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Mergers and Acquistions

9 papers
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Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) is a strategic management process involving the consolidation of companies or assets through various types of financial transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers, aimed at enhancing competitive advantage, market share, and operational efficiency.
1. Introduction & Overview. 2. 'The Economist Cases: How Mergers Go Wrong. PART I: GROWTH BY M&A. 3. Henry Manne: Merger & Market for Corporate Control. 4. Michael C Jensen: Take-overs: folklore & science. 5. H Donald Hopkins: Cross... more
The purpose of this study is to assess the efficiency determinants of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the context of Latin American airlines based on business-related variables commonly found in the literature. The idea is to identify... more
Purpose Motivated by the findings of Bhabra and Hossain (2017) that highlight an improvement in US market performance in the post-Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) period, this paper aims to investigate how this change varies with the methods of... more
This paper examines whether shareholder value-maximizing corporate governance mechanisms assist in reducing the managerial incentive to enter value-destroying bank acquisitions. We find that diversifying bank acquisitions earn... more
Overboarded directors (i.e., those serving on too many boards) have come under recent attack. The accusation is that such directors are ‘stretched’ by several directorships and therefore cannot fulfil their governance responsibility. This... more
This study explores sources of acquirer satisfaction and achievement of strategic objectives following acquisitions. We develop two sets of factors based on picking and deploying target resources that we expect will affect these outcomes,... more
Purpose-The capital markets witness phenomenal shifts of corporate control. With the shift of world economy into a global one, there has been a rapid increase in the volume of acquisitions. The previous studies shed light on the motives... more
We model a competitive industry where managers choose quantities and costs to maximize a combination of firm profits and private benefits from expropriation. Expropriation is possible because of corporate governance 'slack' permitted by... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Previous research has investigated the links between Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) and the monetary magnitude of executive compensation, but failed to inquire how the adoption of specific attributes of compensation contacts relates to... more
Mergers and acquisitions have been a popular strategy, but the research suggests that acquiring firms create little or no value. Reasons for these outcomes include an inability to create synergy, paying too high a premium, selecting... more
Studies on post-acquisition or integration stage of acquisition process have revealed that increase in number of acquisitions results in diminishing contribution to the performance of a firm and increasing inefficiency of the system,... more
We examine whether experience from prior divestitures is associated with higher completion likelihood in subsequent acquisitions. We argue that through divestitures, firms could extract meaningful knowledge that is helpful for completing... more
Adopting a governance perspective, this study analyzes the merger between closely-held Donohue Inc. and widely-held Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. Findings suggest that the absence of a controlling shareholder and weak board governance at... more
Tenure is an important component of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) outcomes, as highlighted in this study and recent studies by Zhao (2022) and Bilgili, Calderon, Allen, and Kedia (2017). Research on top management teams (TMTs) has found... more
We examine whether experience from prior divestitures is associated with higher completion likelihood in subsequent acquisitions. We argue that through divestitures, firms could extract meaningful knowledge that is helpful for completing... more
Chapter 2: Twice as smart or too clever by half? TMT international orientation and announcement returns of cross-border acquisitions………………………………………… 18 2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..18 2.2 Theoretical... more
This research study investigates the impact of top management team diversity (TMT) on the quality of acquisition decisions as reflected in announcement returns to acquirer shareholders. Firms pursue acquisitions with the strategic... more
Tenure is an important component of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) outcomes, as highlighted in this study and recent studies by Zhao (2022) and Bilgili, Calderon, Allen, and Kedia (2017). Research on top management teams (TMTs) has found... more
By examining the premiums paid by acquiring firms in cross-border acquisitions (CBAs), this study aims to determine why they might rely on prior premium decisions in the host market rather than rigorous assessments of the deal. An... more
The aim of this study is to explain the performance consequences of the adoption of a Chief Operating Officer (COO) position by drawing from agency theory. Although, prior research has documented a performance penalty associated with the... more
Tenure is an important component of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) outcomes, as highlighted in this study and recent studies by Zhao (2022) and Bilgili, Calderon, Allen, and Kedia (2017). Research on top management teams (TMTs) has found... more
We examined CEO attributes, board composition, and ownership structure for their relationship to the share performance of the acquiring company around the acquisition announcement. Based on 273 acquisitions by Canadian firms from 1998... more
We find that firms that treat their employees better are less likely to be acquired. The shareholders of employee-friendly targets also receive lower premiums and smaller share of the surplus created by the deal. We also show that bidders... more
Corporate mergers and acquisition has become a highly popular strategy in recent years. Thus, much attention has been focused on its outcomes. It has served as a substitute for innovation, a greater means of diversification. The banking... more
for their helpful comments on an early draft of this reply.
