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      PorcelainMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at Dresden
English version, for German version see below: The dream of large-scale sculpture in porcelain in Meissen in the 1830s was not only fostered by personalities such as Elector Friedrich August I of Saxony and King of Poland, known as... more
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      PorcelainMeissen PorcelainJeff KoonsEuropean porcelain
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      Early Modern HistoryFood HistoryNobilityCourt history
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      Art HistoryDecorative ArtsMaterial CulturePorcelain
The evolution of early Meissen body, glaze and colorant compositions is examined using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) measurements on three artefacts that can be accurately dated to the period 1723-c.1740. The results are... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryMuseum StudiesEarly Modern History
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      History of CollectionsCourt historyPorcelainMeissen Porcelain
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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureSculptureDecorative Arts
century European porcelain essentially began with Siegfried Ducret, who published a series of articles on this subject as well as the first major print sources book, Keramik und Graphik des i8. Jahrhunderts: Vorlagen fiir Maler und... more
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      PrintsArchivesMeissen PorcelainMetropolitan Museum of Art
The book tries to trace back the origins of a joint East and West cultural identity. It describes the development of a Eurasian decor by analyzing the cultural interactions, the trading routes, the merchants, customers and the economics... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionSilk RoadEconomic history/Trade history/Oriental trade
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      Gift ExchangeHistory of DiplomacyMeissen PorcelainDiplomatic Gifts
Nevertheless, in the intervening twenty years and, indeed, in the process of cataloguing these pieces anew, we have been able to restore, amplify, or even reframe many of the individual narratives, and certainly this process will... more
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      Meissen PorcelainSaxon Court at DresdenJapanese PalaceAugust II the Strong
Porcelain and Ceramic Vessels of the Ottoman Period since very little has been published hitherto. An attempt was made to correlate loci with coarse ware with dated porcelain and/or glazed material. Tables and Plates The material is... more
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      Late Ottoman PeriodCeramics (Archaeology)PorcelainGrottaglie
The geotechnical properties lateritic soil sample was upgraded with pulverized porcelaintiles (PPT). Lateritic soil sample was obtained and its index, specific gravity and compaction property was determined along with its California... more
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      Soil ScienceSoil MechanicsSoil and Water EngineeringPorcelain
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      Women's StudiesHabsburg StudiesKunstkammerMeissen Porcelain
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      Diplomatic HistoryGift ExchangeThe Kingdom of NaplesHistory of Venice
In the years following World War II, more than 1400 art objects formerly belonging to the German-born banker Fritz Mannheimer (1890-1939) came into the possession of Dutch museums, especially the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum. Highlights of this... more
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      History of CollectionsDutch HistoryGerman Renaissance ArtNazism
This paper looks at how a new breed of European dog - the pug - was transformed into a cultural object during the eighteenth century. For the purposes of my argument I focus primarily though not exclusively on the pugs modelled by Johann... more
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      Decorative ArtsCeramics (Art History)European EnlightenmentDresden
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      Art HistoryChinese ArtHistory of ArtEnamel
The article discusses a number of Meissen porcelain objects on which fragments of arias from opera's by Johann Adolph Hasse are depicted. Some of these were sung by Faustina Bordoni. The article identifies the sources of some of these... more
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      OperaCelebrity CultureMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at Dresden
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      Decorative ArtsRace and RepresentationMeissen PorcelainEuropean porcelain
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      History of SculptureMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at DresdenPorcelain rooms
Marco Polo introdujo la porcelana china en occidente en el año1295. A finales del siglo XV, el control del comercio con Oriente, pasará a manos de los portugueses que abrirían la ruta hacia el Índico. A partir del siglo XVI se... more
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      PorcelainClasicismoRococo visual cultureMeissen Porcelain
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      HistoryGastronomyFood HistoryCourt Culture
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      TurquerieMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at DresdenMarchands-Merciers
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      European StudiesManufacturingEighteenth Century HistoryEuropean Union
Das dreihundertjährige Gründungsjubiläum der königlichen Porzellanmanufaktur Meissen ist der ideale Zeitpunkt für eine erneute Beschäftigung mit der Meissener graphischen Sammlung und ihrem Einfluss auf Johann Gregorius Höroldts frühe... more
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      PrintsMeissen PorcelainOrnament Prints
En el siglo XIX, y más aún en el periodo aquí abordado, la producción de Meissen (o en alemán Meißen) se caracteriza por la reproducción técnica según los modelos históricos del arte y de su propia historia. El elemento artístico original... more
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      Art HistoryDecorative ArtsPorcelainArtes
annuale studi originali, riguardanti la storia del Palazzo e le collezioni museali, e insieme rende nota l'attività del Museo nel campo della ricerca storica, della conservazione e dell'educazione. La rivista è coordinata e curata dallo... more
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      History of CollectingMeissen PorcelainEmanuele D'Azeglio
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      Meissen PorcelainDiplomatic Gifts
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      Art HistoryVisual CultureEighteenth Century HistoryPoland
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      Meissen PorcelainSaxon Court at DresdenRoyal Saxon-Polish Court
politan Museum is a Meissen porcelain standing cup and cover (Pokal in German) topped by a figure of Minerva and bearing the cipher of Queen Sophie Dorothea of Prussia (1687-1757) (Figures 1-4; see also Colorplate 5). Essentially a... more
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      DiplomacyBerlinPrussiaMeissen Porcelain
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      Meissen PorcelainCourt of SaxonySaxon Court at DresdenGalanterie
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      History of CollectionsEthnographic StudiesMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at Dresden
Sächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden, 10026, Geh. Kab. Loc. 366/6, Der verwittibt gewesenen Römischen Kayserin Amalia Wilhelmina Majt: Erb- und Verlassenschaft betr.: Anno 1742 (fols. 246-280). Inventarium über die Verlassenschafft weyl... more
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      History of ReligionHabsburg StudiesHistory of CollectionsCourt history
A selection of 50 red stoneware objects, polished, unpolished, partially polished or glazed, from different collections (D epartement du Patrimoine et des Collections de la Cit e de la C eramique, S evres, France; Art Institute of... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) SpectroscopyCeramics (Archaeology)Meissen Porcelain
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      Materiality (Anthropology)Art and InterpretationMethodology (Art History)Materiality of Art
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      Economic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpirePorcelainMaiolicaMeissen Porcelain
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      French HistoryMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at DresdenVincennes Porcelain
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      PorcelainDresdenMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at Dresden
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      Art MarketMuseum Collection historyProvenance researchCollectors and Collecting
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      History of CollectionsMeissen PorcelainSevresBrongniart
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      Food HistoryCourt historyMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at Dresden
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      Grand TourMeissen PorcelainDiplomatic GiftsFriedrich Christian, Crown Prince of Saxony (1722-63)
English version, for German version see below: The Jacobs Suchard Museum (today: Johann Jacobs Museum) opened its doors in December 1984. It is situated in a villa at an uniquely beautiful location at the shore of Lake Zurich. The... more
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      Meissen PorcelainDiplomatic GiftsSaxon Court at Dresden
Chinesische Porzellanmalerei
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      PorcelainMeissen PorcelainChinese Porcelain in Foreign CountriesChinese Porcelain
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      History of CollectionsMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at DresdenPorcelain rooms
The evolution of early Meissen body, glaze and colorant compositions is examined using X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) measurements on three artefacts that can be accurately dated to the period 1723–c.1740. The results are... more
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      Museum StudiesEarly Modern HistoryArchaeometryX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy