Metaheuristic Algorithms
Recent papers in Metaheuristic Algorithms
Nowadays the main usage of the word "heuristic" is mostly the adjective in the sense of "guiding discovery" or "improving problem solving." The greek mathematicians used two ways to find a solution: They began by assuming the problem... more
Genetic algorithm (GA) and differential evolution (DE) are metaheuristic algorithms that have shown a favorable performance in the optimization of complex problems. In recent years, only GA has been widely used for single-objective... more
Swarm based optimization algorithms are a collection of intelligent techniques in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) were developed for simulating the intelligent behavior of animals. Over the years ago, problems complexity... more
En este artículo se sistematiza el estado de arte en metaheurísticas inspiradas en la naturaleza y la cultura (primordialmente algoritmo genético y programación evolutiva) aplicadas a la síntesis e inducción gramatical de creaciones... more
MOFPA--Multi-objective flower pollination algorithm. This demo solves a bi-objective ZDT function of D=30 (dimensions), which can be extended to solve other multi-objective optimization problems. It is relatively straightforward to extend... more
El problema de enrutamiento de vehículos con recogida y entrega simultánea (VRPSPD por sus siglas en inglés) pertenece a la familia de problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos con restricciones de capacidad en la flota. Dado un conjunto de... more
Cloud computing is one of the emerging fields in computer science due to its several advancements like on-demand processing, resource sharing, and pay per use. There are several cloud computing issues like security, quality of service... more
The construction industry, from harvesting raw materials, transport, manufacturing, to the actual construction of buildings, has a significant and negative impact on the environment. The construction of buildings not only produces more... more
This paper presents a new optimization algorithm called fuzzy adaptive teaching–learning-based optimization (FATLBO) for solving numerical structural problems. This new algorithm introduces three new mechanisms for increasing the... more
Scheduling is one of the problems which so many researches have been conducted on it over the years. The university course timetabling problem which is an NP-hard problem is a type of scheduling problem. Timetabling process must be done... more
Company LOGO Outline 2. Tabu search (TS)(Background) 3. TS (main concepts) 5. TS examples 4. TS algorithm 6. TS applications 1. Motivation Company LOGO Motivation
In the past couple of years, there has been a rapid development of artificial intelligence, specially one of the most popular their branches which is machine learning. The exponential growth of data in the world made a need that... more
Optimisation has attracted the attention of human since ancient times, during which the activities were inconsiderable and resources were unlimited. Extension of activities and their cost, time and resources limitations have caused... more
A novel population-based algorithm based on the mine bomb explosion concept, called the mine blast algorithm (MBA), is applied to the constrained optimization and engineering design problems. A comprehensive comparative study has been... more
Several conventional and artificial algorithms have been used to find the location of distributed generation DG in power systems. Particle swarm optimization PSO is one of the most used, but some convergence problems have been reported... more
In this paper, we propose a new metaheuristic algorithm based on Lévy flight called Lévy flight distribution (LFD) for solving real optimization problems. The LFD algorithm is inspired from the Lévy flight random walk for exploring... more
Computer graphics and animation have has become a key technology in determining future research and development activities in many academic and industrial branches. The aim of this journal is to be an international peer-reviewed open... more
Handbook of Research on Metaheuristics for Order Picking Optimization in Warehouses to Smart Cities is a novel, innovative and adequate source of information that compiles interdisciplinary perspectives about diverse issues related with... more
An accessible introduction to metaheuristics and optimization, featuring powerful and modern algorithms for application across engineering and the sciences From engineering and computer science to economics and management science,... more
Esta planilla de Excel posee referencias a piezas de software mayormente gratuitas disponibles en la Web. Se ha seleccionado exclusivamente el software que se ciñe a las algorítmicas de la complejidad organizada. Comprende generadores de... more
The difficulty and complexity of the real-world numerical optimization problems has grown manifold, which demands efficient optimization methods. To date, various metaheuristic approaches have been introduced, but only a few have earned... more
The complexity of real-world problems motivated researchers to innovate efficient problem-solving techniques. Generally natural Inspired, Bio Inspired, Metaheuristics based on evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence algorithms... more
The assignment of products to storage locations has a major impact on the performance of a warehouse, especially if the warehouse is not automated, but serviced by human pickers. Although the static storage location assignment problem has... more
Because of successful implementations and high intensity, metaheuristic research has been extensively reported in literature, which covers algorithms, applications, comparisons, and analysis. Though, little has been evidenced on... more
Whale optimization algorithm (WOA) is a recently developed swarm-based meta-heuristic algorithm that is based on the bubble-net hunting maneuver technique-of humpback whales-for solving the complex optimization problems. It has been... more
This paper uses the concept of algorithmic efficiency to present a unified theory of intelligence. Intelligence is defined informally, formally, and computationally. We introduce the concept of dimensional complexity in algorithmic... more
Metaheuristic algorithms have been an interesting and widely used area for scientists, researchers and academicians because of their specific and significant characteristics and capabilities in solving optimization problems. Metaheuristic... more
This paper provides an in-depth review of the optimal design of type-1 and type-2 fuzzy inference systems (FIS) using five well known computational frameworks: genetic-fuzzy systems (GFS), neuro-fuzzy systems (NFS), hierarchical fuzzy... more
El problema de las n-Reinas (n-Queens Problem) es muy antiguo. Propuesto por primera vez en el año 1848, consiste en encontrar una asignación a n reinas en un tablero de ajedrez de n x n de modo tal, que éstas no se ataquen. El presente... more
Nature-inspired algorithms take inspiration from living things and imitate their behaviours to accomplish robust systems in engineering and computer science discipline. Symbiotic organisms search (SOS) algorithm is a recent metaheuristic... more
This paper proposes the African Buffalo Optimization (ABO) which is a new meta-heuristic algorithm that is derived from careful observation of the African buffalos, a species of wild cows, in the African forests and savannahs. This animal... more
In this research, monthly solar radiation is predicted in semi-dry, dry, and wet climates. Adaptive neurofuzzy interface system (ANFIS), radial basis function neural network (RBFNN), and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) models are used for... more