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Following the intravenous administration of thromboxane (TX) i~, the stable hydration product of TXA z, to human and nonhuman prim_~.t~,~ file mo~¢ abundant urinary metabolites are 2,3-dinor-TXl~ and ll-dehydro-TXl~. However, it is not... more
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      MetabolismBiological SciencesPhysical sciencesRIA
There are two ways how the emergence of the Biosphere as a single living being could be understood. One, that it is the latest stage of the evolution of life on Earth that began some 4 billion years ago, from smallest and simplest... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMetabolismCell BiologyBiosphere
The microbial community of the human gut has a crucial role in sustaining host homeostasis. High-throughput DNA sequencing has delineated the structural and functional configurations of gut metagenomes in world populations. The microbiota... more
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PHOTOSYNTHESIS Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities (energy transformation). This chemical energy is... more
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    • Metabolism
To present athletic trainers with recommendations for safe weight loss and weight maintenance practices for athletes and active clients and to provide athletes, clients, coaches, and parents with safe guidelines that will allow athletes... more
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      MetabolismHealth CareBody ImageSports
Leptin resistance is a hallmark of obesity, but its etiology is unknown, and its clinical measurement is elusive. Leptin-sensitive subjects have normal resting energy expenditure (REE) at a low leptin concentration, while leptin-resistant... more
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Omega 3 fatty acids are issued from linolenic acid (18:3ω3). Nutritional interest about ω3 fatty acids has begun since the epidemiological studies of Dyerberg et al. have shown a relationship between consumption of marine fats and... more
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Variants in the TCF7L2 gene have been associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), but the causal variant(s) is still unknown. We studied the TCF7L2 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in paired samples of visceral and subcutaneous... more
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A randomized clinical intervention trial to determine effects of lactation and 1 g of calcium (Ca) on bone remodeling was conducted in 15 women (calcium = 7, placebo [PI = 8) consuming 13-2.4 g of Ca/day from diet + prenatal supplement.... more
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Values for body surface area (BSA) are commonly used in medicine, particularly to calculate doses of chemotherapeutic agents and index cardiac output. Various BSA formulas have been developed over the years. The DuBois and DuBois (Arch... more
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      MetabolismObesityBiometryExposure Assessment
Objective Epidemiological studies have linked vitamin D deficiency with the susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. Higher levels of the active metabolite, 1!,25dihydroxyvitamin D, could protect from immune destruction of the pancreatic " cells.
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      MetabolismDiabetesVitamin DGene
Motivation: To promote a systems biology approach to understanding the biological effects of environmental stressors, the Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS) knowledge base is being developed to house data from multiple complex... more
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      BioinformaticsData MiningMetabolismSystems Biology
Lithium carbonate is used in several psychiatric disorders in the context of alcohol abuse. In a randomized, double-blind, crossover study the single-dose kinetics of lithium were followed after alcohol or placebo.
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly in young people. Despite encouraging animal studies, human trials assessing the use of pharmacological agents after TBI have all failed to show... more
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      Animal StudiesTraumatic Brain InjuryMetabolismYoung People
In recent years, the adipose tissue has emerged as an important endocrine organ. It is now recognized that besides storing energy the adipocytes also secrete several bioactive peptides, collectively called adipocytokines. Among these... more
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      EducationNutritionMetabolismAdipose tissue
Eighteen poor sleepers and 18 good sleepers of mean age 52 yr, selected on the basis of their stated opinions about their sleep, were studied as pairs matched for sex, age, height and weight, on five consecutive nights and two consecutive... more
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      PersonalityMetabolismAffectSleep disorders
Herbaceous temperate plants are capable of developing freezing tolerance when they are exposed to low nonfreezing temperatures. Acquired freezing tolerance involves extensive reprogramming of gene expression and metabolism. Recent... more
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      TechnologyGenomicsMetabolismGene expression
Mesterolone (1␣-methyl-5␣-androstan-17␤-ol-3-one) is a synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) with reported abuses in human sports. As for other AAS, mesterolone is also a potential doping agent in equine sports. Metabolic studies on... more
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      Analytical ChemistryMetabolismMass SpectrometryComparative Study
Sulfation of the carcinogen N-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-OH-AAF) and structurally related hydroxamic acids by rat and human sulfotransferases was studied. There was a clear sex and age difference in the sulfation of N-OH-AAF and the... more
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      MetabolismAgingLiverChemico-biological Interactions
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      EngineeringTechnologyMetabolismWastewater Treatment
Somatostatin (SRIF) receptors (ssts) comprise a family of heptahelical membrane proteins encoded by five related genes that map to separate chromosomes and which, with the exception of SStl, are intronless. The sstsl.4 display weak... more
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      Molecular BiologyMetabolismGene expressionClinical Sciences
ObjectiveTo assess the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and exercise capacity (or maximal oxygen consumption [VO2 max]) of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and central adiposity.
