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Mt. Etna is a major natural source of Hg to the Mediterranean region. Total mercury concentrations, [Hg] tot , in Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut) leaves sampled 7-13 km from Etna's vents (during six campaigns in 2005-2011) were... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryMercury PollutionChemical Geology
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      Human RightsMercury PollutionArtisanal and Small-scale MiningMercury studies in environmental and human health
Este trabajo evalúa el contendido y la variabilidad espacial de mercurio en suelos agrícolas de Islas Baleares y Canarias utilizando técnicas integradas en los sistemas de información geográfica. El propósito de este estudio ha sido... more
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      Soil ScienceMercury PollutionGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The study was undertaken to assess the extent of mercury contamination in the soil and three types of leaf plants in Campus AL-Mustansaryah University sites within Baghdad, Iraq, as well as to determine the relationship between... more
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    • Mercury Pollution
High total mercury concentrations in western Aleutian Island Steller sea lions • Some pups exceeded thresholds for adverse neurological and reproductive effects. • Fetal exposure to mercury during a vulnerable stage of neurological... more
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      Mass SpectrometryBiologyDietPopulation Dynamics
Laporan ini disusun sebagai kompilasi dari survey kesehatan lingkungan dan pemantauan merkuri di lingkungan dan dampaknya terhadap kesehatan masyarakat di 3 lokasi hotspots PESK di Indonesia: Bombana (Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara), Sekotong... more
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      Mercury PollutionMercury studies in environmental and human healthSmall scale gold miningMercury Poisoning
This dissertation addresses health risks factors associated with mercury (Hg) intake as a consequence of fish consumption among the Kuwaiti population. Hg is an established neurotoxin, and some studies have shown that it may also cause... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental HealthEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceFish Biology
В рамках данного проекта была определена цель – разработка проекта правил по организации сбора отработанных энергосберегающих ртутьсодержащих ламп от юридических и физических лиц в г. Алматы В соответствии с целью были поставлены... more
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      Disaster risk managementWater and wastewater treatmentEcologyMercury Pollution
This report provides a general assessment and a preliminary source review of studies, norms, policies, and available information about the problem of mercury in countries in the Amazon Biome, mainly as a result of its use in informal and... more
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      Mercury PollutionMercury toxicityAmazonian indigenous peoplesGold mining
This paper presents a brief description of the environmental disaster that occurred in Minamata, Japan, in the 1950s, and its consequences to the current society, emphasizing actions that seek the prevention of heavy metal poisoning,... more
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      Food SafetySustainable Production and ConsumptionWaterEnvironmental Toxicology
In a celebrated essay, Gad Horowitz once observed that liberal thought in Canada has been either anemic or parasitic. Arguably, this comment aptly applies to the dozens of Ph.D. and Masters theses on the "Indian Problem" that have been... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesEnvironmental LawEnvironmental StudiesMercury Pollution
The increasing trend in concentration of metals in the environment has created considerable attention amongst ecologists globally during the last decades. However, no such studies have been carried out in India and there are no past metal... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaterEnvironmental StudiesWater quality
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      PsychologyDermatologyMercury PollutionMercury speciation
‘The World has enough for everybody’s need, not everybody’s greed’ – these famous words of Mahatma Gandhi symbolize the project that we have undertaken. This project on the Pallikaranai Marsh is the first step in protecting a huge... more
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      Mercury PollutionWater PollutionSoil PollutionWetland and Marsh Ecology
E-waste management is a serious challenge across developed, transition, and developing countries because of the consumer society and the globalization process. E-waste is a fast-growing waste stream which needs more attention of... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering
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      PsychologyDermatologyMercury PollutionDelusions
Mercury (Hg), a naturally occurring element with a widespread use in industry, is the most toxic of the heavy metals. Worldwide, many areas are polluted with mercury, presenting a threat to people and the environment, and thus need to be... more
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      BioremediationEnvironmental Microbiology (Biology)Mercury PollutionMarine Science
R e c u r s o s N a t u r a i s CDS C D S e n t r o d e e s e n v o l v i m e n t o u s t e n t á v e l Garimpo e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, uma Difícil Conciliação? Esta brochura foi produzida no âmbito do projecto '0452 CDS-RN,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentMozambiqueMercury PollutionArtisanal and Small-scale Mining
The contamination of groundwater by heavy metal, originating either from natural soil sources or from anthropogenic sources is a matter of utmost concern to the public health. Remediation of contaminated groundwater is of highest priority... more
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      Soil SciencePhysical ChemistrySpatial AnalysisEnvironmental Remediation
This mercury release inventory was conducted by BaliFokus in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of Indonesia, the Indonesian Technical Working Group of mercury and key stakeholders in 2012 in Indonesia. This inventory was... more
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      Mercury PollutionInventoryMercuryMercury Release
"Kellett’s 1935 article “Sir Thomas Browne and the Disease Called Morgellons” while giving background and contextual information for Browne’s observations also reviews other historic accounts of this condition. The patterns emerging... more
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      PsychologyFrench HistoryDermatologyMercury Pollution
Mining is all over the news in Tanzania. Yet, the focus is predominantly on large-scale mining companies and their tax contributions. Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is largely overlooked, and only makes headlines when serious... more
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      African StudiesGender StudiesDevelopment StudiesHuman Rights
The author proposes the symptoms set often referred to as Morgellons Disease is the result of increasing inorganic mercury levels beyond the blood/brain barrier (hereafter referred to as the Barrier Theory). While inorganic mercury does... more
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      BiochemistryPsychologyDermatologyMercury Pollution
