Metalinguistic awareness and knowledge

280 papers
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Metalinguistic awareness and knowledge refer to the understanding and reflection on the nature and function of language. This cognitive ability enables individuals to analyze language structures, comprehend language use in different contexts, and recognize the relationship between language and thought, facilitating language learning and effective communication.
Аннотация: цель данной статьи состоит в выявлении особенностей функционирования мифологем в политическом медиадискурсе США. В результате рассмотрения мифологем как инструмента воздействия на адресата посредством «оживления» политических... more
Questo contributo indagherà le implicazioni glottodidattiche derivanti dall’impiego dei corpora nella didattica della lingua spagnola, con particolare attenzione agli aspetti positivi e alle sfide che possono emergere durante questo... more
This article uses reflective drawing to explore representations of multilingualism by Anglophone migrants in Luxembourg. Analysing twelve interviews in which participants drew and described their language experiences, we examine the... more
This article uses reflective drawing to explore representations of multilingualism by Anglophone migrants in Luxembourg. Analysing twelve interviews in which participants drew and described their language experiences, we examine the... more
It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. I believe the same applies to the pursuit of a doctoral degree and the writing of a dissertation. Had it not been for the countless people who helped me in one way or another, through... more
Bilingualism is an exponentially increasing condition in today’s world population due to mass immigration and globalization. Today, more than half of the world’s children are raised bilingual (cf. Marian & Shook, 2012). Previous research... more
This reply explores issues with documenting prosodic structures given their unique relationship with metalinguistic knowledge. New evidence and perspectives are incorporated into a deeper investigation of Budai Rukai and the analytical... more
The ease and consistency with which speakers of many languages provide direct judgments about syllable structure has been taken by scholars as evidence that these judgments are accurate and sufficient argumentation for an analysis of... more
This article proposes an internal analysis of Herodotus’ discourse on the origin of the names of the Greek gods, involving the Egyptians, Pelasgians, Phoenicians, Libyans and, ultimately, the Greeks (including Homer and Hesiod),... more
Establishing authorship for the purpose of L2 writing evaluation has become problematic due to improvements in AI translation and generative AI since 2022. Literate talk, “the nature of talk that introduces educational concepts to... more
What are elites? What is eliteness? How do elites connect to language? What is elite multilingualism? In what ways does elite multilingualism differ from other types of multilingualism? How can we study elites, eliteness, and language?... more
This book chapter presents articulation as the core concept of Essex-style discourse theory. It also presents related concepts such as the field of discursivity, the nodal point, the empty signifier, logics of equivalence and difference,... more
Resumen En primer lugar, se establecen semejanzas y diferencias entre autopercepción de competencia para aprender (AcA) y constructos próximos: autoconcepto, autoestima y autoeficacia. Luego,
Drawn from a conference that addressed the role of sentence combining in the teaching of writing, the papers in this collection are divided into three sections: the theory of sentence combining, research in sentence combining, and... more
Thèse présentée et soutenue publiquement le 18 décembre 2015 par Zakaria Nounta en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en Sciences du Langage
Las pautas de evaluación que se utilizan en el aula para guiar el proceso de producción textual están en relación con el modelo de enseñanza y aprendizaje adoptado. Se propone su uso como desencadenante de procesos interactivos de tal... more
Limba națională este limba specifică unui popor, specific legată de nașterea și evoluția acestuia ca o civilizație, definitorie pentru spiritualitatea, psihologia și ființa ei etnică, pentru că "limba unui popor se confundă și se... more
Limba națională este limba specifică unui popor, specific legată de nașterea și evoluția acestuia ca o civilizație, definitorie pentru spiritualitatea, psihologia și ființa ei etnică, pentru că "limba unui popor se confundă și se... more
Do factive mental states come in degrees? If so, what is their underlying structure, and what is their theoretical significance? Many have observed that ‘knows that’ is not a gradable verb and have taken this to be strong evidence that... more
In the past years, different Hispanic countries have witnessed a rise in Plain Language (Lenguaje Claro) initiatives by public institutions, including the publication of Plain Language guides. Since these types of actions seek to... more
Effectively constructing a confident authorial stance and framing one's argument in the context of the ongoing scholarly conversation are important skills for writers to acquire as they gain expertise writing in an academic discipline.... more
To address graduate writing pedagogy in technical communication, this article reports on a study of 14 award-winning dissertations in the field. By treating dissertations as cultural artifacts constitutive of the educational contexts in... more
