The use of digital technologies in mental health initiatives is expanding, leading to calls for clearer legal and regulatory frameworks. However, gaps in knowledge about the scale and nature of change impede efforts to develop responsible... more
The material presented is based on a pilot European project (Daphne Project, 2000/EU funding, collaboration between Greece and England) regarding parental mental illness and the children's welfare and needs.1 The presentation focuses upon... more
Background: Compulsory mental health hospital admissions are increasing in several European countries but are coercive and potentially distressing. It is important to identify which mental health service models and interventions are... more
Background: Studies demonstrate ethnic variations in pathways to care during first episode psychosis (FEP). There are no extant studies, however, that have statistically examined the influence of culturally mediated illness attributions... more
Objectives: This study compared medical treatment costs of adults with schizophrenia to adults with both substance use disorders and schizophrenia. Methods: This cross-sectional observational study used a paid claims data base to identify... more
Recent events have revived questions about the circumstances that ought to trigger therapists’ duty to warn or protect. There is extensive interstate variation in duty to warn or protect statutes enacted and rulings made in the wake of... more
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) may require the abolition of the insanity defence and similar 'special defences' in criminal law. Proponents argue that abolishing the defence would advance efforts to... more
Publicly funded mental health systems are increasingly implementing managed care systems, such as capitation, to control costs. Capitated contracts may increase the risk for disenrollment or adverse outcomes among high cost clients with... more
As discussions around the Mental Health Care Bill 2013 gain pace, one aspect of the bill, which is the Advance Directive, has perhaps not been discussed enough. The present essay is an attempt to explore different aspects of the advance... more
In the legal context, psychiatric evaluations are subject to controversy, considered as either indispensable or flawed, and yet rarely studied in their own right. This article puts forward a political anthropology of mental healthcare... more
At present, if people with mental disorders appear before the criminal courts in Ireland, unless they are unfit for trial or not guilty by reason of insanity, the system governing their case will be the general one which applies to all... more
This article considers the role of traditional conceptions of human rights in relation to the challenges posed by community treatment orders (CTOs). It explores how traditional rights discourse in mental health, which has focused on the... more
Darius Whelan, Mental Health Law and Practice: Civil and Criminal Aspects (Dublin: Thomson Round Hall, 2009) ISBN: 9781858005102 ISBN-10: 1858005102 / 1858005108 Can be ordered on Round Hall Site - May also... more
This article will provide a brief historical background to mental health law in order to gain a greater sense of the significance of international human rights law to civil commitment legislation today. Historical context will help to... more
In Power and the Psychiatric Apparatus: Repression, Transformation and Assistance, eds. D. Holmes, J.-D. Jacob, & A. Perron (Ashgate Publishing, 2014), 135–145.
Courts and lawmakers trust psychiatric expertise when making judicial and public policy decisions concerning mental health, but is this trust well placed? This paper adopts a philosophy of science approach informed by medical research to... more
for their assistance. 2 A 1985 Harris poll found that 70% of working age people with disabilities were unemployed, two-thirds of whom wanted to work. Joseph P. Shapiro, Liberation Day for the Disabled, U. S. NEws & WORLD REP., Sept.... more
In August, 2006, American moviegoers watched as passengers on an airplane were terrified by poisonous snakes in the movie "Snakes on a Plane." In May, 2007, news watchers across the globe were riveted by the true story of an... more
The abduction of the Chibok girls has attracted global criticism by the international community who has denounced the terrorist act and advocated for the release of the girls. The kidnapping is an act to instil fear and wage war against... more
Authorization of treatment is an exception to the general principles of the law of per- sons in the civil law, according to which the free and enlightened consent of patients is required before any therapeutic interven- tion. To obtain... more
Book Chapter: • Darius Whelan, ‘Protecting Rights in Mental Health Law: The Relationship Between the Courts and Mental Health Tribunals’ in: Mary Donnelly and Claire Murray (eds.), Ethical and Legal Debates in Irish Healthcare:... more
The inquiry into Ashley Smith’s in-custody death is playing a crucial role in opening up the typically inscrutable prison system and forcing the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) to defend its policies and practices under intense... more
This paper concentrates on fitness for trial in the District Court and deals with the topic under two main headings: firstly, how does the District Court determine fitness for trial and secondly, the consequences of a finding of unfitness... more