Merchant communities
Recent papers in Merchant communities
SUMMARY: Chapter 9, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers the various types of trade and exchange in past societies, and how one may assess it, including different types of interactions (e.g.,... more
Cтатья посвящена результатам анализа купеческих сказок VI ревизии (1811), которые являются важным источником для изучения исторической демографии. Ревизские сказки содержат информацию о 4069 купеческих семьях, в том числе, о 1696 семьях... more
What impact did the cultural origins and religious backgrounds of the merchants in the early modern period have on their business activities? How did these people manage to integrate themselves into the foreign societies within which they... more
The political and religious symbolism of buildings is of enduring interest in historical archaeology. Similarly, ideal concepts in urban planning, and utopian communities have been of recent concern. This paper moves beyond iconography... more
Written like a piece of local history, this book tells the story of Udupi and other places in South Kanara (Coastal Karnataka) from the perspective of these 'Business Brahmins'.It also presents an analysis of kinship, religion and... more
In comparison with many absolutist monarchies, the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth escaped processes of centralization and unification of the judicial system. Every social estate and ethno-confessional community in the country... more
En este libro se estudia la trayectoria de los grupos familiares de vascos y navarros que se establecieron en el comercio y las finanzas de Madrid a lo largo del siglo xviii y el primer tercio del siglo xix y las redes que formaron a su... more
Merchant diasporas have long attracted the attention of scholars through the narrow prisms of 'nations' and states. The history of Amsterdam's Greek Orthodox merchants, together with the other cases—who left the Ottoman Empire in the... more
Das Leben der Kaufleute in der Frühen Neuzeit war von Migration und Fremdheit bestimmt: Portugiesische und niederländische Kaufleute zogen nach Hamburg, hamburgische und niederländische Kaufleute nach Portugal. Die Studie untersucht... more
La società Webb James s.r.l. di Livorno ha contribuito generosamente alla stampa di questo volume e dedico questo saggio, col mio ringraziamento, all'amministratore Stefano Trumpy.
This paper is intended to be a “cultural history of trade” rather than the “economic history of Diaspora” in a strict sense. In this paper, the focus will be on Armenian trading Diaspora’s role as a trans-cultural agent. I shall try to... more
It is an article published in an open access vol., edited by Prof. Ciniza Ferrini, Univ. of Trieste, see the vol.:
For several decades now, the presence of Asiatics in the eastern Nile Delta has been well established by means of excavations at Tell ed-Dabʿa. While discussion of the precise geographic affiliations of these Asiatics have centered... more
Se trata de una reflexión sobre el papel ejercido por los norteños peninsulares (centrándonos especialmente en el ejemplo vasco) en el centro del Imperio español: Madrid. Durante dos centurias veremos como tomando Madrid como eje... more
The present book chapter studies the role of the port of Cadiz as Atlantic frontier of the Italian merchant republics (Genoa, Venice, Florence) from multiple, complementary points of view. Firstly it tackles the mercantile frontier... more
Il tema della tesi si concentra sulla storia dei vari rapporti intrattenuti tra la Repubblica fiorentina e il Regno d’Ungheria durante l’età repubblicana, nel periodo compreso fra la nascita del regime oligarchico, nel 1382, e il ritorno... more
In A Dissimulated Trade, Germán Jiménez-Montes sheds light on the role of foreigners in the Spanish empire. Making use of the rich collection of notarial deeds available at the Archivo Histórico Provincial de Sevilla, this book examines... more
H συγκεκριμένη εισήγηση επιχειρεί να σκιαγραφήσει την κοινότητα των Ελλήνων εμποροτραπεζιτών, που εγκαταστάθηκαν και δραστηριοποιήθηκαν στο City του Λονδίνου στις αρχές του 19ου αιώνα. Οι Έλληνες του Λονδίνου σχημάτισαν μια ισχυρή... more
The Atlantic ports of Andalusia were privileged centres to develop foreign merchant’s commercial interests, as a huge bibliography and a consolidated tradition of studies has established. The present paper focuses on a matter that has not... more
Review of Francisco J. Molina de la Torre, Irene Ruiz Albi, David Carvajal de la Vega, Mauricio Herrero Jiménez, Mercaderes extranjeros ante la Real Chancillería de Valladolid (1482-1525), Valladolid, Castilla Ediciones, 2021, pp. 436.
ABSTRACT: In the late Middle Ages Udine was a commercial hub for the surrounding area. The handicrafts and food products were sufficient for the town and its countryside: there do not seem to have been large imports of wheat (the export... more
In this essay Matteo Giunti and Stefano Villani, argue that the cemetery provides a window unto the complex and conflictual interactions between the British and the Italian political and religious authorities, as well as religious... more
The following study focuses on the relationship between business and power in Sardinia in the fourteenth and fteenth centuries. The cases illustrated allow to note that, in the construction process of local elites, the notables of Iberian... more
By the beginning of the fifteenth century, European commercial centers had already been filled with trading colonies founded by Florentine merchants. A few of them settled down for life in their host country, developing economic and... more
This paper reports empirical research on Chinese owned retail shop (China shop) businesses in Botswana and their interactions with the local community. It examines the challenges that Chinese merchants face when conducting retail business... more
The presence of Italian communities in the Alboran Sea has never been undertaken from a comprehensive point of view. As a consequence, the present study deals with the contacts, strategies and settling of Genoese, Pisans, Venetians and... more
The opposition between the violent and the non-violent, between the warrior and merchant traditions, is the main theme of this book. The fall of the Vallabhi kingdom in the eighth century opened tha way for a new order, and the author... more
During the years 1627 and 1628, Charles I of England purchased the cream of the Gonzaga art collection, belonging to the dukes of Mantua, in what would become the greatest art deal of the 17th century. Among the treasures sold were... more
"Martedì adì 22 di luglio partimo di Firenze per essere in Ungheria allo imperadore Piero di messer Luigi Guicciardini e io e ser Jacopo Ricardini nostro cancelliere...Giovedì a terza adì 23 col nome di Dio tornai in Firenze a desinare in... more
La participación extranjera en el comercio entre España y sus posesiones americanas fue una constante durante todo el periodo colonial, y ello a pesar de una profusa y continuamente renovada legislación que prohibía la presencia... more