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Background Adequately understanding and measuring pathways to care is a prerequisite for early detection and effective treatment of first-episode psychosis. Method We conducted a systematic review of studies on pathways to care in... more
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      PsychiatryPsychosisRace and EthnicityMental health law
"Objective: To estimate the cardiovascular mortality among persons with bipolar disorder in Sweden compared to the general population. Design: Population register-based cohort study with a 20-year follow-up. Setting: Sweden.... more
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      Health DisparitiesMental Health DisparitiesMortalityLife Expectancy, Inequalities in Mortality, Lifespan Variation
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyHealth Psychology
No existing review has synthesized key questions about acculturation experiences among international migrant workers. This review aimed to explore (1) What are global migrant workers' experiences with acculturation and acculturative... more
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      Coping StrategiesHealth DisparitiesMental Health DisparitiesAcculturation Stress
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedical Sociology
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      Mental Health DisparitiesAfrican American HistoryExperiences and Contributions of Psychiatric Survivors
No existing review has synthesized key questions about acculturation experiences among international migrant workers. This review aimed to explore (1) What are global migrant workers' experiences with acculturation and ac-culturative... more
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      Coping StrategiesHealth DisparitiesMental Health DisparitiesAcculturation Stress
In dismantling normative assumptions in psychiatry that rely primarily on scientific explanations for "mental illness", this study undertakes an interrogation of "mental illness" as a product of persistent psycho-social stressors... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyPsychiatryGender Studies
Assaporare le cose buone, le diverse fasi della vita, l'armonia; sorridere, ridere con le persone care e gli amici, pathos verso chi è sfortunato; condividere uno spettacolo, stare insieme in luoghi di civile bellezza. Imparare un lavoro... more
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    • Mental Health Disparities
A significant care need for service commissioners and providers of services for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) is presented by people with behaviours that challenge and/or have mental health problems, and ageing people with an... more
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      Disability StudiesMental HealthAgingMental Health Disparities
Community-based participatory research bridges the gap between academic researchers and the real-life issues of communities and offers promise for addressing racial and ethnic disparities in mental health care. The purpose of this... more
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      NursingCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesCultural CompetenceHealth Disparities
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer/questioning (LGBTIQ) people have elevated mental health needs due to the additional stigma, discrimination and violence they experience. To serve LGBTIQ clients’ needs appropriately,... more
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      Mental HealthMental Health Service AccessDelphi MethodologyPsychotherapy and Counseling
Racial minority youth are disproportionally removed from their learning environment due to school discipline and placed in special education for emotional disturbance. These disparities continue to trouble families, educators, and policy... more
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      PsychologyEducationSpecial EducationDiversity
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      Social Determinants of HealthHealth DisparitiesMental Health DisparitiesSociology of Mental Health & Illness
Shaun Gallagher has actively looked into the possibility that psychopathologies involving “thought insertion” might supply a counterexample to the Cartesian principle according to which one can always recognize one’s own thoughts as one’s... more
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This chapter is theoretical and will briefly discuss the role of environmental epigenetics, and the vulnerability to physical and mental health-related disease passed down from the horrors of African slavery and what this racial history... more
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      SociologyHealth PsychologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesMental Health
Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBuddhismHistoryCultural History
The two decade history of the ASA Section on the Sociology of Mental Health has coincided with a period of tremendous resurgence in the study of how neighborhoods and local places contribute to mental health—a topic that has become a... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologySocial epidemiologyMental Health
The Health Disparities and Outcomes (HDO) model originally created to explain the complexity of obtaining healthcare in rural settings has been revised and updated using emerging theoretical models of adversity and inequity and two... more
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      Mental Health DisparitiesSecondary Data AnalysisMedicare
Sexual harassment has been theorized as a stressor with consequences for the physical and mental health of its targets. Though social scientists have documented a negative association between sexual harassment and mental health, few... more
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      Medical SociologyMental HealthMental Health DisparitiesLife course
A PhD studentship is available for UK and EU citizens only. The studentship will attract an annual tax-free stipend of £14,777 for up to 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress and will cover the UK/EU tuition fees. You should hold a... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyMedical SociologyHealth Psychology
Mortality in patients with schizophrenia is higher than in the general population. Mortality can be used as a criterion of effectiveness of care. From the National Finnish Hospital Discharge register, we identified all 18 006 patients... more
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      Mental HealthSchizophreniaMental Health DisparitiesMortality
What services and support do people with Intellectual disabilities who display behaviours that challenge and their caregivers require to meet their needs? What services and support do older people with learning disabilities and their... more
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      Disability StudiesMental HealthAgingMental Health Disparities
Objectives. We sought to understand how African American women's beliefs regarding depression and depression care are influenced by racism, violence, and social context. Methods. We conducted a focus group study using a... more
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      Participatory ResearchParticipatory Action ResearchDepressionFocus Groups
Objective. To determine whether (a) quality in schizophrenia care varies by race/ethnicity and over time, and (b) these patterns differ across counties within states. Data Sources. Medicaid claims data from CA, FL, NY, and NC during... more
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      Mental HealthMental Health Disparities
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      Disability StudiesMental HealthAgingMental Health Disparities
There is a growing debate on the linkage between social networking platforms and mental health disorder, such as depressive behaviour or depression. However, the relationship between Instagram use and depression or depressive behaviour... more
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      Mental HealthDepressionMental Health DisparitiesWomen
Background: Excess mortality among patients with severe mental disorders has not previously been investigated in detail in large complete national populations. Objective: To investigate the excess mortality in different diagnostic... more
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      Health DisparitiesMental Health DisparitiesMedicineMultidisciplinary
While there are high rates of food
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      Mental HealthHealth DisparitiesMental Health DisparitiesFood and Nutrition
What services and support do people with Intellectual disabilities who display behaviours that challenge and their caregivers require to meet their needs? What services and support do older people with learning disabilities and their... more
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      Disability StudiesAgingMental Health DisparitiesIntellectual Disability
African Americans experience mental health disadvantages relative to European Americans with respect to financial barriers, barriers to help seeking, and poorer quality services. This paper provides an overview of these mental health... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesMental HealthMental Health DisparitiesQuality of Mental Health Care
INTRODUCTION: Substantial racial/ethnic disparities exist in the identification and management of major depression. Faith-Based Health Promotion interventions reduce disparities in health screenings for numerous medical conditions.... more
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      Mental HealthPsychiatric EpidemiologyMental Health Disparities
Virtually the definition of attempted coherence in schizophrenia. Demonstrates many of the various characteristics of the paranoid type schizophrenic personality with subtlety and without exaggeration.
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      Organizational BehaviorNeurosciencePsychologyClinical Psychology
There is consistent evidence that the rate of emotional, social and behavioural problems found in children and adolescents in out-of-home placements or state care is substantially higher than that of children and adolescents living with... more
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      Health PsychologySocial WorkHealth PromotionChild and adolescent mental health
There is a growing debate on the linkage between social networking platforms and mental health disorder, such as depressive behaviour or depression. However, the relationship between Instagram use and depression or depressive behaviour... more
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      Mental HealthDepressionMental Health DisparitiesWomen
Drawing from Sorokin's hypothesis that socially mobile individuals are at greater risk of experiencing psychological distress than their non-mobile counterparts, we investigate whether intergenerational occupational mobility... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologyMental HealthMental Health Disparities
Objectives: Traditional mental health services are not used by a majority of older adults with depression, suggesting a need for new methods of health service delivery. We conducted a pilot study using peer mentors to deliver depression... more
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      Mental HealthMental Health DisparitiesCultural Psychiatry
Drawing from Sorokin's hypothesis that socially mobile individuals are at greater risk of experiencing psychological distress than their non-mobile counterparts, we investigate whether intergenerational occupational mobility influences... more
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      Medical SociologyMental HealthMental Health DisparitiesLife course
All multiracial societies have to grapple with the benefits versus the costs of the integration of minorities into majority communities. Indeed, in relation to the costs of integration, it could be argued that integration and assimilation... more
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      SchizophreniaRace and RacismSocial JusticeCultural Competency
Background Black and minority ethnic (BME) patients are disproportionately detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. There has been no systematic exploration of differences within and between ethnic groups, nor of the explanations put... more
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      PsychiatryPsychosisCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesSchizophrenia
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      NeurologyGeneral PracticeChild and adolescent mental healthMental Health
ADHD problem recognition serves as the first step of help seeking for ethnic minority families, such as Latinos, who underutilize ADHD services. The current mixed-method study explores underlying factors influencing recognition of ADHD... more
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      ADHDMental Health DisparitiesLatino mental health
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      PsychologyHealth PsychologySocial WorkHealth Promotion
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      Participatory ResearchParticipatory Action ResearchTrustDepression
The negative impact of unemployment on subjective well-being (SWB) is well known, but the role of age in this relationship remains unclear. We suggest that cumulative advantage (or disadvantage) associated with the duration of current... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsMental HealthSubjective Well-BeingIndustrial and Organizational Psychology
dillon t. Browne, Human development and applied Psychology, ontario Institute for studies in education, University of toronto; dominic Verticchio, Hamilton children's aid society; aron shlonsky, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of social Work,... more
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      PsychologyEconomicsHealth EconomicsChild abuse and neglect
Racial minority youth are disproportionally removed from their learning environment due to school discipline and placed in special education for emotional disturbance. These disparities continue to trouble families, educators, and policy... more
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      PsychologyEducationSpecial EducationDiversity
Setting: Sweden. Participants: The entire population of Sweden (n=10.6 million) of whom 17 101 persons were diagnosed with bipolar disorder between 1987 and 2006. Main outcome measures: Mortality rate ratios (MRR), excess mortality... more
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      NeurologyEpidemiologyMental HealthHealth Disparities
Clinicians recommend including carers or others in a supporting role in the therapy as an important adaptation of psychological therapies for people with intellectual disabilities. This nested qualitative study from a larger trial... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial WorkDisability Studies