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This short article is the continuation of the “A Sumerian Numerical Palimpsest” where it is tried to find if the nomenclature of Sumerian numerals appears to be the result of the use of hand(s) for counting. That Sumerian counting in... more
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      History of MathematicsMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian mathematics
Available as PDF or plain TXT: computer−generated list of all regular sexagesimal numbers with up to 30 digits in Babylonian floating notation.
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      Number TheoryHistory Of ComputingAssyriologyHistory of Mathematics
Uruk, Auruk or Warka was an ancient city of Sumer (and later of Babylonia) situated east of the present bed of the Euphrates River on the dried-up ancient channel of the Euphrates 30 km (19 mi) east of modern Samawah, Al-Muthannā, Iraq.... more
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      Sumerian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryPrehistoric Archaeology
We consider several aspects of the role and evaluation of the four-sexagesimal-place approximation to ͙2 on the well-known Old Babylonian tablet YBC 7289. By referring to what is known about OB school texts, we show that this text is most... more
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
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      History of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
Background. Over the last century, scholars have deciphered cuneiform texts on mathematics and astronomy (Neugebauer & Sachs 1955) associated with Mesopotamia's religious architecture, calendars and iconography (Curatorla 2007). However,... more
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      History of AstronomyArchaeological GISArchaeoastronomyZiggurat
A geometric study is proposed that forms the basis of the principle of halfsums and half-differences as used by the Babylonians. Diagrams pertaining to this study are developed, and applied in the demonstration of algebraic procedures of... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceEvolutionBabylonian mathematics
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
Libro  Imágenes de la Mitología Maya de Oswaldo Chinchilla (2011)
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      Mythology And FolkloreArchaeologyAnthropologyMythology
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      History of MathematicsAncient Near EastOld Babylonian periodMesopotamian mathematics
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
This short draft, the first of two, is used to explore possible use of a hand as a counting device of the inhabitants of the prehistoric alluvial Mesopotamia, and how reckoning by five digits of a hand and possible use of two hands,... more
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      History of MathematicsMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian mathematics
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
A Mesopotâmia é um território situado entre os rios gémeos, Tigre e Eufrates, no Próximo Oriente, ocupado por diversos povos na antiguidade, dos quais sobressaem os sumérios, os assírios e os babilónios, tendo um carácter heterogéneo, não... more
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian ReligionsSumerian
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
The VAT 12593 laconic text, impressed on both sides of the tablet, presents the areas of sixteen square fields, obtained from multiplication of the given “widths” and “lengths.” While there is no indication of how the displayed results... more
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      History of MathematicsMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian mathematics
Ce livre présente une collection de tablettes mathématiques d’époque paléo-babylonienne (début du deuxième millénaire avant notre ère) qui ont été exhumées à la fin du XIX e siècle par une mission archéologique américaine sur le site de... more
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsHistory of ScienceAncient Near East
This is my second book that intends to discover the history of the Flower of Life symbol. Now my main focus is on the interpretation of the symbol and on meanings attached to it throughout the history, starting from the Near East Bronze... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesArchaeology
The Solve Equation X^p+Y^q=Z^w  /  01/2022
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryApplied MathematicsMathematical Physics
Every even integer > 2 is the sum of  two prime numbers 
                                      & equivalent
Each odd integer > 5 is the sum of three prime numbers
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      Discourse AnalysisMathematicsNumber TheoryAnalytic Number Theory
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      History of ScienceMesopotamian ArchaeologyIranian ArchaeologyHistory of Astronomy
In this essay I will present continuity of historical artifacts of the geometrical symbol that is known as the "Flower of Life" in modern day. Origins of the symbol dates at least to the beginning of the 2nd millenium BC in Mesopotamia.... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionArchaeologyEgyptologyNear Eastern Archaeology
In this paper I hope to show you how I identify deities depicted on cylinder seals. I start with a well-known god who holds a saw in his right hand and rests his foot on a stool.
