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      Football (soccer)Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationUrban StudiesBrazil
An analysis of the European Capitals of Culture in 2012 in Guimarães (Portugal) and Maribor (Slovenia), based on visitor and resident research. Contents Chapter 1: Researching the European Capital of Culture Greg Richards 3 Chapter 2:... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingArt Events--mass multi-art workshop composition eventsEvent Management
For many years there has been wide recognition of the economic impact that major sports events can generate in attracting visitors and event-related construction investment. This article seeks to provide a brief overview of the key... more
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      Tourism economicsEconomics of TourismMega EventsEconomic Impact
In the last few years, events have come to prominence as an important marketing communication tool. This book aims to provide conceptual models and instruments to manage effectively events to achieve communication goals through the... more
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      Events managementEventsMega EventsSponsorship
Les expositions universelles, une utopie touristique toujours d’actualité ? World’s Fair, The Renew of Touristic Utopia? ¿Exposiciones universales, una utopía turística siempre de actualidad? À travers les expositions universelles... more
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      MarketingGlobalizationMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationUtopian Studies
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      ManagementSociologyUrban PlanningMega Events
This paper offers a discourse analysis of media representations of para-athletes before, during and post Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games in print, broadcast and online sources with a view to influencing attitudes towards people with a... more
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      SociologySocial WorkDisability StudiesCritical Disability Studies
This article considers processes of urban development within the context of mega-event preparations in Rio de Janeiro. We begin with a brief overview of these development processes, highlighting their connections to political and economic... more
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      EconomicsMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationUrban StudiesBrazil
Special issue of the World Journal of Managing Events, volume 2, number 1, 2008.

Special issue on: The 2010 FIFA kick-off In South Africa: Red Cards, Fancy Footwork or Goals?
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      Event ManagementMega Event PlanningPoliticsSoccer
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      GovernanceMega EventsUrban DevelopmentOlympic Games
This edited volume offers a critical reflection on the failed experiment to redevelop the city of Rio de Janeiro according to the neoliberal strategy of entrepreneurial urban governance and mercantile regulatory transformations, which... more
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      PoliticsEducation for CitizenshipCitizenship And GovernanceUrban Transformation
Das e-Journal Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie ✔ steht als PDF-Datei (ca. 5-10 MB) stets internet unabhängig zur Verfügung ✔ kann bei geringem Platzaufwand gespeichert werden ✔ ist jederzeit abrufbar ✔ bietet einen... more
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      Event ManagementMega Event PlanningPolitical SciencePolitics
This is the final manuscript version of the essay published as: Gold, J.R. and Gold, M.M. (2017) ‘Olympic futures and urban imaginings: from Albertopolis to Olympicopolis’, in J. Hannigan and G. Richards, eds., The Handbook of New Urban... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesHuman GeographySports History
Si prega di non citare senza l'approvazione dell'autore.
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      Urban GeographyUrban PoliticsUrban StudiesMega Events
At USD $21 billion, the World Cup 2018 in Russia is on course to become the most expensive ever. Cost overruns at this early stage suggest, however, that the nal bill will be much higher: the price tag for the 12 stadia has already grown... more
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      Russian StudiesMega EventsWorld cup
Mega-events are not new, but in contemporary times they are increasingly being hosted in the Global South, and their resultant impacts and legacies are raising new challenges as to the rationale behind their organisation and the legacy... more
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      Mega EventsSustainable Tourism DevelopmentMega
Th is paper focuses on relationship between volunteer work and cultural participation. Volunteering is introduced as an important practice of cultural commitment. On the one hand, it has all the major features of contemporary cultural... more
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      Sociology of CultureSociology of SportThird Sector StudiesMega Events
Report on the research activities of the ATLAS Events Group for 2014, including the ATLAS Events Monitoring Project.
