Menstrual Cycle
Recent papers in Menstrual Cycle
A growing body of behavioral studies has demonstrated that women's hemispheric specialization varies as a function of their menstrual cycle, with hemispheric specialization enhanced during their menstruation period. Our recent... more
First published in 1988, this volume redefined the anthropological study of menstrual customs. Examining cultures as diverse as long-house dwellers in North Borneo, African farmers, Welsh housewives, and postindustrial American workers,... more
The role of gonadal hormones on pain sensations was investigated in normally menstruating women ( n = 16) using the cold pressor test. Tolerance time, pain threshold, and pain intensity were examined once a week during a 4-wk period, and... more
K E Y W O R D S: antral follicle count; in-vitro fertilization; ovarian blood flow; ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS); three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound ABSTRACT Objective To test the hypothesis that ovarian vascularity is... more
Although dysmenorrhea is a leading cause of gynecologic complaints among adolescents, its pathogenesis is incompletely understood. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of prostaglandins and leukotrienes in the pathogenesis... more
Some proponents of the pro‐life movement argue against morning after pills, IUDs, and contraceptive pills on grounds of a concern for causing embryonic death. What has gone unnoticed, however, is that the pro‐life line of argumentation... more
Context: Though adequate luteal hormone production is essential for establishing pregnancy, luteal phase deficiency (LPD) is poorly characterized among eumenorrheic women.
Surfactant protein D (SP-D) plays a role in innate immunity against various pathogens and in vivo studies have demonstrated that SP-D also has anti-in¯ammatory properties. SP-D was originally demonstrated in alveolar type II cells, but... more
The aim of this study was to see whether or not physiological hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle modulate normal aggressiveness in psychophysically healthy women. In 15 probands estrogens (E), progesterone (PROG) and free... more
Background: Levonorgestrel (LNG) 1.5 mg administered within 72 h of unprotected coitus is an established method of emergency contraception. Currently, there is some, although incomplete, knowledge about the mechanism of action. Methods:... more
In 1989,125 African-American and 123 European-American girls aged 12-14 years were enrolled in a 2-year study in which they maintained a menstrual calendar, recording the date and amount of menstrual bleeding. Weight, exercise, and stress... more
Objective: To understand the association between ovarian hormones, non-acute satiety hormones and craving calorie dense foods in the luteal phase. Methods: 17 premenopausal women, mean age 23.2 y, mean BMI 22.4 kg/m 2 with regular... more
Female northern muriquis (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) are known to engage in frequent copulations with multiple partners, a pattern that in other primates has been attributed to various functions such as confusing paternity, reducing male... more
Evidence suggests that spatial processing changes across time in naturally cycling women, which is likely due to neuromodulatory effects of steroid hormones. Yet, it is unknown whether crossmodal spatial processes depend on steroid... more
CD44 is a cell surface glycoprotein known to be a hyaluronate receptor, which functions in lymphocyte homing and cancer metastasis. We have previously shown that CD44 molecules are expressed in normal endometrial tissue. In this study we... more
Previous studies have suggested elevated estrogen production in tumour-bearing breast quadrants as well as in breast cancers versus benign tissue. Using highly sensitive assays, we determined breast cancer tissue estrogen concentrations... more
A collection of 100 period product advertisements (1920-2020) from Australian women's magazines. Exhibition venue: BSIDE Gallery, Level 1, 121 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, VIC AUST 3065 Exhibition dates: Saturday 27 March - Sunday 5 April... more
We designed this study to determine the effect of the menstrual cycle on the hemodynamic response to tracheal intubation (TI). Sixty-two ASA I women who were either in the follicular phase (group F, n ϭ 31) or luteal phase (group L, n ϭ... more
Objective. To determine the temporal and spatial expression of interleukins (IL)-13 and IL-15 in ovarian carcinoma compared to normal ovarian tissue.
