Meiji Japan
Recent papers in Meiji Japan
Translations of Shôrin Hakuen's "Rat Boy" (1913), chapter 2-3, and Kuroiwa Ruikô's "Wedlock" (1890) and "Electricity" (1890)
Inabata Katsutarô, qui a étudié à Lyon avec les frères Lumière, importe au Japon, en 1897, le Cinéma-tographe, un appareil qui permet à la fois l'enregis-trement et la projection. Il est accompagné de Constant Girel, bientôt rejoint par... more
Folding screens, known as byôbu in Japanese, are treasures within any museum’s collection and are beloved by the general public. This beautiful publication brings together the very finest screens from the world-renowned collections of the... more
Реформы эпохи Мэйдзи (1868–1912) затронули многие области жизни Японии. В это время складывается школа живописи в западном стиле, оказавшаяся противопоставленной традиционной живописи на идейном и институциональном уровне вследствие... more
Este trabajo se enfoca en los cambios sucedidos en la Revolución Meiji en el siglo XIX, realizando un especial hincapié en el panorama socio-económico así como sus relaciones con otras naciones que logran romper con todo lo establecido... more
In 1874-1875, hundreds of colorful nishiki-e (woodblock prints) pictorialized individual articles previously published in Tokyo's main daily newspapers. Because many prints foregrounded violent, sexual, and supernatural themes, they have... more
When emperor Meiji succeeded the throne at the age of 14, Japan was experiencing political chaos. The last shōgun Tokugawa Yoshinobu, a ruler with the will to reform the existing political system, was struggling to maintain his power and... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
初期アジア主義と中江兆民。日本の文明開化、ヨーロッパとアジアの創造 in Claude Hamon and Hirose Midori ed., 近代日本とアジア, 勉誠出版, 2016, pp.11-28.
This article challenges claims that the Japanese neologism shūkyō (as a translation for “religion”) lacked an established nature prior to the twentieth century and had little to do with experiences of the urban masses. It accordingly... more
This draft is to become a chapter of the book project "Judicial Reform in Taiwan: Institutionalising Democracy and the Diffusion of Law" (Neil Chisholm ed., Routledge, forthcoming). The project bears on Taiwan's judicial reform of 1999.... more
"An Observation on "Hanami Benten-zu" by Kawanabe Kyōsai: Another Commemorative Painting for Tatsu"[J], Kyōsai, Vol.120, Warabi: Kawanabe Kyōsai Memorial Museum, September 2016, 29-34. 「河鍋暁斎筆《見立七福神之内 花見弁天図》に関する一考察 ―... more
“Laughing Together: Kawanabe Kyōsai's Shunga” [J], Kyōsai, Vol.119, Warabi: Kawanabe Kyōsai Memorial Museum, May 2016, 33-38.