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      Event ManagementMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationEvents managementFestival Tourism
Häußermann und Siebel konzeptionalisierten 1993 mit der Festivalisierungsthese die stadtpolitische Instrumentalisierung von Großereignissen. Seither haben sich die Events und die theoretische Auseinandersetzung verändert. Hinsichtlich der... more
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      Urban GeographyEconomics of Football (soccer)Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationUrban Planning
Sport tourism events have grown in prominence globally. Governments increasingly include these activities into their development strategies. Notably, there are benefits and costs to host destinations. The 2010 Federation Internationale de... more
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      Sport TourismMega EventsFIFA World CupImpacts
The costs of hosting the FIFA World Cup have increased exponentially since the turn of the twenty-first century. While municipal and federal governments invested in stadium infrastructure for previous tournaments, such as Italy 1990 and... more
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      GeographyUrban PlanningBrazilMega Events
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      Mega EventsCity Branding
The analysis of the impact of mega events has included frameworks that evaluate different impacts under different criteria, for example, separating impacts according to whether they occur before, during or after the event itself. Analysis... more
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      Chinese StudiesTourism economicsMega EventsOlympics
Cities entered a global inter-urban competition for tourist dollars and conventions. They responded to their urban fiscal crisis by trying to remake themselves as places of fun (rather than danger or disorder), brand themselves to carve... more
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      Urban PlanningSecurity StudiesSecuritizationUrbanism
Purpose This article explores the effects generated by the Milan World Expo 2015 on both firm performance and seasonality structure. It aims to answer the following research question: Did the Milan Expo 2015 influence only hotel results... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementEvent ManagementEvents management
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      Cultural PolicyMega EventsOlympic GamesCultural management
A marketing event is an activity or a performance held by a company for branding purposes. It is usually planned well ahead of execution and with anticipated results. The process of staging such events is regarded as a part of event... more
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      Brand ManagementEvent ManagementEvents managementBrand Image
Events are becoming more complex as their range of functions grows, as meeting places, creative spaces, economic catalysts, social drivers, community builders, image makers, business forums and network nodes. Effective design can produce... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingFestivals and musicEvent Management
In the article, the author analyzes a specific type of mega-event, the festival. The purpose of the study is to compare two disparate types of opinion on the social, economic and cultural meaning and function of festivals. These opinions... more
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      CultureSociology of ArtMega EventsFestival
This study presents further results of a long-term monitoring programme on cultural and tourism development in the city of Sibiu. The programme was initiated by Ilie Rotariu and his colleagues from the Lucian Blaga University in 2001 with... more
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      Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationUrban RegenerationUrban StudiesCultural Tourism
Guimarães has hosted, during the year of 2012, one of the European Capital of Culture (ECOC). The evaluation of the event is needed as public, private and community funds are involved. The approach considers the tourists (domestic and... more
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      BusinessGeographyTourism StudiesEvent Management
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      Event ManagementSporting EventsEvents managementEvent marketing
▶ The book presents the role of festivals in relation to the urban spaces ▶ Provides the overview of the origins, history, and the main factors of festival development ▶ Presents the case study of the city of Lodz, Poland ▶ Provides a... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyUrban Geography
Hosting the Olympic Games demands the efficient and effective sequestration of public space across the city to stage official sports, cultural, and commercial activity. Specifically, this paper examines how fast-tracked urban development... more
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      ManagementMega EventsUrban SpaceSports Mega Events
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      Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationOlympics and OlympismMega EventsOlympic Games
Hosting sporting mega-events involve considerable investment in and significant engagement with local communities. This paper contributes to the burgeoning literature about sporting mega event’s socio-geographical impacts on tourism,... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyPerceptionTourism Studies
The subjective Quality of Life has often been related to leisure well-being, which depends on factors such as Arousal, Intrinsic satisfaction, Involvement, Mastery, Perceived freedom and Spontaneity (Unger and Kernan, 1983). Many of these... more
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      Event ManagementEvents managementEventsMega Events
This paper examines the confluence of global, regional, and national politics in the lead up to the 1991 Pan-American Games hosted by Cuba. Cuba’s contentious selection as host was wholly underpinned by the international politics of the... more
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      Sociology of SportInternational RelationsInternational StudiesCuban Studies
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHuman GeographyHistorical Geography
Can a temporary manifestation generate long-term knowledge effects in the host region? This paper attempts to answer this question by presenting evidence of knowledge spillover effects created by an Italian literary festival on the... more
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      Knowledge & Creativity ManagementClusters & NetworksEvent ManagementEvents management
Um dos marcos dos Jogos Olímpicos do Rio foi o compartilhamento de memes e piadas nas redes sociais online, com vários deles sendo destaque entre os tópicos mais comentados em redes como o Twitter, por exemplo. Assim como durante a Copa... more
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    • Mega Events
Events and festivals have become increasingly important policy tools for cities and regions. They are able to produce a wide range of externalities, including economic impacts, image change, social capital and cultural regeneration. All... more
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      Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationSporting EventsEvents managementFestival Tourism
The marketing of cities has become a major industry in recent years. Just like other countries, regions and places all over the world, cities are busy trying to put themselves on the map and to create an attractive image for themselves.
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      Event ManagementEvents managementBrand ImageEvents
While a mega-event is scheduled at least once every year somewhere in the world, these events are rare occurrences for the host cities and countries. The benefits of such events seem lucrative; the very fact that many countries bid to... more
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      CricketRugby UnionMega EventsTourism
The online article - aimed towards university students across the globe - relates Joseph Nye's concept of 'Soft Power' to Qatar's acquisition of the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
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      SociologyInternational RelationsMiddle East StudiesPolitics
The rapid diffusion of themed-sport areas as legacies of mega-sporting events is a phenomenon gaining growing attention worldwide. An example of this is offered by the city of Doha. On the occasion of the 2006 Asian Games, the capital of... more
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      Urban RegenerationMega EventsQatar DohaCity and Sports
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      Critical TheoryAnthropologyMobility/MobilitiesMigration mobilities
In recent years, festivals have been increasing their prominence as a medium for endorsing local development, promoting tourism and improving city image. Subsequently, festivalisation of culture has become a growing phenomenon that not... more
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      Event ManagementCultural TourismEvents managementFestival Tourism
Events can be differentiated into many types based on the category, size and domain such as public events which has a big number of audience and participants or private events which revolve around the primary interest of individuals,... more
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      Event ManagementMega Event PlanningMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationBrazilian History