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Luke, D. P. (2012). Psychoactive substances and paranormal phenomena: A comprehensive review. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 31, 97-156. This paper investigates the relationship between psychoactive substances and... more
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The Seven Seals of medieval Islamic magic, which are believed to constitute the Greatest Name of God, also feature in Jewish Kabbalah from the same period. While many Seal symbols make sporadic appearances in early Islamic amulets bearing... more
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After the table levitated, what hapened next? Dr Leo Ruickbie details his recent experience of a seance with Kai Mügge and the Felix Circle.
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      ParapsychologyParanormalSpiritualismPsychical Research
This article performs a strange comparison to question the very applicability of the “burden of proof” to both subaltern mediums and scientists. I look at the problem of proof not only in the field of subaltern spiritual work, but also in... more
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      ReligionAnthropologyMedia StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Kasenian réak is a regional variant of the Javanese horse dances from Bandung, Indonesia. Commonly known in the archipelago as jaranan, kuda lumping or jathilan, the Javanese horse dances are a group of ceremonial musical performances... more
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      TaxonomyIndonesiaSpirit Possession (Anthropology)Supernatural Beings
The importance of fire in human evolutionary history is widely acknowledged but not fully explored. Fires involve flickering light, crackling sounds, warmth, and a distinctive smell. For early humans, fire may have extended the day,... more
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4. President’s Letter New SPR President, Prof. John Poynton, asks whether the tide has turned for psychical research. 6. The Medium Dr Leo Ruickbie talks to Kai Mügge about his life and work as a physical medium, including the... more
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      ParapsychologyGhostsCultural History Of GhostsHistory of psychical research and parapsychology
How can psychologists explain strange experiences such as hallucinations or unusual beliefs in ghosts and angels? This compelling introduction aims to uncover how and why such beliefs occur, exploring explanations based on different... more
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      PsychologyParapsychologyAnomalistic PsychologyAltered States of Consciousness
Communication with the dead is not characteristically associated with the Pre-Raphaelites. However, lodged in the Rare Books Collection of the University of British Columbia is a remarkable diary kept by William Michael Rossetti. It... more
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      Victorian StudiesVictorian cultural studiesVictorian ArtSpiritualism
We read with great interest the editorial by Krüger (2020) in which she provides a review of some of the cultural aspects of dissociation and trauma. We especially appreciate her call for the study of the “entire spectrum of dissociation”... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCultural PsychologyStudy of Religions
This research explores performer as medium, and more broadly, performance as a practice connecting past already lived experience, and the present. It is centred in the experience of my solo performance practice that is philosophically... more
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      ArtPerformance StudiesPerformance ArtSite-Specific Art and Performance
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      SemioticsReligionNew Religious MovementsParapsychology
Talk given at the Exploring the Extraordinary conference, York, UK, September 2010. In this presentation I introduce the work of the non-professional English medium, Lady Cynthia Sandys, who published several books and pamphlets in... more
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      Ethnography (Research Methodology)Afterlife studiesTranspersonal StudiesMediumship
Geist- oder Wunderheiler, schamanische, spirituelle oder mediale Heiler: Viele von ihnen verstehen sich als vermittelndes Medium, um mit zumeist unsichtbaren Kräften, Strömen oder Wesen auf Hilfe suchende Klienten einzuwirken. Ehler Voss... more
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      EmbodimentShamanismNeoshamanismEthnography of Religion
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      Arthur Conan DoylePsychical ResearchMediumshipPsychical (Psi) Research With An Emphasis In the Survival Hypothesis
The reasons why I wrote this book and what you will find inside
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsSociology of ReligionInternational Relations
As I sat in a darkened séance room, holding the hands of my neighbours and singing along to popular songs on a cassette recorder, I felt a mixture of foolishness and nervous expectation. Neither 'believer' nor 'sceptic' I was open to... more
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      AnthropologyFolkloreOntologySocial Sciences
4; 395 Anthropological Theory Rane Willerslev spiritual knowledge and dreaming
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The Brazilian Spiritualist Christian Order Vale do Amanhecer (Valley of the Dawn) is the place where the worlds of the living and the spirits merge and the boundaries between lives are regularly crossed. Drawing upon over a decade of... more
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      Psychological AnthropologySocial AnthropologySelf and IdentitySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Il presente articolo vuole essere un contributo alla comprensione del discorso dottrinale di Jane Roberts (1929Roberts ( -1984, e ad una valutazione della sua originalità da un punto di vista storico. Sebbene l'influenza della Roberts sia... more
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      ParapsychologyWilliam JamesHistory Of PsychologyMediumship
The temples of the Vale do Amanhecer (Valley of the Dawn) in Brazil and across the world are intended as 'spiritual emergency units' where mediums and their spirit guides provide patients with free assistance for health, relational,... more