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      Sumerian ReligionMesopotamian ArchaeologyAncient ReligionMesopotamian Religions
The Riemann zeta function is one of the most Leonhard Euler important and fascinating functions in mathematics. Analyzing the matter of conjecture of Riemann divide our analysis in the zeta function and in the proof of conjecture, which... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryApplied MathematicsOptimization (Mathematical Programming)
International series of twelve lectures organized by Armando Bramanti and Alexander Johannes Edmonds on behalf of ARWA - The International Association for Archaeological Research in Western and Central Asia. April 1st - July 1st, 2022.... more
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryAssyriology
In her contribution, Victoria Altmann-Wendling presents on the one hand the practical application of the lunar phases for the calendar, the regulation of religious festivals and the priests’ services. These indirect pieces of evidence... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyDivinationHistory of Astronomy
[1] TM.75.G.1565 = MEE 3 67 -This small rounded tablet, published among the "esercizi scolastici" in PETTINATO 1981:261, is a "word list with personal names" for ARCHI 1992:14 (and see also CIVIL 1984:81 n. 10). For Pettinato "il testo si... more
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      ArchaeologyAssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian Religions
2005 N°2 (juin) -25 -NOTES BRÈVES 22) Un ßakkanakku de D™r redécouvert? -Parmi les objets trouvés dans le palais d'Eßnunna (Tell Asmar) par les fouilleurs de l'Oriental Institute figure la tablette 1930-T255, qui porte ce sceau:
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      History of MathematicsAncient Near EastOld Babylonian periodMesopotamian mathematics
A lightly reworked version of 'More than metrology' (2002)
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
The written mathematics of late neolithic Mesopotamians emerged from a cultural impetus to control the flow of surplus economic goods in their settled societies: grains and grain products, sheep and other herded animals, jugs of dairy... more
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsSumerianUruk Period
It is argued that iterative computations which are attested in Mesopotamian and other ancient sources can be productively analyzed and interpreted in a simulation-based framework. Ancient Mesopotamia presents us with a rich body of... more
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      History Of ComputingPhilosophy of ScienceAssyriologyHistory of Mathematics
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета государственного эрмитажа научный редактор: н. в. Козлова труды государственного эрмитажа : [т.] 95 : материалы международной конференции, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения игоря... more
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      AssyriologyMesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Mesopotamian Religions
How far back in time can we trace mathematical understanding and mathematical practice? When did we acquire the neurological circuitry for the sense perceptions and cognitive and linguistic capabilities on which mathematics depends?... more
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      SemioticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical LinguisticsAssyriology
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
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      AssyriologyMesopotamian mathematicsSumerian literature
Sídla, ktoré spĺňajú všetky atribúty v mnohých prípadoch aj súčasného mesta vrátane jeho správy a byrokracie, sa jednoznačne a plnohodnotne vyformovali aj počas existencie sumerskej civilizácie v dolnom povodí riek Eufrat a Tigris. V tých... more
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      Ancient HistoryNear Eastern ArchaeologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia History
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      History Of ComputingAssyriologyHistory of MathematicsHistory of Science
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
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      Mesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian mathematics
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian ArchaeologyAncient Religion
The working group at Hirschbach met to address a set of comparative historical questions about how ancient labor (often, a rubric for mass or forced labor) was compelled or procured in ancient economies. This paper will interrogate some... more
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      Ancient HistoryAssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia History
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      History Of ComputingAssyriologyHistory of MathematicsHistory of Science
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
All contributions, manuscripts and books for review should be addressed to director of editing SUMER (recently) Jacob Jawdat State Board of Antiquities and Heritage, Baghdad. The preferred method of submission is an MS Word attachment... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia History
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      Art HistoryMesopotamian ArchaeologyEthnomathematicsSymmetry
The Author has explored, identified, and concluded the origin of our civilization and presented his stunning findings, largely original and unprecedented, by means of extensive multi-discipline studies of archaic Sumerians and neolithic... more
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      LanguagesSumerian ReligionHistoryLanguages and Linguistics
Annex al text "El Teorema de Pitàgores a les tauletes matemàtiques paleobabilòniques I"
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      Mesopotamian mathematicsPithagoras
This volume explores how scholars wrote, preserved, circulated, and read knowledge in ancient Mesopotamia. It offers an exercise in micro-history that provides a case study for attempting to understand the relationship between scholars... more
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      Ancient HistoryAssyriologyHistory of MathematicsHistory of Science
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsMesopotamian mathematics