Recent papers in Metamodernism
My MLitt dissertation is concerned with how connections between human and nonhuman objects, hyperobjects and temporality are represented in contemporary anthropocene literature, namely Ben Lerner's novel 10:04 and Tom McCarthy's Satin... more
Review article of the anthology of young Transylvanian Hungarian metamodernist poets, Címtelen Föld (2020)
In his 2006 novel Against the Day, set around the turn of the twentieth century, Thomas Pynchon renegotiates his relationship with modernism. His juxtaposition of postmodernism and modernism conforms to Timothy Vermeulen and Robin van den... more
В статье рассматриваются специфические признаки популярного сегодня жанра рэп-баттла, соединяющего, по мнению автора, признаки письменной и устной культуры. Автор полемизирует с теми, кто видит в рэп-баттлах продолжение традиции... more
Exploring the concept of "Pragmatic Idealism" that Metamodernism develops, and the possible implications in architecture
The European Migration Crisis is the object of this study and Europe’s consequential fragmentation is the subject of this study. Its purpose includes deciphering (1) causes and origins of European hospitality, (2) dimensions of Europe’s... more
"“Hypermodernism” “Altermodernism” “Metamodernism,” “Neomodernism”—they all share in common “Modernity.” From a historical perspective, that which is “modern” is in battle against that which immediately preceded it, and as such,... more
In his 2008 selection of poems András Visky unified his biographical trauma (of being departed to the Romanian Gulag in the age of 2) and the traumatic "event" of faith in the sense of the derridian "secret". Just like the secret of... more
The contemporary global fashion system is at a unique point of convergence between 'high' and 'low' culture and across creative disciplines and representational spaces. Fashion designers are no longer confined to the catwalk, nor to the... more
Metamodernist generation and the attacks of 2015/01/07
ÍNDICE Introducción Capítulo I: fin de la posmodernidad, afinidades post-posmodernas 1.1. Frivolización de la posmodernidad 1.2. Muerte de la posmodernidad 1.3. Linajes post-posmodernos Capítulo II: "Apuntes sobre metamodernismo":... more
Catalogue essay accompanying the exhibition, 'Scaling The Sublime' at Nottingham University from 24.03 - 17.06. 18 The essay sketches out some thoughts on Metamodernism, tracing key ideas on abstraction from the romantic sublime, the... more
The immersive technologies and artificial intelligence have a major impact in transforming all the aspects of contemporary social life. The present paper emphasizes the necessity to acknowledge these changes and to prepare for their... more
The Abs-Tract Organization ("TATO") is a nascent non-profit think tank for absolute social philosophy and global civil society, committed to definitively solving the world's systemic social problems through a high-level framework of... more
Considered selected examples of contemporary art (Russian and foreign) addressed to the topic of monumentalization / memorialization. Emphasized the problem of “spiritual emptiness” in the public consciousness, as well as the possibility... more
Melodramatic mode establishes itself as the main device of aesthetic knowledge of modern era. In a framework of cognitive democracy and irrepressible emotionality, melodrama shows an extraordinary ability to synthesize contents and... more
Gilles Lipovetsky defines the present times as hypermodern. He distances himself from the overly simplistic definitions many give them and embraces their contradictions by bringing out ‘the full complexity of reality’ (Lipovetsky et al.,... more
In this essay, I explore the myths presented within two contemporary novels, Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit and Jonathan Safran Foer’s Everything Is Illuminated. I propose that myths are used within these two texts... more
Pdf created from webpage. Please cite this article in its home on the Times Literary Supplement online site, following the URL weblink provided.
This article will analyse two of Ali Smith's latest books, Artful (2012) and How to Be Both (2014) through the lenses of metamodernism and the return of the 'real' to fiction. It analyses the narrative strategies that are used to... more
La narrativa dell'ultimo trentennio tende a coniugare le strategie mimetiche del moderno con le strategie metaletterarie del postmoderno, compiendo un moto pendolare tra l'idealismo ingenuo e/o fanatico del primo e il pragmatismo... more
Metamodernism. Historicity, Affect, and Depth After Postmodernism ed. by Robin van den Akker, Alison Gibbons, and Timotheus Vermeulen (review)
After the passing of postmodernism, many authors start proposing alternatives for a new paradigm with the hope of eliminating the feelings of solipsism and nihilism produced by years of metafictional experimentation. In the new post-9/11... more
This master's thesis tries to answer the research question “What is post-irony, and how does it manifest itself on social media?”. The study was conducted through fieldwork carried out on the visual- and auditory- social world of VRChat,... more
La “condición postmoderna” se encuentra, actualmente, tan aprehendida que cualquier reflexión al respecto se torna banal y redundante. Pareciera que, a estas alturas, todo estuviera dicho y permaneciéramos instalados en una especie de... more
This paper is an attempt to define key features of the post-postmodernism in contemporary English novel. The author takes into account the defintions of metamodernism represented in the "Notes on Metamodernism." A few films that visualize... more
Hyperventilating over the Present: A review of the Introduction to Hypermodernity and the End of the World
This article examines David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas (2004) and Zadie Smith's NW (2012) against recent theories of the post-postmodern. It argues that although both texts can be seen to be gesturing towards a reconstructive relationship... more
WINNER of the AAR Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion: Constructive-Reflective Studies. For decades, scholars have been calling into question the universality of disciplinary objects and categories. The coherence of defined... more
David Mitchell’s novel Cloud Atlas (2004) explores the intricacies of time-transcending human connections by introducing six seemingly unrelated narratives in a recursive, multi-layered narrative structure. Therefore the object of this BA... more
Published in 'Avant Canada: Poets, Prophets, Revolutionaries.' Eds. Gregory Betts and Christian Bök
The postmodern years of irony and cynicism are over. Artists, writers and filmmakers are returning to attitudes of sincerity, optimism and empathy. This ‘emerging structure of feeling’ discussed amongst academics and critics during the... more
The Radical Cultural Studies series publishes monographs and edited collections to provide new and radical analyses of the culturopolitics, sociopolitics, aesthetics and ethics of contemporary cultures. The series is designed to stimulate... more
In her “Toward a Metamodern Reading of Spiritual but Not Religious Mysticisms,” Linda C. Ceriello frames being SBNR as evidencing a new means of engaging with mysticisms through what has been described as a metamodern epistemic shift. By... more
This work presents a geometric perspective from which matters of psyche, society, and communication align, along with a practical approach to the analysis of complex social phenomena.
The text retraces the current debate around the notions of post-cinema and post-media. Employing a dialogic approach, the editors propose a theoretical framework to provide context for the main contributions on these topics published
N o t f o r d i s t r i b u t i o n o r r e s a l e . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y .
From David Rudrum's Introduction to "PART I - Beyond the Postmodern: Literature, Philosophy, and the Question of the Contemporary": "Josh Toth, who coined the term ‘renewalism’ in his earlier work, argues in the next chapter that the... more
In metamodern culture, handicraft is everywhere. As I argue, the ‘artisanal turn’ is not just a symptom of postmodern nostalgia, i.e. past ‘options’ or ‘instances’ allowed to make a second appearance. Rather, it is our very experience of... more