Mental Health and the Law

194 papers
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Mental Health and the Law is an interdisciplinary field that examines the intersection of legal principles and mental health issues, focusing on how laws affect individuals with mental health conditions, the legal rights of these individuals, and the implications of mental health in legal contexts such as criminal responsibility, civil commitment, and disability rights.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has a special status in the social imagination. Long associated with asylums, this treatment has not been abandoned by medical practice, and its use has even increased over the last ten years. Yet the... more
Nursing homes are special facilities that provide round-the-clock medical care to persons who, due to old age or disability, have difficulties in navigating activities of daily living ("ADL"), such as bathing, dressing, eating, and using... more
Nursing homes are special facilities that provide round-the-clock medical care to persons who, due to old age or disability, have difficulties in navigating activities of daily living ("ADL"), such as bathing, dressing, eating, and using... more
Numa caminhada feita de obstáculos concomitantemente com sorrisos fortes de conquista, esboçando-se em palavras e aprendizagens eternas, não posso e nem sequer quero descurar todo o trabalho coletivo existente. Agradeço ao Prof. Doutor... more
The Indian legislation has established the Mental Healthcare Act of 2017 offering its citizens the right to accessible mental healthcare services. Yet, reality presents a varied depiction. The accessibility and implementation of mental... more
[NOTE: You will have to download the thesis to see any of the FIGURES, as the preview cannot show them!] This doctoral project, Re-worlding the Self in Graphic Narratives—A Case Study of Sense, Affect, and Mad-Centered Knowledges of... more
professional group, lawyers, is particularly subject to psychological distress which can manifest in a variety of counterproductive actions and impairment. This danger is of particular societal concern due to the influential and important... more
The new Mental Health Act for England and Wales is likely to extend the powers of mental health review tribunals (MHRTs) by giving tribunals the power to approve all compulsory treatment (Department of Health, 1999a, b). The medical... more
Involuntary outpatient commitment is a measure which provokes a strong ethical and legal debate. In the literature we can find defenders and detractors of IOC. There are a variety of clinical, ethical and legal reasons for both accepting... more
A key employee according to the FMLA is "a salaried eligible employee who '7 29 U.S.C. § 2601(b)(1), (2) (1999). 8 Id. § 2601(a)(4).
Liste des abréviations ACPM-Association canadienne de protection médicale ALDO-Aspects légaux, déontologiques et organisationnels de la pratique de la médecine au Québec C.c.Q.-Code civil du Québec CDCM-Conseil de discipline du Collège... more
In this article, we will explore evidence for structural and public stigmatization and marginalization of forensic psychiatric patients within mental health services and the human rights justice system. It can be argued that patients in... more
This paper focuses on the policy context that led to the development of the New Ways of Working in child and adolescent mental health services (NWW CAMHS) project and the future direction of change that is its legacy. NWW CAMHS represents... more
Judicial procedures for involuntary admission and forced psychiatric treatment have been on the rise over the past 15 years in Quebec, as well as across Global North countries. Research reveals that these judicial practices tend to target... more
Mobile mental health presents many ethical challenges in the wild. These ethical issues and associated values were explored through a content analysis and ethical review of the depression app marketplace. App search and data collection... more
In Criminal Trials and Mental Disorders Thomas Hafemeister, a law professor and psychologist, provides a lengthy and detailed discussion on how defendants with mental health issues are viewed by, and treated in, the US criminal justice... more
En el presente trabajo se abordara la tematica referida al Consentimiento Informado en investigacion psicologica con ninos y ninas. El interes por la problematica radica en que si bien en la actualidad existe una amplia literatura acerca... more
Psychiatric nurses who work with people who are involved with the justice system experience ethical and moral tension arising from their dual role (care and control). This is known to significantly affect the development of a therapeutic... more