This study aimed to investigate the relatedness of five different operationalizations of explicit knowledge of English morphosyntax within the framework of levels of processing. Two groups of university students, majoring in English... more
This study explored the relationship between implicit and explicit knowledge of 13 second language (L2) English grammar points and the relationship of each type of knowledge with language learning aptitude and working memory capacity in... more
O objetivo do presente trabalho e estudar se ha uma dificuldade especifica dos maus leitores na consciencia morfologica. Participaram desta pesquisa seis criancas que faziam parte do estudo “Consciencia morfologica: um estudo... more
Previous research on metalinguistic awareness has revealed its crucial role in successful additional language learning experience. Scholars (e.g., Alderson et al, 1997) were interested in the possible effects of individual difference... more
Loin de désigner génériquement différentes formes de métalangage, la linguistique populaire constitue aujourd’hui un domaine propre, qui englobe les représentations et pratiques épi- et métalinguistiques (perceptions, savoirs, discours,... more
Información bibliográfica publicada por la Deutsche Nationalbibliothek La Deutsche Nationalbibliothek recoge esta publicación en la Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; los datos bibliográficos detallados están disponibles en Internet en... more
Las contribuciones del presente volumen trilingüe (en español, francés e inglés) se dedican a explorar las articulaciones entre los campos de la glotopolítica y la lingüística románica. Se pretende al mismo tiempo renovar la romanística... more
Language teachers cannot help their students develop high levels of metalinguistic knowledge and language aptitude if they themselves are found lacking in these abilities. This article reports on a study that utilised a descriptive... more
In comparison to the large body of research on reading and its underlying processes in the field of literacy acquisition, the number of studies investigating the components of writing has remained rather limited (Treiman, 1993). Given... more
Logics of Critical Explanation proposed a methodological approach that could render the insights of Poststructuralist Discourse Theory (PDT) and post-Marxist political theory more conducive to critical empirical research. It also offered... more
The categorization made by Besse & Porquier (1984) about the notion of grammar underlies this paper. This categorization is used as a tool to think about the necessity of distinguishing grammar for pupils from one part and grammar for... more
Resumo Este estudo avaliou a consciência sintática de dez sujeitos no espectro do autismo (com idades entre 5 anos e 7 meses e 14 anos e 8 meses) e investigou o papel que a consciência sintática desempenha nos padrões de linguagem desses... more
Las tareas de producción textual colaborativa constituyen un marco adecuado para el estudio de los procesos cognitivos de escritura. Este trabajo, de tipo descriptivo y cualitativo, utiliza datos provenientes de la escritura colaborativa... more
The study involved a cross-linguistic corpus analysis of metadiscourse usage in first language (L1) Arabic university students' argumentative texts in English and Arabic in a university in Qatar, paralleled by 'writing conversation'... more
Cet article vise à montrer les différentes mises en oeuvre de la perspective actionnelle dans le domaine de l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères. Ces mises en oeuvre varient, selon l'interprétation des nouvelles... more
Este artigo descreve um estudo que investigou o papel da escolarização no desenvolvimento da consciência sintática. Quarenta e três adultos brasileiros divididos em três grupos de acordo com o seu nível de alfabetização participaram do... more
Lo studioso Vito Domenico Palumbo nacque a Calimera nell'aprile del 1854. Seguì gli studi umanistici prima presso il seminario di Otranto e, successivamente, di Molfetta. Durante il servizio militare approfondì la lettura dei classici... more
(2016: 62) per «sopravvivere» alla maggior parte degli incontri comunicativi a cui siamo quotidianamente esposti è essenziale saper dominare una serie di strategie che consentono di gestire e co-costruire i significati assieme agli altri... more
Brasile. 3 Questo studio si inserisce all'interno di un progetto più amplio e coordinato da chi scrive, intitolato "L'italiano nascosto in contesti di emigrazione" il cui scopo è di mettere a fuoco le caratteristiche dell'italiano... more 10 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE In this chapter, the researcher reviews the related theories and literatures to understand the... more
To begin with, we are a mind/body unity. We are the totality of that whole biological system. Out of the workings of our body arises an emergent process, a level of bodily activity that we call mind and mental activity. Let us break down... more
Alfabetização e consciência metatextual: conhecimento epilinguístico e metalinguístico em foco RESUMO O presente estudo examina as relações entre alfabetização e a consciência metatextual, considerando que o desenvolvimento desta... more
Several studies have underscored the importance of the metalinguistic activity generated in collaborative writing tasks for the development of students’ writing competence. However, few of them have analyzed it in primary education... more
This article discusses the evidence of individual differences among the Indonesian bilingualchildren in their writing and lexical development in Australian primary schools. It employs a longitudinal ethnographic approach collecting data... more