Emotional upsets related to changes in ovarian hormones are highly prevalent and are responsible for psychiatric morbidity and mortality. Significant increases in acute psychiatric hospitalizations, suicidal activity, and other... more
Objective To propose the inclusion of a gynecological investigation during the evaluation of athletes before competitions, using a specific instrument called the Pre-participation Gynecological Examination (PPGE). Methods The study... more
Duration of the menstrual cycle was 48 ± 39 and 32 ± 7 days in girls with type 1 diabetes mellitus and controls, respectively. Oligomenorrhea (58.9% vs. 19.6%) and amenorrhea (10.7% vs. 1.8%) were more prevalent in girls with type 1... more
Influence of menstrual cycle phase on experimental pain sensitivity in women and on gender differences in pain sensitivity was examined in 48 men and 49 women in response to cold pressor, heat, and ischemic pain. Each woman was tested at... more
Muscular strength imbalance is an important risk factor for ACL injury, but it is not clear the impact of menstrual cycle on muscular strength balance. Our aims were to verify whether muscular balance (hamstring-to-quadriceps peak torque... more
Objectives: The popular herbal remedy St John's wort is an inducer of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A enzymes and may reduce the efficacy of oral contraceptives. Therefore we evaluated the effect of St John's wort on the disposition and efficacy... more
The levels of prolactin, FSH, LH, oestradiol and progesterone were measured daily during fourteen ovulatory cycles. The behaviour of FSH, LH, oestradiol and progesterone was classical. Non-systematic changes occurred in prolactin levels... more
The predominant form of oestrogen in the human body it is more abundant than oestrone and oestriol both in terms of serum levels and oestrogenic activity.
Objective: To create a genomic tool composed of a customized microarray and a bioinformatic predictor for endometrial dating and to detect pathologies of endometrial origin. To define the transcriptomic signature of human endometrial... more
Whiteside et al. [S.P. Whiteside, A. Hanson, P.E. Cowell, Hormones and temporal components of speech: sex differences and effects of menstrual cyclicity on speech, Neurosci. Lett. 367 (2004) 44-47] documented effects of menstrual cycle... more
A huge amount of knowledge about sleep has accumulated during the last 5 decades following the discovery of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Nevertheless, there are numerous areas of considerable ignorance. One of these concerns the... more
To examine the role of skeletal loading patterns on bone mineral density (BMD), we compared eumenorrheic athletes who chronically trained by opposite forms of skeletal loading, intensive weight-bearing activity (gymnastics, n = 13), and... more
We assessed changes in creatinine clearance during the menstrual cycle of normally cycling women.
Soccer is the most commonly played sport in the world, with an estimated 265 million active soccer players by 2006. Inherent to this sport is the higher risk of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) relative to other sports. ACL... more
Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the concentrations of testosterone, 17-b estradiol and progesterone between female patients with and without ACL rupture and the possible effect of these hormones on... more
Several studies reported a significant influence of ovarian hormone status on cognition and person perception. In particular, it has been stated that female mating preferences are shifted during the menstrual cycle. It remains, however,... more
This study investigated the effects of a triphasic oral contraceptive (OC) on mood and on sexual interest in a group of 45 women with premenstrual complaints. Subjects made daily ratings of mood and sexual interest for one baseline cycle... more
Context: LB03002 is a novel sustained-release GH preparation administered once weekly.
It is commonly believed that a disruption in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is responsible for the onset of menopause. Data exist to demonstrate that the first signs of menopause occur at the level of the brain (ageing) and in... more
Sex differences in human brain structure have repeatedly been described, but results are inconsistent. However, these studies hardly controlled for cycle phase of women or the use of hormonal contraceptives. Our study shows that these... more
Proprioceptive training has been shown to reduce the incidence of ankle sprains in different sports. It can also improve rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries whether treated operatively or nonoperatively. Since... more
Menstrual synchrony was examined in three groups of women: 1) mothers and their daughters; 2) women sharing a room in a private residence; and 3) women sharing a room in a dormitory. The intracouple difference in menstrual onset dates was... more
Medical therapy for women in the perimenopausal period is controversial, in part due to varying degrees of ovarian hormone secretion characteristic of this time of life. To extend our understanding of the reproductive endocrine milieu of... more