This study focuses on a particular set of funerary monuments found in southern Arabia and often called boat or ellipse graves. Their distribution is noted throughout much of Dhofar, Oman, the Mahra Governorate of Yemen and Socotra. They... more
The ancient practice of megalithic erection and engraving on natural rock surfaces has left behind invaluable archaeological remnants that provide insight into the culture of past societies. In the North East region of India, some tribal... more
The Archaeological Department of India was instituted in 1862 with the appointment of A. Cunningham is the Director. And, Lord Argyll, the Secretary of State, realized that something substantial should be undertaken and possible only... more
The purpose of this work has been to place the West Swedish settlements, dated to the Late Palaeolithic, in a larger, continental context. One result of my studies is that it influences the established perception of these early hunters... more
Several stories exist of Sunlight in Newgrange's chamber before the reopening of the roofbox. reflected Sunlight on the backwall due to a wet passage floor could be possible in Newgrange. Mr Hickey was an enthusiastic guide before the... more
In: C. Giostra – E. Aspöck – D. Winger (Hrsg.), Fuerto e ritualità? Riaprire le sepolture nell’alto medioevo. VI Incontro Internazionale per l’Archeologia barbarica Milano, Università Cattolica (da remoto), 9 dicembre 2022. Archeologia... more
"Persistent Pastoralism: Monuments and Settlements in the Archaeology of Dhofar" offers a compelling exploration of the long-standing pastoralist traditions and their enduring impact on the cultural landscape of Oman. Through meticulous... more
Da alcuni anni esistono nuovi metodi di pubblicazione, con quelli l'autore definisce i diritti di pubblicazione per il suo lavoro. Una di questi metodi si chiama Creative Commons. L'autore si riserva alcuni diritti per il suo lavoro.... more
This article reports the finding of a menhir adorned with intricate cupmarks at Chhind Kalo, near Ambikapur airport in Chhattisgarh, India. This menhir, known as Thinthini Paththar for its acoustic qualities, provides valuable insights... more
The Social Archaeology of Megalithic Monuments The Social Archaeology of Megalithic Monuments by Colin Renfrew comprises the Archaeological works studying the various sites of Europe called Dolmens, Causeways, Long Barrows, and Henges in... more
An integrated study, comprising a GPR (ground penetrating radar) geophysical survey and UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) aerial photography, was applied to the study of the Chã Mourisca Neolithic mound, located in Ponte de Lima, NW Portugal.... more
Esta comunicación pretende dar a conocer los trabajos realizados por el proyecto Prado Castaño. Dicho proyecto ha realizado excavaciones en un dolmen del término municipal de Hernán-Pérez. Esta zona ha sido muy poco o nada estudiada y... more
The construction of megalithic tombs originated in the Neolithic. It created artificial scenarios that would have had a multiplicity of meanings beyond those related to death. The location of this type of structure seems to meet several... more
Institutionen för historiska studier Akademisk avhandling för avläggande av filosofie doktorsexamen i arkeologi vid Göteborgs universitet, som med tillstånd av humanistiska fakultetens dekanus kommer att offentligen försvaras fredagen den... more
This is the manuscript of a presentation given on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Société Archéologique du Finistère à Quimper, Château de Lanniron, le 1 Décembre 2023. It will be published in the conference-proceedings. The... more
This is awork of fiction. Ten stories inspired by archaeological sites and monuments. In a remote village in the Deccan, impoverished villagers resort to human sacrifice to coax treasures out of prehistoric dolmens; over the ages, an... more
Pulau Sumba sudah lama dikenal dengan tradisi makam megalitiknya yang dijumpai tersebar hampir di semua area di Sumba. Makam megalitik ini dibangun dari potongan-potongan batuan berukuran besar. Berdasarkan aspek geologi, penelitian ini... more
espanolSuperado el concepto tradicional del Megalitismo como el resultado de un proceso lineal en continua complejizacion, se muestra una imagen de un fenomeno desarrollado con periodicidad, determinado por �discontinuidades� ligadas a... more
This article traces the path of a Revival book to the Historical Museum of Isperih and examines the aspects of the Bulgarian-European relationship, reflected in its pages. G. S. Rakovski derives the origin of the Bulgarians from ancient... more
Ако ситуираме понятията "темпоралност" и "интерсубективност" в схемата на взаимна обусловеност или метафизична отрицаемост, несъмнено ще открием доста повече форми на органична и изначална несъвместимост. Въпреки това, тези два концепта... more
En este trabajo se realiza una propuesta metodológica para la detección de yacimientos arqueológicos pertenecientes a la Edad del Hierro en el Noroeste Peninsular a partir del empleo de la tecnología LiDAR. En la primera parte de este... more
Results from excavation work carried out at Mamoa d'Alagoa (Trás-os-Montes, Northeastern Portugal) in 2000-2001, are presented here. This is a megalithic monument, with chamber and other access structures-megalithic corridor, corridor... more
Pre-cairn activity was identified and light was cast on the structural sequence of the cairn. The validity of the current reconstruction is discussed. There are notes on `The pottery' by Audrey S Henshall (155--60) and `The flaked... more
Until today a detailed mapping of the megalithic structures from the 4th millenium BC in northern Europe seems a desideratum. The DFG-Priority Program 1400 “Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation” is currently working on the... more
The excavations of the cemetery groups at Balneaves, Loanleven and Park of Tongland facilitate an examination of many aspects of Bronze Age burial practices in Scotland. They are notable as much for the differences in burial ritual they... more
Sul numero 263 della rivista Coelum è stato pubblicato un mio articolo dedicato al tema dell'archeoastronomia in Sicilia.
This paper presents the results of a programme of archaeological and geophysical field investigation in the immediate environs of the great passage tomb and nearby medieval manorial village of Dowth in Co. Meath. Based on this fieldwork,... more
Resumo: Resultados da escavação da Mamoa 1 do núcleo do Alto da Portela do Pau (trabalhos de 1992). Este núcleo está na área de fronteira com a Galiza, em cujo território se encontra em parte, e nele foram já escavadas pelos autores, em... more
The Bronze Age barrow cemetery in Reznes was located on the right bank of the River Daugava on a paleoisland. In total, eight barrows have been recorded in the cemetery. Archaeological excavations took place in the 1930s, led by E.... more
Financial support for the meeting Mega-Talks 2 has been provided by the project Moving megaliths in the Neolithic (PTDC/EPH-ARQ/3971/2012), funded by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal) and the Municipality of Redondo... more
Archaeology is benefiting from fresh technological developments that are introducing new recording systems based mainly on 3D modelling. Innovative digital recordings are improving key aspects of archaeological practice, including... more
ABSTRACTPrevious research on the Neolithic cist graves of the Western Alpine region—also known under the term Chamblandes type graves—mostly focused on sites located in western Switzerland and eastern France. For the adjacent Aosta Valley... more
This paper presents and discusses the preliminary results of a small scale visualisation project as part of which the low-cost LiDAR scanner that now comes as standard with the iPad Pro was used in conjunction with both the Arctec Leo... more
Bitlis is located in an important region where the historical Silk Road passed through, and therefore it carries the traces of many civilizations throughout prehistoric and historical periods. One of these ancient civilizations is the... more
DIRk BRANDhERM, MIChAł kRuEGER & JOãO LuíS CARDOSO um novo método para a datação absoluta de ossos humanos cremados: a cabana 2 do Monte de São Domingos (Malpica do Tejo, Portugal) A new method for the absolute dating of cremated human... more
The inherently peculiar nature of megalithic architecture arises from the employment of large stone slabs that were frequently unmodified and unshaped. Subsequent studies of the megalithic slabs themselves have focused mainly on their... more
DIRk BRANDhERM, MIChAł kRuEGER & JOãO LuíS CARDOSO um novo método para a datação absoluta de ossos humanos cremados: a cabana 2 do Monte de São Domingos (Malpica do Tejo, Portugal) A new method for the absolute dating of cremated human... more
RESUMENEl culto a los muertos es una práctica documentada en el ser humano desde tiempos prehistóricos. Uno de los fenómenos funerarios que revisten mayor popularidad dentro de la Prehistoria Reciente es el megalitismo, desarrollado en... more
Os autores publicam um vaso de tipo Largo Bordo Horizontal pertencente à Fundação Sousa de Oliveira (Ponta Delgada, Açores). Embora de proveniência e contexto até ao momento desconhecidos, deverá ser oriundo do Noroeste peninsular,... more
Examensarbeten i Geologi vid Lunds universitet-Kvartärgeologi, nr. 206 Geologiska institutionen Centrum för GeoBiosfärsvetenskap Lunds universitet 2006 Dendrokronologisk undersökning av tallbestånds etablering, tillväxtdynamik och... more
A well-preserved burial, discovered during peat clearing on Langwell Farm in Strath Oykel, Easter Ross, consisted of a stone cist that held the skeleton of a woman who had died in 2200–1960 cal bc. Although the cist contents were... more