The prevalent finding on acquirer performance is a pattern of declining announcement returns over successive deals, which contradicts the claim of practitioners and the management literature that acquirers learn from their acquisition... more
The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP URL' above for details on accessing... more
The failure of corporate-control transactions as strategic-oriented transactions to create significant values for their stockholders has triggered the management to deal with these phenomena by setting the right and best strategies and at... more
Prior research finds that firms hire directors for their acquisition experience, regardless of acquisition quality (whether their prior acquisitions earned positive or negative announcement returns). Using several short-and long-run... more
Purpose Motivated by the findings of Bhabra and Hossain (2017) that highlight an improvement in US market performance in the post-Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) period, this paper aims to investigate how this change varies with the methods of... more
This study investigates the value of customer/supplier relationships in mergers and acquisitions. The findings indicate that targets (suppliers) with strong customer/supplier relationships obtain higher abnormal returns and higher merger... more
We analyze 635 US M&A transactions from 1985 to 2004. In contrast with prior research, we distinguish between the target and acquirer fees, and examine their independent effects on the level of the merger premium. The study provides... more
This paper studies announcement returns in a sample of 3,667 mergers over the last 55 years in order to shed light on the causes of the waning of corporate diversification. The abnormal combined (acquirer + target) return from... more
This paper studies announcement returns from 4,764 mergers over 57 years to shed light on several controversies concerning corporate diversification. One prominent view is that diversification destroys value because of agency problems or... more
We examine whether firms belonging to Korean business groups ~chaebols! benefit from acquisitions they make or whether such acquisitions provide a way for controlling shareholders to increase their wealth by increasing the value of other... more
This study adds to the literature demonstrating the adverse market reaction to acquisitions by overconfident CEOs (e.g., . In particular, it explores the parallel role played by overconfident target firm CEOs in explaining the premium... more
This paper investigates the financial performance of a sample of UK firms involved in abandoned mergers during the period 197741. Predictions derived from a broadly neoclassical theory of merger activity are tested empirically and... more
Using a large sample of US acquisitions made between 1985 and 2013, we study the effect of financial constraints on acquisition gains and acquisition likelihood. Our findings show that financial constraints of target companies... more
This study investigates the value of customer/supplier relationships in mergers and acquisitions. The findings indicate that targets (suppliers) with strong customer/supplier relationships obtain higher abnormal returns and higher merger... more
This study draws on agency and stewardship theory to evaluate the relationship between alternative governance regimes (founder versus non-founder CEO) adopted at the time of going public on post-IPO economic outcomes in the market for... more
This paper investigates both short-term and long-term stock market reactions to the announcement of domestic and cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) by Chinese acquiring companies. For short-term performance, this study uses... more
Mergers and acquisitions continue to be value destroying for many acquiring firm shareholders. The consequences of this value destruction can be far reaching for stakeholders such as pension funds. The assumption of a rational and... more
Studies on post-acquisition or integration stage of acquisition process have revealed that increase in number of acquisitions results in diminishing contribution to the performance of a firm and increasing inefficiency of the system,... more
In the study I examine the relationship between corporate governance and consolidation strategies for shipping firms. The analysis is focused on the ownership structure and corporate governance power which are supposed to find that... more
Corporate mergers and acquisition has become a highly popular strategy in recent years. Thus, much attention has been focused on its outcomes. It has served as a substitute for innovation, a greater means of diversification. The banking... more
Researchers face numerous challenges when measuring complex theoretical constructs. This article focuses on the tension between the benefits of measurement precision and the benefits of generalizability in the context of the acquisition... more
Researchers face numerous challenges when measuring complex theoretical constructs. This article focuses on the tension between the benefits of measurement precision and the benefits of generalizability in the context of the acquisition... more