La catastrophe de la psychiatrie, et en particulier de la pédopsychiatrie, que nous annoncions lors des précédentes Assises est maintenant avérée, rendue publique dans la grande presse et l'ensemble des médias. Des services sont... more
This is the thirty-second report in a monograph series authorized by the Hoard of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association to give wider dissemination to the findings of the Association many commissions. committees, and task... more
This is the thirty-second report in a monograph series authorized by the Hoard of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association to give wider dissemination to the findings of the Association many commissions. committees, and task... more
In nearly all criminal justice systems, a defendant's severe mental disorder can trigger special rules that excuse or exempt the defendant. Swedish criminal law adopts an alternative approach that considers all defendants to be equal in... more
Pós-doutorando como professor visitante em estágio pós-doutoral sênior em Direito na PUC-MG e em Administração na FUMEC. Doutor em Direito pela UFMG (2007), possui mestrado e especializações. Avaliador de cursos de direito pelo INEP-MEC... more
By examining a decade of newspapers accounts in the Midwest, the current study explores the nature of repeat or recidivist police sexual violence (PSV) in comparison to first-time offending in the characteristics of the offenders, nature... more
Background There is a lack of instruments to measure the needs, stigma and informal care of people with schizophrenia that take account of sociocultural variation and patients' and formal and informal carers' opinions and... more
Introduction 256 I. Background: The Family and Medical Leave Act 260 A. Statutory and Regulatory Background 261 1. Legislative Intent 261 2. Deference to Department of Labor Regulations ....... 264 3. Employer Rights and Responsibilities... more
Canada en santé mentale et accès à la justice. ** Coordonnateur du volet défense des droits au Collectif de défense des droits de la Montérégie.
Lawyering with cross-cultural awareness is a current topic of interest in criminal law practice. In order to address cross cultural mental health assessments effectively, lawyers much be able to identify qualified experts, and to... more
drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis. 2 This event prompted a public outcry against the actions of the "tuberculosis traveler," 3 who failed to heed the warnings of various local, state, and federal officials. However, the implications... more
Tout examen, prélèvement, traitement ou intervention, de nature médicale, psychologique ou sociale, requis ou non par l'état de santé, physique ou mentale ainsi que l'hébergement en établissement de santé.
Over the past few decades, the boundaries around involuntary admission and treatment in psychiatry ("psychiatric coercion" or "coercive psychiatry") have become blurred. On the one hand, between the 1970s and 2000, the use of involuntary... more
Digital phenotyping uses smartphone and wearable signals to measure cognition, mood, and behavior. This promising new approach has been developed as an objective, passive assessment tool for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.... more
Esta comunicación se realiza en el marco de una beca CIN-UNLP, vinculada al proyecto de investigación El consentimiento informado en investigaciones psicológicas con niños. Consideraciones ético-normativas i , cuyo objetivo principal se... more
Asthma is a growing societal and industrial problem in the United States. Asthmatic employees cause many disruptions and lost productivity in the workplace due to their unexpected and frequent absences. Should the problem persist... more
Le secteur de la santé mentale connaît un certain nombre de difficultés et dysfonctionnements (Laforcade, 2016) qui paraissent souvent liés à des facteurs entremêlés d'ordre organisationnel, institutionnel et culturel. Diverses analyses... more
A dignidade fundamenta uma conceção dualista de direitos constitucionais, direitos de liberdade, tributários de uma dignidade pessoal e direitos sociais, subsidiários de uma dignidade social (Neto, 2014), cuja garantia é da... more
Law Center. Mr. Hayes contributed to this article and to the amicus brief in Sisk during an internship with the AARP Foundation Litigation. AARP is a nonpartisan, nonprofit membership organization of more than 35 million people age 50 or... more
Professor Gledhill reviews reports from the Melbourne Social Equity Institute and Justice.
Mental health law and practice has been instrumental in the development of non-adversarial justice, particularly through the development of therapeutic jurisprudence which emerged from insights gathered in the mental health context. The... more