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      Science PolicyRenewable EnergyEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceEnvironmental Impact Assessment
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      Environmental HistoryMercury PollutionUrban Environmental HistorySan Francisco Bay
The article shows the main processes governing the origin and fate of mercury in different environmental compartments of the Amazon. No one knows exactly how much is the contribution of Hg to the environment among various natural and... more
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      BioaccumulationMethylmercuryMercury PollutionAmazonian Studies
A B S T R A C T Handheld X-ray fluorescence (XRF) devices hold promise for quick field screening of contaminated sites, but so far, these devices have not been successfully used for mercury screening because of poor sensitivity and... more
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      Soil ScienceEnvironmental RemediationMercury PollutionContamination and remediation
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      Mercury PollutionMercury toxicityMercuryArtisanal and Small-scale Mining
Background. Mercury in dental amalgam is a hidden source of global mercury pollution, resulting from the illegal diversion of dental mercury into the artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector, to crematoria emissions from the deceased... more
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      DentistryMercury PollutionMercury toxicityCremation
The present study highlight the toxicity levels of different heavy metals in aquatic environment of one of the most polluted river of Mumbai-the Mithi River. Although the river has attracted tremendous attention after 26/7 flood in... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaterEnvironmental StudiesWater quality
Mercury is a global neurotoxicant especially dangerous in wetlands and newly flooded areas which can be sites of enhanced monomethylmercury, a form of mercury that can be readily biomagnified. The study was conducted in the Okavango... more
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      Mercury PollutionHeavy metalsOkavango Delta, BotswanaCrocodiles
The goal of this study was to compare total mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish muscle tissue and assess consumption health risks of fish collected from three north Mississippi lakes (Sardis, Enid, and Grenada) that are extensively used... more
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      Fisheries ManagementMercury Pollution
The environmental cycling of mercury (Hg) can be affected by natural and anthropogenic perturbations. Of particular concern is how these disruptions increase mobilization of Hg from sites and alter the formation of monomethylmercury (MeHg)
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      MethylmercuryMercury PollutionMercury speciationBiogeochemistry of mercury
This study investigates the state of online English-language video content related to Minamata Disease available prior to the 2020 release of the Hollywood film “Minamata” starring popular actor Johnny Depp (in the role of photojournalist... more
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      Japanese StudiesEnvironmental EducationScience CommunicationEnvironmental Studies
Life science collections and their curated metadata are now seen as potential archives of environmental levels of trace elements. Bird feathers are especially promising material, but surface contamination might present a significant... more
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      ArsenicMercury PollutionICP-MSCyclic Voltammetry
A fundamental principle of the antiinnatia theory of autism and IQ is that the same factors (genetic and environmental) which in extreme high levels cause autism, in more modal levels cause increased IQ. And the factors which generally... more
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersMercury PollutionThe Flynn Effect
This paper reports on preliminary research into gold-mining-related mercury contamination in nineteenth-century Victoria. data drawn from contemporary sources, including Mineral Statistics of Victoria and Mining Surveyors Reports from... more
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      RiversMercury PollutionGold mining
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      AnthropologyBiologyAmazoniaMercury Pollution
Mercury, Lead, Cadmium and Nickel are known as non-essential metals, the source, toxicity and impacts on the environment affect humans. Humans produce xenobiotic compounds which are not natural to the environment however these metals are... more
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Analysis of the Artisanal mining sector in Kenya, its informal nature, the drivers, and the consequences of informality.
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      Mercury PollutionInformalityArtisanal and Small-scale MiningDevelopment studies, urban informality and livelihoods
Mercury (Hg) and other heavy metals, such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn), were analyzed in coal (bituminous), roadside soil, reclaimed mine soil, core zone... more
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      Mercury PollutionCoal MiningHeavy Metal PollutionEcological Risk Assessment
Coal combustion results in air pollution due to emissions of mercury present in coal. In view of the expected tightening of federal, state, and local regulations on heavy-metal emissions, it is imperative that effective mercury-abatement... more
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      Mercury PollutionActivated CarbonFlue Gas TreatmentWaste Tire
Our human society is at present becoming increasingly concerned with issues of pollution and with the impact of this pollution on environment and human health. Among those health- endangering substances are heavy metals, including... more
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      Social GeographyHealth GeographyEnvironmental HealthBolivia
Les luttes menées contre l’entreprise Chisso à Minamata ont marqué de manière durable les rapports entre les courants les plus radicaux du syndicalisme et les mouvements de masse contre la pollution industrielle. Elles ont été le point de... more
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      Occupational Health & SafetyTrade unionismEnvironmental PoliticsMercury Pollution
Se muestra la prueba de la hipótesis de Biomagnificación utilizando métodos estadísticos básicos y una muestra significativa de peces del Lago Guri (Bolívar. Venezuela)
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    • Mercury Pollution
This journal telling us abaout mercury in global climate, and the effect..
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      Mercury PollutionChemical OceanographyMercury toxicity
Following the 2008 global financial crisis, small-scale gold mining operations proliferated worldwide. Along Ghana’s Offin River, the landscape has been radically transformed by mining, including disruptions to agriculture and surface... more
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      Human GeographyMedical AnthropologyMental HealthMixed Methods
This paper reports on preliminary research into gold-mining-related mercury contamination in nineteenth-century Victoria. Data drawn from contemporary sources, including Mineral Statistics of Victoria and Mining Surveyors Reports from... more
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      Mercury PollutionGold mining