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In many instances, children and older adults show similar difficulties in reward-based learning and outcome monitoring. These impairments are most pronounced in situations in which reward is uncertain (e.g., probabilistic reward... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyDecision Making
17␤-Nandrolone (17␤-NT) is one of the most recurrent forbidden anabolic steroid used in meat producing animals breeding. Because efficient control must both take into account metabolic patterns and associated kinetics of elimination, the... more
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From the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston, Mass (PFJ, AGB, IHR, JS); the NHLBI Family Heart Study, University of Utah Cardiovascular Genetics Research Clinic, Salt Lake City (RRW); the... more
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      MetabolismFolic acidMedicineMutation
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      MetabolismCarbon DioxidePhotosynthesisBiology
Vitamins are organic compounds that play a vital role in the control of metabolic processes. The D complex is considered a nutrient with a hormonal action and has an important participation in the constant maintenance of serum and... more
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Resistance to fenitrothion and enzyme activities associated with the toxicity and metabolism of organophosphorus insecticides were measured in three genetically unique Daphnia magna clones collected from rice fields of Delta del Ebro (NE... more
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Acute exposure to moderate (552Torr, 73.6kPa) and high (428Torr, 57.1 kPa) altitude resulted in a decrease in the thermosensitivity of arm, chest and thigh sweating during light and moderate exercise. This effect was not accompanied by... more
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      Exercise PhysiologyMetabolismHypoxiaSea Level
Lactose maldigestion and intolerance affect a large part of the world population. The underlying factors of lactose intolerance are not fully understood. In this review, the role of colonic metabolism is discussed, i.e. fermentation of... more
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      NutritionMetabolismMedicineInternal Medicine
Ž. Ž. Ž. Ethanol 0.5 grkg i.p. 15 min prior to sacrifice increased homovanillic acid HVA levels in the left medial prefrontal cortex mPFC Ž. Ž. of left-turning rats and in the right mPFC of right-turning rats. In the nucleus accumbens NAS... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMetabolismPrefrontal CortexNucleus Accumbens
Platelet activation is fundamentally involved in the initiation and development of atherosclerotic disease. It orchestrates the triad of inflammation, atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Thienopyrindines are one of the most commonly... more
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      Hemostasis and ThrombosisMetabolismAtherosclerosisInflammation
Objective-Low salt (LS) diet activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathetic nervous systems, both of which can increase insulin resistance (IR). We investigated the hypothesis that LS diet is associated with an increase in IR... more
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      MetabolismAdolescentCardiovascular diseaseInsulin Resistance
A multitude of endocrine mechanisms are involved in coping with challenges. Front-line hormones to overcome stressful situations are glucocorticoids (GCs) and catecholamines (CAs). These hormones are usually determined in plasma samples... more
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The effectiveness of cognitive-behavior treatment (CBT) in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), largely related to overweight/obesity and considered the hepatic expression of the metabolic syndrome (MS), has so far been tested in... more
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      NutritionMetabolismObesityLife Style
Much remains to be clarified in the apparently protective effect of moderate alcohol use against coronary heart disease risk. Insulin levels are positively associated with coronary heart disease risk, so recent reports of decreased... more
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      MetabolismSkeletal muscle biologyAgingPhysical Activity
Monoamine neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin) play an important role in reproduction and sexual behavior throughout the vertebrates. They are the first endogenous chemical signals in the regulation of the... more
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To determine the effects of anabolic steroids on serum lipid and apoprotein levels, 14 white male body builders who self-administered steroids for 2 to 3 months (steroid users) were studied; 10 agreed to screening while they were taking... more
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All, but no tendency to precocious atherosclerosis is present. To elucidate this paradox, the structure of HDL, the potential of serum to promote cholesterol effiux from cultured cells, and the in vivo metabolism of HDL were examined in a... more
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      Electron MicroscopyMetabolismKineticsLipids
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      MetabolismHydrolysisEnzyme Catalysis
Objective: We aimed to examine the association between adolescents' sleep time and a cardiometabolic risk score. A second aim was to examine associations between sleep time and individual cardiometabolic risk factors. Methods: Adolescents... more
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The pharmacokinetic properties of drugs are closely related to their pharmacological efficacy. The kinetics of ivermectin are characterised, in general terms, by a slow absorption process, a broad distribution in the organism, low... more
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      MetabolismAtherosclerosisInsulin ResistanceProspective studies
Lampreys are a jawless vertebrate species belonging to an ancient vertebrate lineage that diverged from a common ancestor with humans ~500 million years ago. The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) has a filter feeding ammocoete larval stage... more
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      MetabolismGene regulationInnate immunityImmunity
toxicity has not been well elucidated. Understanding the Cellular Uptake of Trivalent Arsenite and Pentavalent Arsenate differential toxic mechanisms of As(III) and As(V) is critiin KB Cells Cultured in Phosphate-Free Medium. HUANG, R.... more
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      MetabolismArsenicCell CultureCell line
Bovine somatotropin (bST) results in increased milk yield and an unprecedented improvement in efficiency. Beginning in the 1930s to present day, investigations have examined animal-related factors such as nutrition, bioenergetics,... more
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      Public OpinionMetabolismLactationAnimal Production
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P. Maechler). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / b i o c h e m p h a r m 0006-2952/$ -see front matter #
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      MetabolismPharmacokineticsCell lineIn Vitro