El arte en Japón, en origen, derivó del legado artístico chino. Con el tiempo, encontraron su propia identidad, desarrollando una producción japonesa per se, el yamato-e. Con la llegada de los portugueses a Kyūshū en el siglo XVI se... more
This paper analyzes the impact of Chinese culture on Japanese modern writer Mori Ōgai (actual name Mori Rintarō, 1862-1922), regarded by some as one of the prominent writers of the Meiji period (1868- 1912); the dissertation focuses on... more
A global study of the process in its entirety, from the rising of the Togukawa rule to the establishment of the 1889 constitution casts a doubt over the denomination of 'Restoration' when it comes to 1868. Is the Meiji rule a restoration,... more
This paper will investigate the background of the emergence of Wayo-secchu, by re-examining the rhetoric of the government-oriented early Meiji Western style architecture and Japanese traditionalisms reaction to it. I will elucidate the... more
The emergence of Modern architecture and landscape design corresponds with the end of the Meiji era (1868-1912) in Japan. This period saw Japan reopen its borders to the Western world and create a dynamic moment which fostered artistic... more
Chapter introductions for the exhibition "This Is Kyōsai! : The Israel Goldman Collection" (Tokyo Shimbun, 2017)
Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar de forma sucinta la historia de la literatura femenina japonesa desde el periodo clásico, conocido como era Heian (794–1185), hasta el periodo Moderno, cuyo final aproximado se da en la... more
During the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries the individual became the basic, self-contained unit of society whose interior life was increasingly privileged. This “inward turn” resonated with new forms of governance and... more
This thesis provides the first in-depth account in English of the life of Nakai Hiromu (1838-1894), a little-known samurai of the Satsuma domain who played a key role in the Bakumatsu/Meiji period of Japanese history, as well as... more
The woodblock print series Dai Nippon Bussan Zue, drawn by Utagawa Hiroshige III (1842–1894), was published by the Tokyo-based publisher Ōkura Magobei on August 10, 1877. Each printed sheet in the series contained a pair of illustrations... more
[For an abstract in English, please see below] Dopo una breve disamina che individua alcune linee concettuali considerate come l'origine della narrativa storica giapponese in epoca classica, l'articolo prende in esame la produzione... more
In Japan, marriage ceremonies prior to 1900 wedding of the crown prince used to be secular events, featuring some differences from the current matrimonial practice. This essay explores the Meiji era social engineering invention by looking... more
С японского перевел Арсений Тарасов. Редактировала Инна Микерина.
In 2015, the researcher Imaishi Migiwa discovered a group of Ainu religious implements called inaw イナウ in Shinto shrines in two coastal villages in Ishikawa Prefecture, some thousand kilometers from Hokkaido. Upon close examination, these... more
Diplomasi Jepang era Meiji dilatarbelakangi oleh pembukaan (kaikoku) Jepang terhadap dunia luar. Kebijakan politik diplomasi Tokugawa Ieyasu lah yang membuat Jepang menutup diri dari dunia luar. Hampir lebih dari 200 tahun menjalankan... more
On Rozsnyai’s “Speed master Japanese” In Hungary, as the 15th volume of self-study series “Rozsnyai gyors nyelvmesterei” (Rozsnyai’s Foreign language speed master series), the Rozsnyai publishing company has published “Japán /... more
An abstract of a paper given at an International Symposium "Meiji in the World History / Meiji for the World History", for 150th Anniversary of Meiji Restoration, held at International Research Institute on Japanese Studies... more
The underlying concern of this article is with the function and purpose of the normative imaginary of ‘China’, Chugoku (Zhongguo) or Chuka (Zhonghua) in the Japanese discourse up to and around the mid-nineteenth century; namely, how it... more
Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a política linguística japonesa na Era Meiji. Além disso, analisaremos qual a importância dessa intervenção estatal na língua, inclusive no corpus, para a revolução industrial... more
A Career of Japan is the first study of one of the major photographers and personalities of nineteenth-century Japan. Baron Raimund von Stillfried was the most important foreign-born photographer of the Meiji era and one of the first... more
Cet ouvrage est le premier à s’intéresser spécifiquement à l’histoire politique du Japon, depuis son ouverture au monde en 1853 à la catastrophe de Fukushima en 2011. Tout au long de cette période, le Japon fait figure de précurseur :... more
An abstract of a lecture given at the Kunsthistorisch Institut, Firenze on 18 May 2016
One phrase, one idea, one utterance, fanned the flames of revolution, shattered, and reconstructed the foundations of Japanese society; in under 100 years Japan日本 rose from feudalistic culture to world superpower. “Sonnou Jyoui 尊王攘夷 –... more
This essay examines gender symbolism in competing representations of nationalism in Meiji Japan. Through an analysis of contesting images of masculinity, it reveals how questions of national identity were articulated in the idiom of... more
This paper will examine the concept of jōi, or 'expelling the barbarian', by first considering the internal struggles within Japan, as well as foreign pressure from outside powers, and finally look at how these issues were dealt with by... more