides his work on theoretical physics, Philipp Frank continued to remain interested in the philosophical questions of physics throughout his entire career. While this interest surfaced in different forms in... more
This is an interpretation of the second chapter of John Dewey's Experience and Nature. The chapter "Existence as Precarious and as Stable" is crucial for assessing Dewey's metaphysics, as it is here that Dewey develops not only his... more
«BEING OUTSIDE-ITSELF» IN SCHELLING AND HEIDEGGER The author of the article framed the question of the possible relevance of the treatment of the Schelling's philosophy in the context of a phenomenological one. Thereby, he points its... more
La « Sprachkritik » comme « Kulturkritik » : une lecture du §11 d'Humain, trop humain I, §11 1 Introduction : la place de la métaphysique dans Humain, trop humain Le premier chapitre d'Humain, trop humain, « Des choses premières et... more
The article explores how de-contextualisation of Christological doctrine became vulnerable to ideology. It proposes ways beyond ideology by recovering the witness perspective and the symbolic language.
This article compares two approaches to Christian existence, one protestant philosophical represented by Paul Ricoeur, the other catholic sacramental theological represented by Louis-Marie Chauvet. Their complementarity is pointed out In... more
This paper explores how Derrida's concept of deconstruction (aiming at two targets: the logic of identity and the metaphysics of presence) challenges claims to final and unchangeable meaning and truth embedded in our language. While... more
(uncorrected proofs)