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Objective: In some Australian states clinicians and mental health tribunal members are already required to assess a person’s decision-making capacity before involuntary treatment can be applied. Professionals in other jurisdictions will... more
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      Mental HealthMental Health LegislationDecision Making Capacity
Mental health law in Algeria originates from the French colonial era. Although several pieces of legislation deal with mental disorders, their implementation remains unsatisfactory and does not meet the real needs of healthcare providers.... more
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    • Mental Health Legislation
23-1. Les mesures de contrôle constituent des mesures exceptionnelles visant exclusivement la protection de l'intégrité des personnes et ne pouvant être administrées qu'en dernier recours. L'expression « mesures de contrôle » désigne... more
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      LawSeclusionPsychiatric & Mental Health NursingMental health law
Co-authored with: Lorenzo Capinpin, Abegail Esteban, Edenburgh Fojas, and Alysandra Luis We only realized that there was no law on mental health services in the Philippines when we came across an online petition by the PPA (Philippine... more
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      Philippine government and politicsMental Health Legislation
The dawn of industrialization was sustained by the protection of intellectual property rights on the basis that every man has the right to benefit from the fruits of his intellect and ideas. One of the mechanisms that have helped in the... more
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      Work and LabourIndustrial Relation, labour laws, International HRMMental Health Legislation
The inquest into the death of Kerrie Wooltorton in Norfolk, England, ignited extensive public debate on the scope of the common law right to refuse medical treatment where a patient is distressed, depressed or actively suicidal. In... more
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      SuicideEmergency Medical ServicesRefusal of Medical TreatmentSuicide Assessment
Objective: To analyse, and explain to Australasian psychiatrists, recent proposed changes to the terms of coercive treatment for mental illness in Tasmania and Victoria and to place the proposals in the context of a broader human rights... more
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      PsychiatryHuman Rights LawHuman RightsRisk assessment
22-1. Les mécanismes de garde sont les seuls permettant de détenir, en vertu du droit civil, une personne contre son gré dans un établissement de santé en raison de la dangerosité due à son état mental.
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      LawMental health lawHealth LawCommitment
First paragraph ... In 2012 we reported that Australian mental health legislation was on the verge of a revolution. That revolution has begun. It has been clear for some time that the criteria for detention and involuntary treatment for... more
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      Mental HealthConvention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesCapacityAustralian Legislation
Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBuddhismHistoryCultural History
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      PsychiatryMedical AnthropologyPublic HealthMental Health Legislation
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      Disability StudiesMental HealthUN Convention of the rights of people with disabilitiesMental Health Legislation
Imagine for a moment you find yourself arrested in some foreign clime – Queensland, for example. You are told you have transgressed some northern law and are looking at several weeks inside. You are anxious, to be sure, but not dismayed.... more
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      PsychiatryHuman RightsLegislationMental Health Legislation
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      Mental Health CareMental DisabilityInsanity defenceMental Health Legislation
In the 2002 film Minority Report we are introduced to a world where all future violence is prevented. A special police department called Precrime apprehends people days before they commit a crime, based on the report of three psychic... more
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      Medical EthicsRisk assessmentMedical Ethics & LawMental Health Legislation
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      Coercion in psychiatryLegislationCoercive TreatmentMental Health Legislation
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      Mental Health LegislationPsychiatric Services
• When a patient presents to hospital after a suicide attempt and appears to refuse treatment, clinicians should first assess if he or she should be treated under mental health legislation, regardless of competence to refuse treatment. •... more
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      PsychiatrySuicideMedical Ethics & LawMental Capacity and Mental Health Legislation
Purpose: (1) To provide an in-depth analysis of Parliament’s constitutional responsibilities under the Canadian Charter and the Supreme Court decision in Carter; (2) To present a critical analysis of the proposed policy under which... more
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      Human RightsWomen's Right to EqualityJudicial reviewCanadian Constitutional Law
Many of the world’s mental health acts, including all Australian legislation, allow for the coercive detention and treatment of people with mental illnesses if they are deemed likely to harm themselves or others. Numerous authors have... more
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      PsychiatryViolence in PsychiatryMedical EthicsRisk assessment
Numerous authors have argued that a lack of capacity, not a likelihood of harm, should provide the legal basis for coercive treatment when a person suffers a mental illness. Recently, the governments of Victoria and the Australian Capital... more
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      PsychiatryMedical Ethics & LawLegislationMental Health Legislation
Introduction: A long duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) is associated with a worse prognosis, an increased risk of suicide and may be linked to serious violence. Mental health laws that require patients to be dangerous to themselves or... more
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      SchizophreniaMedical EthicsRisk assessmentMedical Ethics & Law
La necesidad de legislar en materia de salud mental positiva, como factor generador de Seguridad Nacional en México RESUMEN: Este documento hace una breve revisión teórica sobre el concepto de salud mental y el concepto, fines y medios de... more
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      Social SciencesMental HealthNational SecuritySalud Mental
Aviram U. & Weyer, R.A. (1996).  Changing trends in mental health legislation: Anatomy of a civil commitment law reform.  Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 21, 771-805
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      Social WorkMental Health Legislation
La psychiatrie légale reste un domaine méconnu pour beaucoup de psychiatres algériens. L’absence de formation standardisée pendant la spécialisation et l’application sélective des lois dans la pratique ont renforcé la marginalisation de... more
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      Forensic psychiatryMental Health and the LawMental Health Legislation
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      LegislationMental Health LegislationMental Health ActAmendment
The Mental Health Act 2007 (NSW) permits detention and treatment of mentally ill persons without consent, in circumstances where the treatment is considered “necessary for the person’s own protection from serious harm” (s 14) and where... more
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      Mental health lawInvoluntary treament for mental illnessMental Health Legislation
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      PsychiatryHuman Rights LawHuman RightsMental Health