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      Medical AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEnergy HealingMedical Anthropology/ antropología médica
Global Tribe explores the visionary arts dance movement of psytrance, which has mushroomed globally since its beginnings in Goa in the 1970s/1980s. Based on extensive international research, as the first detailed work on psychedelic... more
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In this essay, I express my concerns about how one of our own has been treated by supposed scientists. The essay borders on a rant and is certainly a personal opinion that may not be shared by the editors. Please read with discernment.... more
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      ParapsychologyEthicsResearch EthicsBest Practices
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In this book Professor Stafford Betty pulls together the best evidences for survival of death. The very best, he maintains, come from psychical research. The near-death experience, deathbed visions, reincarnational memories of little... more
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      Death StudiesAfterlife studiesSpirit Possession (Anthropology)Near-Death Experiences
It is one of the fundamental questions that everyone will ask themselves, but in an age of global pandemics, with the increasing challenge to once universal religious certainties and the growing partisan stranglehold on information, the... more
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      Sociology of ReligionPsychologyParapsychologyHistory of Religion
In the last 150 years, a number of scientists, medical doctors, and other highly qualified investigators have diligently collected a wide variety of data pointing to the continuing existence of some portion of human consciousness after... more
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      ParapsychologyAfterlife studiesDreamsNear-Death Experiences
Resumo: Durante pesquisa de campo etnográfica, pude registrar que os filhos de Oxalá da Casa de Pai Joaquim concebem a Umbanda como uma religião‑ciência. Asseveram também que grande parte de seu conhecimento não está nos livros, pois é... more
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      ParapsychologyAnomalistic PsychologySpiritualitySpirit mediumship
On Saturday 22 nd June 2013 I attended a one--day conference in London organised by the Spirit Release Forum, DVDs of the talks are available from the Spirit Release Forum website, but the following comments are... more
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      GhostsSpiritualismSpirit Possession (Anthropology)Healing and Religion
This article describes constructions of dybbuk, the Jewish variant of spirit possession, and its roots in sixteenth-century Kabbalist thought. Based on the analysis of documented early cases, this paper examines the possession idioms from... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionParapsychologyAnthropology
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsSociology of ReligionChinese Studies
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsParapsychologyAnthropology
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      ReligionComparative ReligionParapsychologyAnthropology
In the movement known as Spiritualism, successful performances of "mental mediumship" are rarely smooth. At services held by the Canberra Spiritualist Association, mediums attempt to provide evidence of life after death by describing a... more
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[California Dreamin'. The Invention of Neoshamanism as a Mediumistic Trial of the 20th Century] Mediumism ― i.e. the testing of the capabilities and potentials of technical media and human mediums — was throughout the extended 19th... more
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      ShamanismSpiritualismNeoshamanismMircea Eliade
This essay explores some of the theoretical repercussions of the debate concerning the growth-oriented dimension of the personality that took place in the late nineteenth-century psychologies of transcendence. The... more
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      Altered States of ConsciousnessJungian psychologyJungian psychology (Religion)William James
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      DivinationSpiritismMediumshipHilma af Klint
The Psychical Research Foundation was formally established in 1961 as an organization devoted to the scientific study of phenomena related to the issue of survival of bodily death. From the time of its inception up until his passing in... more
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This report is about events at Shona Traditional Gatherings as revealed in a study carried out between 2005 and 2009 in Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, and Mashonaland East Provinces of Zimbabwe. People take part in such gatherings... more
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Abstracts (English and Russian) : Strong ritual ties are characteristic of early stages of epics in general (Zhirmunsky 1985; Putilov 1997) and of Philippine epics in particular (Manuel 1963). The hudhud has been repeatedly claimed to... more
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      LanguagesReligionComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
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In central Thailand, a flamboyantly turbaned gay medium for the Hindu god of the underworld posts Facebook selfies of himself hugging and kissing a young man. In Myanmar’s largest city Yangon, a one-time member of a gay NGO dons an... more
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      BuddhismGender StudiesQueer StudiesSoutheast Asian Studies
Borneo used to conjure up images of lush tropical forest and bloodthirsty headhunters. During the last two decades, however, the island’s claims to fame have been linked to pervasive environmental concerns: Sarawak’s nomadic Penan groups... more
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      ReligionEconomic SociologyParapsychologyGeography
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsParapsychologyVeterinary Medicine
En este artículo se revisan las características generales del espiritualismo trinitario mariano en México.
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyCuranderismoMediumshipReligión En México